The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 169 is so bloody and cruel

Mrs. Jiang was very observant and when she saw Xu Jing's appearance, she immediately asked, "Doctor Xu, what's wrong?"

The three maids beside her also suddenly darkened their expressions.

My young lady had taken medicine for several days, but her health did not get better, but got worse and worse. It was impossible for them to have no ideas.

Zhao Shaohua couldn't help but stare at Xu Jing closely, and saw Xu Jing slowly shook her head and said: "There is nothing wrong. There are different types of wind and cold, and different types of wind and cold need to be treated with different methods. Mrs. Jiang Shao is because This prescription is exactly for Mrs. Jiang's symptoms of wind and cold attacking the surface and lack of clear lung Qi. It is a very clever prescription. Even if I were to prescribe it, I would not be able to prescribe a better prescription. son."

Wind-cold is one of the most common diseases in daily life. The ancients have already studied it thoroughly. With Dachu's medical skills, it is no problem to treat a small case of wind-cold.

However, precisely because this recipe is so perfect, something is wrong!

Logically speaking, if Mrs. Zhao really followed this recipe for treatment, the cold would have been cured long ago. How could her health be getting worse?

Everyone present was smart, so they didn’t understand what Xu Jing meant. Jingdan frowned slightly and said, "My servant said that the young lady’s condition is definitely not Fang Zi’s problem. Doctor Li was the one who initially treated the young lady. Doctor Li is the manager of the Xijing branch of Guangmingtang. His medical skills are only lower than those of the Lin Dong family. In recent years, Doctor Li has been responsible for the health of the Jiang family masters. How could he deliberately not cure the young lady's health.

What's more, the prince later became furious and sent for several more doctors. Even the doctor from the Imperial Hospital was called over and said that there was nothing wrong with this prescription. "

Hearing what she said, they had already doubted this recipe.

Mrs. Jiang's lips pursed slightly and she said nothing.

Jing Shui on the side suddenly said: "My slave said that the young lady's mood must have affected the young lady's illness. There have been too many villains around the young lady recently, so I have to find an opportunity to go to Famen Temple outside the city to worship the Bodhisattva!" "

Her face was full of yin and yang, and anyone with a discerning eye would know that the villain in her words definitely included the Chinese lady.

Another maid named Jingyi sighed softly and said: "Let's not talk about whether there are villains around the young madam. The young madam has encountered too many bad things recently. When the young madam recovers from her illness, , you should indeed worship the Bodhisattva.

First, she fell ill for no apparent reason, and there was a thief in her room. Two days ago, the fourth lady even painted such a painting. I don’t know if she deliberately insulted Young Madam Ying..."

While they were talking, Xu Jing kept looking at Mrs. Jiang, and saw her face suddenly turn pale, and she said coldly: "Jingyi!"

Jingyi was startled, and after she realized what she was doing, she quickly saluted and said, "This slave is talking too much."

Xu Jing couldn't help but frown slightly.

This Huaiyin Marquis Mansion always gave her an indescribable weird feeling.

The things Jingyi mentioned just now seemed to be just trivial matters that had nothing to do with each other, but these things seemed to have a certain impact on Mrs. Jiang.

It must be said that it is too much of a coincidence that so many things that have an impact on Mrs. Jiang happened at the same time.

But it was inappropriate for her to ask these questions. Fortunately, Zhao Shaohua came with her.

Zhao Shaohua was still racking his brains on how to talk to Mrs. Jiang. Now he became curious and asked: "What does the painting of the Fourth Lady mean?"

Mrs. Jiang bit her lip lightly, seeming a little embarrassed, but thinking that Erlang came here specially to chat with her to relieve her mood, she remained silent for a moment and said: "It's just a little girl who is ignorant." Jingyi said The Fourth Lady is my husband’s biological sister, that is, my sister-in-law. She is only 14 years old this year. I am also unlucky. When I first got married three years ago, I got along quite well with her. At that time, she had a snow-white cat. The kitten looks like a snow dumpling and is instantly adorable. My sister-in-law has been raising it since it was born and regards it as her lifeblood.

One evening, I accidentally ate too much for dinner, so I took a walk in the yard to eat. As I walked, I walked unknowingly to the back of the kitchen. There were very few people there on weekdays. I also felt really uncomfortable in my stomach and wanted to eat too much. It took some walking to get there.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I walked there, I saw a red and white thing in the corner. When I walked over and took a look, it turned out to be...a small snowball, and it was already dead, and it was still very... It was terrifying. Most of the hair on the body had been plucked out. The skin was covered with numerous wounds, including knife wounds, burns, bare-hand wounds... There were all kinds of wounds. The nails on the claws were all pulled out, two... There are two branches inserted at the two eyes..." This situation made even the listeners shudder, let alone Mrs. Jiang who saw it with her own eyes.

The more she spoke, the paler her face became and the trembling her voice became. Zhao Shaohua did not expect that what happened behind the scenes would be so bloody and cruel. He regretted that he had asked this question. He was just about to ask her to stop talking, but Mrs. Jiang Shaohua continued. "My mind was blank at the time and I didn't know what to do at all. While I was standing there, the maid sent by my sister-in-law to look for Little Snowball came over...

I didn’t kill the little Snowball. I also told my sister-in-law that it was already dead when I came here, but my sister-in-law obviously didn’t believe me. Over the years, she has been complaining about me in her heart..."

This matter was obviously the concern of several maids around her. Jingdan couldn't help but said: "If the old lady hadn't come forward and forced everyone to turn over this matter, the fourth lady would have refused to let her go!"

Jingyi sneered and said: "The old lady came forward in person because she didn't dare to offend the Zhao family. If she was really doing it for the young lady's good, she should thoroughly investigate who killed Xiao Xueqiu instead of forcibly changing the story. , pretend that this matter does not exist. Because the real culprit has not been found, the fourth lady thinks that the young madam is the real culprit. Every time she sees the young madam in these years, she feels weird. Many servants in the Huaiyin Marquis Mansion also think so. Yes, I just don’t dare to say it!”

Xu Jing couldn't help but her eyes flashed slightly.

These methods of abusing cats are simply insane.

Studies have shown that most perverted murderers have abused cats in their childhood, and the proportion is very high. Although not all cat abusers will kill people, this kind of behavior is definitely anti-human and no one wants it. Keep such a person by your side.

Madam Hou Huaiyin actually suppressed this matter just because she wanted to whitewash the situation, and did not even find the murderer. In a way, she was confused.

She already had an inference in her mind and said: "Could it be that the Fourth Lady's paintings are..."


Mrs. Jiang sighed secretly and said, "She painted small snowballs."

When Jingdan saw her young lady like this, she couldn't help but feel distressed and said: "The fourth lady painted a scene of little snowballs playing on the road leading to the old lady's yard. That is simply killing the young lady's heart! Xiaoxuetuan loved to play on that road when she was alive. When the young lady saw the tragic scene of Xiaoxuetuan's death, she didn't dare to walk on that road for a long time. She had to take a detour every time she went to the old lady's yard.

The young madam has been having nightmares frequently in the past two days, and it is also because of that painting. If there is something that affects the young madam's mood and makes the young madam's illness take a long time, that painting is definitely one of the reasons! "

Jing Shui also said angrily: "Obviously the fourth lady has not dared to mention the matter of Xiaoxue Tuan in front of the young lady in the past two years. When the woman named Hua came, not only did she dare, she even drew it. Who knew Did that woman trick the Fourth Lady into doing this behind her back? After all, the Fourth Lady has been so close to her recently!

It’s in vain that Young Madam Fei was deceived by her weak and pitiful appearance before. She is so kind to her. She is so cruel! "

Mrs. Jiang's face turned pale and she seemed to have no strength to say anything more.

This also shows that what these maids said is true.

Zhao Shaohua frowned and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Although every family has a sutra that is difficult to recite, the Sutra of Huaiyin Marquis Mansion is too difficult and complicated.

She is not the kind of person who is very good at comforting people. She prefers doing things rather than talking. Jiang Erlang asked her to help relieve Mrs. Jiang. She really didn't know what to do!

Xu Jing looked thoughtful. Suddenly, she raised her eyes slightly, looked at Mrs. Jiang and said, "Mrs. Jiang, your maid just said that you always feel that someone is trying to harm you recently. Please forgive me for listening. From what you just said, I also feel that someone in the house does have intentions and wants to do something to you."

Transitioning a small case, happy weekend~

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