The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 168 This shouldn’t be the case!

Feeling like someone is trying to harm her, but can't explain why?
This vague statement made Xu Jing look thoughtful. After thinking about it, she asked, "Did your young lady mention who she thought wanted to harm her?"

This question is a bit over the line. It is other people's business to reveal something about one's own private affairs. As a doctor, Xu Jing is absolutely not qualified to take the initiative to ask.

Jing Dan just took the initiative to mention it because the other party was found by Jiang Erlang and she trusted her. In addition, it was also because of this meaningless sentence. Even if Xu Jing was talking nonsense outside, others would not Will believe it.

Seeing Jing Dan's slightly frowned eyebrows, Xu Jing smiled lightly and said, "I don't mean anything else. I just heard that Mrs. Jiang has been suffering from cold. This disease and people's mood often affect each other. When a person is in a bad mood, it is easy to get sick, and it is not easy to recover from the disease. On the contrary, a person will also feel anxious, worried about gains and losses, and even have some unrealistic fantasies because of the discomfort during illness. I just I want to see what Mrs. Jiang’s situation is like.”

Jingdan suddenly had a look of realization on his face, and said with some embarrassment: "So that's it. Although our young lady didn't say specifically who wanted to harm her, I feel that the young lady's idea is not out of thin air. In fact, a long time ago, the young lady Madam has this problem.

Being a married woman is always less comfortable than being a wife at home. Even if the young lady is the wife of the Jiang family, she cannot escape this fate. "

She said, sighing softly, with a sad look on her face.

Xu Jing raised her eyebrows slightly.

Zhao Shaohua couldn't help but said: "Is it possible that the Marquis of Huaiyin is not good to Mrs. Jiang? But I heard that the Marquis of Huaiyin has always been considerate to Mrs. Jiang."

It wasn't that Zhao Shaohua was gossiping and wanted to find out about other people's inner affairs. Who made her promise Jiang Erlang to talk to his sister to relieve her mood?If she didn't know anything and accidentally stepped on someone's taboo while chatting, it would be better not to talk for the rest of the day.

Jingdan shook his head and said: "No, the Crown Prince is very good to our wife. The Crown Prince has been sick for the past few days. The Crown Prince stayed at home as long as he could. The reason for the young lady's bad mood is because of other things. Young Madam Zhao You can ask the young lady when you see her later, it is not convenient for me to say more."

Zhao Shaohua didn't want to embarrass her, so he exchanged glances with Xu Jing and said nothing more.

Soon, the rooms of Huaiyin Hou Shizi and Young Madam Jiang arrived. When they entered, they happened to meet a maid who came out with a tray. Jingdan quickly walked up and asked: "Jingshui, Young Madam has taken the medicine." ?"

Jing Shui also had a sad look on his face, nodded and said: "After eating it, the young lady takes the medicine very quickly every time. I don't know if it's my misunderstanding, but I feel that the young lady's condition is finally better today..."

As she said that, she suddenly noticed Zhao Shaohua and Xu Jing who were following Jingdan, and she quickly saluted and said, "These two must be Mrs. Zhao and Dr. Xu. I didn't see you two just now, so I was rude. "

Zhao Shaohua shook his head, let her get up, and said, "Is Mrs. Jiang's condition a little better today?"

Didn't Jiang Erlang say that after Mrs. Jiang took the medicine, her condition not only did not improve, but became more and more serious?

Jingshui nodded and said with some hesitation: "We think so, but we are not doctors after all, so we don't know whether the judgment is accurate. The day before yesterday, the young lady had a fever all night long, and her whole body ached, and she couldn't even get out of bed. She was so scared. Prince De was up all night watching over the madam. The fever in the young madam’s body has subsided since yesterday, and she can still get out of bed and walk a few steps today."

Jingdan added: "Jingshui is right, and we are also very surprised. The young lady has been sick for five days. No matter what medicine she took in the past three days, her condition was getting worse and worse. We were extremely worried. Well, the prince almost took all the doctors who treated the young lady to the capital government office.

When the young lady's high fever suddenly started to subside yesterday, we couldn't believe it, for fear that it would be the beginning of another dangerous round. "

Jingshui suddenly gritted his teeth and said: "It's all my fault that bitch. It must be that bitch who hangs around in front of the young lady every day and makes the young lady mad! I really don't understand, that woman is already fifteen years old. , why didn’t the old madam say goodbye to her! Doesn’t the old madam know how unpleasant the words spread outside are? "

"Still water!"

Jingdan quickly interrupted her and glared at her accusingly. Jingshui seemed to realize that he had said the wrong thing. He curled his lips and saluted: "Let Mrs. Zhao and Dr. Xu laugh, my servant is not here." I’m disturbing you two here.”

After watching Jingshui leave in a hurry, Jingdan looked at Xu Jing and the two helplessly and said: "Jingshui doesn't know why, but he has been particularly dissatisfied with Madam Hua during this period. Maybe it's because the young madam's illness has scared her. She is obviously not normal on weekdays." , Jingshui is the softest among us."

What she said made sense.

Xu Jing raised her eyebrows slightly.She said this as if her opinion of Mrs. Hua was not very big.

Could it be that she just said that Mrs. Jiang was very friendly to Mrs. Hua and was not just saying it casually?

Zhao Shaohua has always been outspoken and said: "I thought you also had opinions on Mrs. Hua."

After all, anyone who saw Jingdan's attitude towards Lady Hua just now would think so.

Jingdan was stunned, hurriedly waved his hand and said: "No matter what, Madam Hua is half the master of the Huaiyin Marquis Mansion, how dare I have any objection to Madam Hua? I just don't want Madam Hua to appear in front of the Young Madam.

Besides, what if we really have objections to Mrs. Hua?Our young lady is kind-hearted and has always been very kind to Madam Hua. Even if Madam Hua really has any thoughts, the young madam never takes it to heart. After all, not everyone can bully the lady of the Jiang family. "

She said the last sentence in a calm tone, and that calmness was the strength of the Jiang family that gave her the confidence.

Xu Jing immediately heard the implication of her words. She did have objections to Lady Hua, and Lady Hua probably did have some thoughts that she shouldn't have.

But Mrs. Jiang never paid attention to her little thoughts. Maybe she didn't care about the Chinese lady as much as the maids around her.

Then who is the person that Mrs. Jiang said wanted to harm her?

With these questions, Xu Jing followed Jingdan into the inner room.

On the bed in the back room, a young woman in plain clothes was half-lying on a soft pillow. When she saw Zhao Shaohua and Xu Jing, she slightly raised the corners of her mouth and said, "You are here. Erlang has already sent someone to help." You told me what happened, I'm really sorry to trouble Mrs. Zhao and Dr. Xu to make this trip."

Mrs. Jiang's maiden name was Yanxia. She was married to the Marquis of Huaiyin when she was three years old. Later, because of the death of the Marquis of Huaiyin's grandfather, the wedding date was postponed for three years. Therefore, when she married into the Marquis of Huaiyin's mansion, She is already twenty-one, which is considered an old age for marriage in ancient times.

It’s no wonder that after only three years without a child, he was in a hurry to seek medical advice.

Xu Jing looked at Mrs. Jiang calmly and saw that she was thin, with a pale face, her originally plump lips were chapped and turned white, and there was not much energy in her eyes. She looked like a sickly beauty. It was obvious that this The wind and cold tortured her hard.

But now she can sit up and still has the energy to talk to them. Just like her two maids said, she is much better.

Xu Jing stepped forward, saluted her, and said with a smile: "Mrs. Jiang, you are serious. As a doctor, it is my bounden duty to treat people. Please allow me to come and see Mrs. Jiang's condition."

Mrs. Jiang Shao nodded and called the maid aside to move a chair to Xu Jing and Zhao Shaohua. Xu Jing's chair was placed next to her bed.

There is nothing taboo about a woman seeing a doctor. Xu Jing carefully diagnosed Mrs. Jiang and raised her eyebrows slightly.

Judging from the situation, it is indeed wind-cold.

She thought for a while and said, "I want to see the prescription that the previous doctor prescribed to Mrs. Zhao, is that okay?"

There was nothing wrong with this. Mrs. Jiang immediately asked Jingdan to get the prescription for Xu Jing. Xu Jing took the prescription and took a closer look, her brows suddenly furrowed.

This... shouldn't be!

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