Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 96 Invite the Great Elder to go on the road

Chapter 96 Invite the Great Elder to go on the road

The mighty Tianlong came to the world and launched four attacks in succession.

The damage is maxed out, up to 312000!

This is an attack from a martial art cannon and will not pull Ying Patrol Sea into the battle space.

But Lu Chaoding also launched a sword attack at the same time.

Swish, swish, boom, boom, boom...

Fireworks rose and the earth shook. When the powerful Tianlong flew into the sky, Ying Xunhai was also pulled into his exclusive "Nut Secret Realm" battle space by Lu Chaoding.

Of course, the "Nut Secret Realm" at this time is just a skin.

The Feixue suit also showed its effect. The battle space seemed to be experiencing a severe winter, with the cold wind howling and the ice and snow like flying needles.

Lu Chaoding couldn't see Ying Xunhai's attribute information, he could only see his health bar and toughness bar. At this time, his toughness bar was empty, and his health bar was reduced by about one-tenth. There was smoke coming from his body, and he was anxious. He was swatting to extinguish the fire, looking a little embarrassed, with a look of shock and anger.

"The resilience has been broken, but it has not returned to its original shape..."

At this moment, Lu Chaoding took his time and made the [Black Saber-toothed Tiger] transform into the form of a saber-toothed tiger.

He has already asked for Ying Xuhai's attribute information. His speed is as high as 200, which is considered very high. However, with the Feixue suit slowing him down by 50%, his speed is only 100 after entering the battle space.

At this moment, Lu Chaoding has double costumes and rides the six-star [Black Sword Shihu] with a speed of up to 229. Even if the [Multiple Treasures Trait] fails, the [Magical Awareness] in the second costume column will fall out. His speed is also 209, which is 109 higher than Ying Xunhai. He can escape from the battle through [Master of Escape].

Therefore, Lu Chaoding felt that as long as he attacked first and pulled the great elder into the fighting space, he would have no chance of losing.

"The torture is not over yet..." The great elder Ying Xunhai shouted at Lu Chaoding, "How dare you attack me!"

"Nonsense, torture and interrogation, of course I'm asking questions while beating him!"

Lu Chaoding tensed his shoulders and asked him to ask Ying Xunhai a hundred thousand questions. How could that be possible?

At this time, the preparation time was not over yet. Lu Chaoding took a look at his current attribute information. The Super Sword was now in the first equipment column, and the Taiyi Light Sword was in the second attribute column. His total attack power reached 7276!

In addition, the [Qinglian] characteristic is effective at this time, and Lu Chaoding's fighting spirit is as high as 38 points!
Soon, Lu Chaoding ushered in his first round!
"Great Elder, be careful, I have a move called Sword Immortal Twelve Hate!"

As he spoke, Lu Chao raised his big black knife, and 116 mechanical missiles more than one meter long with flames spraying from their tails were immediately arranged in order above his head.

"I hate that the power of heaven cannot be released!"

As soon as six consecutive characters floated above Lu Chao's head, those mechanical missiles began to launch in a whoosh.

"-17462! Shen Lian! Critical hit with riding slash! Kick back with riding slash!"

"-8731, Shen Lian!"

"-4365, lightsaber, Shen Lian!"

"-4365, lightsaber, Shen Lian!"




"-58117, flame blast!"

"-174652, second blast!"

In the light of the fire, the great elder Ying Xunhai was blown to the ground, and his face became very ugly.

Lu Chao's sword directly knocked out 349004 points of his health, causing his health bar to shrink again.

But this was just Lu Chaoding's first strike, and his round was far from over.

"The second hateful place is hard to find!"

"Three Hates Magic Sword is disadvantageous!"

"Four hates that fashion is too ugly..."

Lu Chaoding's [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hate] has been raised to LV9, and the big characters on his head are all the way to "Nine Hate Gold Yuan Too Little". He took nine shots in a row, blowing up the great elder Ying Xunhai nine times in a row. Second-rate.

During these nine attacks, the [Duobao] feature was very powerful and took effect throughout the entire process, causing Lu Chaoding's total damage in this round to exceed 314 million!
Great Elder Ying Xunhai's health bar has approached one-third!

Moreover, he was repelled by Qizhan 9 times, and his mileage regressed by 270%, which is equivalent to regressing 2.7 laps!
"Six-star land, plus five-star super beast, this damage is really explosive, I must be too strong, hahahaha!"

Lu Chaoding felt so excited that he couldn't help laughing. He laughed, his robe fell off, and the torn sack on his back fell off, but he didn't care and raised the big black knife again. "Great Elder, do you know how powerful I am?" Lu Chaoding deliberately provoked.

"Hmph, you are just a beginner disciple, how dare you, how dare you..."

The great elder Ying Xunhai said "How dare you" several times, but he couldn't continue.

In this situation, aren't you about to be beaten to death?
This NPC's IQ did not allow him to continue to be arrogant. His face darkened and he said: "I didn't expect that our Great Sword Sect would have such a monster like you. Alas... I now believe that you have not colluded with foreign enemies. With your strength, there is no such thing." This is necessary! Lu Chaoding, I still have my destiny, you...can you hold your hand high, stop attacking, and then continue to torture me? "

"Great Elder, are you begging for mercy?"

"Forget it! You just need to torture me 99949 more questions, and then forgive me!"

"I think I'd better kill you!"

"Killing me won't do you any good! If you kill me, Ye Longxing will be able to get out of trouble, and you won't be able to die a happy death!"

Lu Chaoding was not in a hurry to take action at the moment. He asked slightly curiously: "I am so strong, how can I still not defeat Ye Long?"

"Humph, I'm an ignorant young man who doesn't know the heights of the world. Ye Laomo has an immortal body and can also transform into a sword ghost. How can you deal with it?"

When Lu Chaoding heard this, he nodded. He agreed with what the great elder said!
He is an assassin now, with high attack and weak defense. He can restrain the great elder Ying Xunhai by relying on the game mechanism. However, if he encounters a target with special abilities, even if his strength is not as good as Ying Xunhai, it is still possible to counterattack him.

For example, the Weeping Angels have the ability to resurrect. They can take action immediately after resurrecting, and it is not surprising to kill themselves at once.

"What the great elder said makes sense, but unfortunately I am not a person who is hesitant. Once I have made a decision, I will not change it easily. So, please go ahead, great elder!"

Lu Chao's top attack was still the ultimate trick [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hate].

He no longer cares what the great elder Ying Xunhai says, he will show no mercy when he takes action.

After four sword strikes, the great elder Ying Xunhai's health bar was empty. He half-knelt on the ground with disheveled hair and a look of sorrow and anger. He suddenly laughed and looked up to the sky and said: "There will be a time, there will be a place, my master Dao Zangkong will come again. Hongchen, discuss swords in this world!"

After saying this, he raised his eyebrows, opened his mouth and spit out a golden ball of light the size of a grape.

"Go find Niu Daren!"

After saying the last words to the light ball, the great elder lowered his head and died completely. His body turned into white light and slowly dissipated.

A treasure chest slowly condensed out!

At this time, the battle space was not broken yet. Lu Chaoding watched the ball of light flying higher and higher in the wind and snow, and soon disappeared.

"Ding, system announcement: Player Lu Chaoding kills the Great Elder and patrols the sea. The plot of Tianxing Island advances and the Great Sword Gate is opened!"

"Ding, you killed the great elder Ying Xunhai, and the secret realm of the world was transformed into a special plot secret realm. Please explore it yourself..."

At this moment, Zhao Weike and others who were rushing towards Dajian Poxu Mountain were stunned.

"Damn it, why did Brother Ding kill the great elder!"

"The AI ​​is just unreliable. If we don't fight Ye Lao Mo but the Great Elder, doesn't this mean we're missing another important combat force against Ye Lao Mo?
"By the way, aren't you surprised that Brother Ding was able to kill the great elder?"

"He already drives a tank and flies a plane. What's so surprising?"

"Zhao Skirt, do you know the secret realm of Huanyu? How to get in?"

"I've never heard of this before. It's just a secret plot. I don't think there's anything good in it!"

"Let's go, go to the back mountain, maybe there is a treasure in the forbidden area!"

These people walked in a hurry, and in the forbidden area behind the mountain, behind the stone gate, Niu Daren, who was sitting cross-legged on a black lotus, slowly opened his eyes.

A golden ball of light flew in front of him.

"This is……"

Niu Daren squinted his eyes, his expression became extremely serious, as if facing a formidable enemy, and said in a deep voice: "You have found the wrong person, my name is Ren Daniu, not Niu Daren, you go find Niu Daren... Oh, Niu Daren seems to have been beaten to death by me, what should I do?"

He stood up and backed away cautiously, but the ball of light kept following him.

"Don't come here. I am Ren Daniu now. I have nothing to do with Niu Daniu, and I have nothing to do with Daozangkong. Go away, go away!"

"Ren Daniu" waved his hands vigorously, seeming to be extremely disgusted with the light ball, and also had a kind of fear.

The ball of light was pushed away by him several times, and finally it changed its direction and no longer struggled with "Ren Daniu". Instead, it passed through the stone gate of the forbidden area and kept spinning in front of the battle flag in front of the stone gate.

(End of this chapter)

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