Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 97 The Secret Realm of the Universe

Chapter 97 The Secret Realm of the Universe
Lu Chao stepped forward and opened the treasure box dropped by the great elder.

"Ding, congratulations on getting 10 cultivation base [cultivation experience] x 1."

"Ding, congratulations on getting the Universal Jade Talisman!"

All that appeared in front of Lu Chaoding was a booklet with a golden cover and a palm-sized jade pendant. Lu Chaoding frowned slightly and muttered: "Such a big BOSS only dropped two items? So many swords? Don’t drop a handful…”

He immediately used the [cultivation experience], poured all [-] cultivation points into the character upgrade slot, and then checked the jade pendant.

[The Jade Talisman of the Universe: special items, mission props, consumable props, which can open the entrance to the secret realm of the Universe after use. 】

"That's it?"

Lu Chaoding put away the [World Jade Talisman], and the fighting space was shattered.

The next moment, he appeared in front of the stone gate of the forbidden area. He looked up and saw the golden ball of light spit out by Ying Xunhai before he died.

The light ball revolved around him. Lu Chao tried hard to catch it, but he couldn't. This little thing was like a shadow, without entity.

"What are you?"

With a clear understanding in his heart, Lu Chao took out the [Universal Jade Talisman] and crushed it. With a click, the jade talisman shattered and disappeared.

That's it!
Immediately, a vertical aperture appeared in front of Lu Chaoding, which was obviously the entrance to the secret realm of the universe.

The golden ball of light seemed to have found its target immediately and flew into the secret realm of the universe.

Lu Chaoding stepped in without any hesitation, and then he saw an independent space that was very similar to his own cave.

There is also a hill here, but the difference is that there is no nut secret realm on the top of the mountain, and there are eight large swords floating in the sky with the sword tips pointing downward.

The eight great swords were trembling, and the ground was also trembling, like an earthquake. Lu Chaoding had a feeling that the place was about to break and collapse.

He did not dare to waste time and walked forward along the stone passage as if visiting a park. He soon came to a "medicine garden".

And just when Lu Chaoding entered this "medicine garden", a large number of flowers and plants jumped up from the ground, scurrying around like frightened animals.

"These are all ground animals!"

Lu Chaoding was surprised and delighted. He discovered several blood-returning grasses first, as well as ground plants that looked like green onions, giant cactus, colorful mushrooms, and green onions.

There was even a tower-shaped pine tree with pulleys underneath its roots. It was running around. If I accidentally tripped and fell, it would fall flat on its back and then crawl forward like a caterpillar.

"Where are you running? Stop right here!"

Lu Chaoding couldn't care about anything else. At this moment, he just grabbed the ground.

He stepped on a blood-recovering grass first, and the blood-recovering grass immediately pretended to be dead. Lu Chao grabbed it, looked at it, and immediately threw it into the storage space.

"It's just like picking it up for free!"

Lu Chaoding was excited. He continued to act, kicked over a "big cabbage", ran over to pick it up, and immediately put it into the storage space without checking its specific properties. Then he jumped again and caught one. "Green onions"!
Lu Chaoding had the feeling of having a big wet market, running around with flowers, plants, vegetables, big trees and small trees. After being busy for a while, he looked around and saw that all the plants and ground were gone.

"Where can you run to?"

Just when Lu Chaoding was about to control the Daxuan ship to continue hunting the plants, the ground suddenly shook violently. Right next to Lu Chaoding, the ground collapsed and ravines opened. Suddenly there was another bang, the mountain collapsed, and huge gravel rolled down. , this scene is really like a landslide.

"Huh? Looking at the situation, this secret realm is rapidly collapsing, so the time I can explore here is limited?"

Lu Chao thought about this and did not dare to delay any longer. He took up the Daxuan Ship and began to quickly explore the secret realm.

After a while, Lu Chaoding discovered a platform on the mountainside. There was a stone door behind the platform. The stone door had been broken and there was a cave inside.

Lu Chaoding entered it and came out soon.There were a large number of elixirs stored in this cave, pretending to be bottles and bottles, most of which were blood-restoring elixirs and yuan-repairing elixirs. Lu Chaoding took them all without ceremony.

After a while, Lu Chaoding discovered a LV3 [Tianxing Bagua Furnace].

This furnace is no longer owned. It contains the three-star weapon Fiery Sword, the two-star black gold wine gourd, the three-star weapon Feilong Sword, as well as the one-star elixir Xiao Yuan Dan, the one-star elixir Pei Yuan Dan, and the two-star elixir The recipe for making Dayuan Dan.

Lu Chaoding gently stroked the Bagua Furnace with his hand, and he put the Bagua Furnace into the storage space. At the same time, he also received a system prompt: "Ding, congratulations on getting the Tianxing Bagua Furnace. This prop can be installed in the exclusive cave. Please ask for details. Explore on your own!”

"Not bad!"

Lu Chaoding nodded, he continued to explore, and after a while he reached the top of the mountain.

There is a small square on the top of the mountain, and there is a large hall behind the square. The main hall is dilapidated, the plaques have fallen to the ground, and there are many cracks.

Lu Chaoding took a closer look and saw four big characters on the plaque: "Huanyu Hall!"

"The Great Hall of Huanyu is about to collapse!"

Lu Chaoding looked at the crumbling Huanyu Hall, did not dare to hesitate, and immediately rushed in.

Soon he collected two [Jade Futons].

This [Jade Futon] is also a prop that can be installed in an exclusive cave. Sitting on it can automatically obtain cultivation values, which is similar to the [Tianxing Jade Bed].

After collecting the jade futon, Lu Chaoding went to the back of the hall, where he found three treasure boxes.

"Ding, trigger the chance event. You have discovered the chance treasure box in the secret realm of the world. There is a heavy treasure in the three chance treasure boxes, but you can only open one of them! Please open the chance treasure box as soon as possible. When the world hall collapses, the three chance treasure boxes will All chance treasure chests will disappear!
"Only one can be turned on?"

Lu Chaoding ignored the system prompts and tried to move the three treasure boxes, dreaming of putting them into the storage space.

There is no doubt that he failed!
The three treasure chests seemed to have taken root, making it impossible to move them, let alone collect them.

Seeing that the World Hall was shaking more and more violently, Lu Chaoding did not dare to delay any longer. He opened the lid of the opportunity treasure chest in the middle.

"Ding, congratulations on getting the skill book of the Great Sword Sect's most important treasure [Great World Breaking Void Divine Sword]!"


Lu Chao was overjoyed and used the great elder's special skill!
He opened the storage space and looked at the attribute information of the skill book of [Great World Shattering Void Divine Sword], and he was immediately stunned!

"This Great Universe Shattering Void Divine Sword is the exclusive skill of the Sword God! I can't learn it!"

Lu Chao scratched his head and looked carefully at the introduction of the [Great Universe Breaking Void Divine Sword] in the attribute information of this skill book.

Special skill: Great Universe Breaking Void Divine Sword
Number of stars: five stars

Occupation: Sword God

Skill description: Spend 12 points of fighting spirit to activate the skill, break the world, and teleport targets in the designated area within the attack range to the binding area. Upgrade the skill to obtain a larger teleportation range and more binding areas.After the skill is upgraded to LV12, this skill is allowed to be cast in reverse to teleport targets in the bound area to a designated area within attack range.

Explanation [-]: The higher the target level, the more difficult it is to teleport. Certain skills and prop characteristics can resist teleportation across the world.

Explanation [-]: You can escape from the battle by using the Great Universe Shattering Void Divine Sword.

Note [-]: World teleportation can cause spatial rifts, please explore on your own for details.

Note [-]: Use [World Jewel] and [Void Jewel] to upgrade skill levels. After the skill is upgraded, the skill book will be bound and will not be traded.

(End of this chapter)

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