Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 95 Please continue the torture

Chapter 95 Please continue the torture

"Is there any follow-up plot for Niu Daren and Ye Cuihua? So they failed to run away and were caught by the Great Elder. Now they are imprisoned in the Secret Realm of Huanyu? What is the Secret Realm of Huanyu?"

Lu Chaoding thought for a moment, then strode towards Ying Xunhai.

Since there is a system prompt, I guess this great elder will not take action casually.

"Junior Lu Chaoding, I will give you a chance to explain and answer my questions. If you cannot give a reasonable answer, I will convict you of colluding with foreign enemies, treason and rebellion!"

Ying Xunhai glanced at Lu Chaoding from a distance, and spoke first without delay.

At the same time, Lu Chaoding received a system prompt: "Trigger the plot mission and accept the torture of Xunhai elder Ying Xunhai. If Ying Xunhai gives up punishing you, you will be rewarded with +100000 cultivation level, and the subsequent plot will start!"

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system prompts, update the tracking mission, torture the patrol elders x 100000, if you give up the punishment and patrol the sea, the reward will be +0 cultivation, and the subsequent plot will start!"

After the system prompt sounded, the patrol elder Ying Xuanhai, who seemed aloof and waiting to torture Lu Chaoding, suddenly frowned, then stood up with a blank look on his face, flicked his sleeves, and looked at Lu Chaoding coldly. He said: "Huh, if you have anything to ask, just ask. I will only answer your [-] questions. I hope you can spare me and not punish me!"

"What the great elder said is so majestic and domineering!"

Lu Chao said sincerely that this is really magical!
The great elder was originally supposed to be interrogating himself, but now it was actually tampered with to interrogate him. Depending on the situation, he would have to ask him a hundred thousand questions.

"One hundred thousand questions, one hundred thousand why? What a ridiculous task!"

Lu Chaoding thought for a while and asked, "Who are you?"

"I am the Sea Patrolling Elder of Dajian Sect, and I am also the first elder. I should patrol the sea!"

"who am I?"

"You are the entry-level disciple of our sect, Lu Chaoding!"

"What are you doing?"

"I am guarding the restricted area to prevent Ye Longxing from escaping!"

"Don't you know that Ye Longxing has run out?"

"I don't know!"

"Do you know now?"

"I don't know!"

"I told you and you still don't know?"

"I don't know!"

"Well, can you beat Ye Longxing?"

"I am not his opponent! But with me sitting here, and the restraints left by Master, it is enough to suppress him and prevent him from escaping!"

"Who is your master?"

"The Supreme Elder Dao Zangkong!"

"Dao Zangkong? Can he beat Ye Longxing?"

"The two have similar strength, they are equal!"

"where is he?"

"He has been reincarnated!"

"Reincarnation?" Lu Chaoding paid silent attention and continued: "Who is he reincarnated as?"

"Niu Daren!"

"Huh? Isn't Niu Daren his heir?"

"No! Niu Daren is actually the reincarnation of Master!"

"Haha, this senior brother is really not simple... What will happen if Ye Longxing breaks the restriction and meets Niu Daren?"

"If the old devil breaks through the restriction, no one will be able to defeat him on this Tianxing Island. I will follow Master's instructions and transfer all my life's skills to Niu Daren, which should allow him to obtain 200% of Master's strength. I think it will be enough Fight against Ye Laomo, who has been suppressed here for [-] years!"

"This should be the original plot. The Great Elder sacrifices himself for others. I admire you!"

"No need to flatter me, let's continue the torture!"

"Can't you change your tone? You must know that you are being tortured now!"

"Humph! I always talk like this!"

"You're awesome!" Lu Chao thought for a moment and then said, "Does Ye Longxing have anything to do with Ye Linlang and the Ye family in Tiancong Prefecture?"

"Ye Longxing is Ye Linlang's grandfather. He was once the head of the Ye family in Tiancong Prefecture!"

"I see, why are they being suppressed here?"

"He is cruel and murderous and has done many evil things. I, the Great Sword Sect, suppressed him to eliminate evil for the world!"

"Why didn't you just kill him before?"

"Can't kill!"

"Why can't it be killed?"

"It just can't be killed!"

"There must be a reason, right?"

"If I say you can't kill me, I won't kill you!"

"Okay, you are awesome, you will do whatever you say! Are Niu Daren and Ye Cuihua imprisoned in the secret realm of the world by you?"

"Not bad!"

"What is the secret realm of the world?"

"It's my secret cultivation realm, you can think of it as my exclusive cave!"

"Yeah, you also have your own cave? Can you please let Niu Daren and Ye Cuihua out for my sake?"

"You are just an entry-level disciple, what face do you have?"

"I'm just an entry-level disciple, and now I'm still interrogating you!"

"Please continue the torture! Otherwise you and I will have to fight!"

"Well... your Great Universe Shattering Void Divine Sword is pretty good, can you teach it to me?" "Impossible!"

"Where can I get the skill book?"

"This sect's supreme secret knowledge must not be obtained by your mere entry disciples!"

"There is a Niu Daren hidden in this forbidden area, do you believe it?"

"Do not believe!"

"How many more questions do I have to ask?"


"This sand sculpture mission has [-] questions, and you have to ask them all the time!" Lu Chaoding shook his head and sighed, and then asked: "Is there a big treasure chest hidden in Big Sword Poxu Mountain, or a secret realm or something like that?"

"I don't know!"

"I don't know? Is your great elder qualified for his job?"

"Bold, I am incompetent for my job. Is it something that a mere entry disciple like you can discuss?"

"Have you had breakfast yet?"

"Hmph, I have long since gone away from the grain, and am eating the rosy clouds and drinking the qi!"

“Ten thousand plus ten thousand equals tens of thousands?”

"Hmph, it's equal to twenty thousand!"

"Twenty thousand plus twenty thousand equals how many thousand?"

"Equal to forty thousand!"

"Forty thousand times forty thousand equals how many thousand?"

"Equal to 16!"


"What's wrong? You, a mere disciple, dare to question me!"

"Okay, you are an elder, you are right! Do you know the Flying Insect Sword?"

"Never heard of it!"

"Where's the Flying Dragon Sword?"

"Mortal little sword!"

"How much health do you have?"

"500 million!"

"What's the attack power?"

"fifty thousand!"

"What about the speed?"


"What's the secret skill?"

"Hunyuan Sword Body!"

"How many stars, what effect?"

"Five stars, restores fighting spirit during non-wartime, and can use combat skills or stunts first!"

"What are your combat skills?"

"Sword and Thunder Realm!"

"What's the trick?"

"The Great Universe Shattering Void Divine Sword!"

"Can I stop interrogating you?"

"Bold, you are just an entry-level disciple. If you don't continue to torture me, I will have no choice but to fight you!"

"What kind of loot will you drop if you are killed?"

"Hmph, how do I know this kind of question?"

"If I hit you now, will you fight back?"

"That's natural!"

"What would you do if I fired a tank at you from 200 meters away?"

"I will fight back and beat you to death!"

"Your answer makes me dissatisfied. If I don't spare you, what will you do?"

"I will take action and beat you to death!"

"What if I spare you?"

"I will take action and throw you into the secret realm of the world, and teach you to work in the secret realm for ten days, and then we will talk about the rest."

"Is there no other ending?"

"Yes, if you are stronger than me, you will naturally not be punished!"

"No matter what, we have to fight!" Lu Chaoding shook his head. He released the saber-toothed tiger tanks and Daxuan ships, 200 meters away from the great elder Ying Xuanhai, and shouted: "The great elder knows the sword technique of falling from the sky!"

Ying Xunhai still answered unhurriedly: "I don't know!"

"Then let me show you the mighty Tianlong!"

Lu Chaoding didn't have the patience to ask a hundred thousand questions. With a thought in his mind, the martial arts cannon in the Nut Secret Realm was activated.

The clouds and mist in the sky dispersed, and the mighty dragon descended from the sky, like a cannonball, directly hitting the stone gate of the forbidden area.

(End of this chapter)

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