The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 170 A suspicious theft case

Everyone's expressions suddenly changed. Mrs. Jiang's lips trembled slightly, she stared at Xu Jing and asked, "Why did Doctor Xu say that?"

Xu Jing also decided to tell this matter after careful consideration. When she came to the Huaiyin Marquis Mansion this morning, Zhao Shaohua told her the identities of Jiang Erlang and Mrs. Jiang.

The Jiang family's hereditary title is Xing Guogong. Jiang Erlang and Mrs. Jiang are direct siblings, and their father is the current Xing Guogong. Jiang Erlang and Jiang Yu are only thirty-three this year, and they have already been awarded the title of commander of the Tianwu Army, let alone Jiang. He is a leader among the younger generation in Da Chu, and the Jiang family also values ​​him very much.

He said that the Jiang family did not instigate Guangmingtang to suppress Tianyi Hall behind the scenes, which should be true. However, Zhao Shaohua said that the Jiang family would beat Guangmingtang, which should have been done by his hands.

In this case, it is not a bad thing to sell their brother and sister a favor. If Jiang Erlang said one more word when asking people to knock on Guangmingtang, the future of Tianyi Hall will be easier. Even without this layer, Jiang Erlang As one of the four major families in Chu, Xu Jing would benefit from having a good relationship with them.

Now, reminding Mrs. Jiang that it is just a simple task for her. The opportunity that comes to her door is not wasted.

Xu Jing sorted out her words and said: "I first became suspicious when I saw the prescription. If Mrs. Jiang took the medicine strictly according to the prescription, it is logically impossible for her physical condition to get worse. Although people Emotions will affect the body, but unless it encounters a blow that the individual cannot bear, temporary sadness and frustration will only delay the recovery of the disease and will not make the physical condition worse.

Not to mention the incident that made Mrs. Jiang lose control of her emotions. Strictly speaking, it happened several years ago. When Xiaoxuetuan just passed away, Mrs. Jiang would not be so shocked that she fell seriously ill. After so long, this incident has hit Mrs. Jiang more seriously than it did then? "

This statement simply crushed her IQ as a doctor to the ground.

Mrs. Jiang was stunned for a moment, and her face became heavy. Jingdan on the side couldn't help but said: "Doctor Xu told me something that I couldn't figure out during this time! Although the painting of the Fourth Lady did stimulate the young lady, but When the young lady saw the tragic situation of Xiaoxuetuan with her own eyes, her condition was much worse than it is now. Not only did she suffer from insomnia at night, but she was also so frightened that she couldn't even eat at the slightest sign of trouble. There are a lot of people, and they don’t get sick at all!”

Jingshui said with some hesitation: "But when Xiaoxuetuan died, the young lady was in good health, but this time it was the young lady who was infected with the cold first, and saw the painting later. If we insist on comparing the two, the situation It’s also a little different.”

Jingyi frowned, "However, this is related to the safety of the young lady. No doubt can be ignored. Is there something wrong with that prescription?"

"Do not."

Xu Jing shook her head, glanced meaningfully at the three maids, and said, "As I said just now, there is nothing wrong with Fang Zi. And my conclusion that someone in the mansion is targeting Mrs. Jiang recently is not pure either. It's because of Mrs. Jiang's illness. Just now Jingyi said that a lot of unfortunate things have happened to Mrs. Jiang recently. In addition to this menacing illness and the paintings of the Fourth Lady, Mrs. Jiang's room was also stolen. I Could you please tell me the details of Mrs. Jiang’s room being stolen?”

Jingyi immediately nodded and said: "Of course, we discovered that the young lady's room was robbed three days ago. It was the second day after the young lady contracted the cold. The young lady took medicine for a day. Not only did her condition not get better, but she also When the fever came, we all panicked and focused on the young lady. It wasn’t until before going to bed at night that Jingdan wanted to get a comb to comb the young lady’s hair, only to find that the young lady’s jewelry box had been opened. Jingdan hurriedly opened the jewelry box and saw that there were six hairpins missing inside!"

Xu Jing looked around. Mrs. Jiang's room was very large. The dressing table was on the left hand side of the door, by the window, five or six steps away from the bed. She couldn't help but raise her eyebrows slightly, "Mrs. Jiang, these days She has been bedridden, and the dresser is in the same room as Mrs. Jiang. It would be difficult for a thief to steal the things without alerting anyone, right? "

"No, on the contrary," Jingdan shook her head and said, "The young lady was in great pain when she started to have a fever. We were so panicked that we were at a loss. There were only three of us maids around the young lady. There was not enough manpower at all, so we could only make temporary arrangements. Several maids were called in from outside to help.

On the day when things were stolen, only one of the three of us stayed in the room, and sometimes all three of us were busy working outside. Even if someone's hands and feet were really dirty, we wouldn't know. Xu Jing said thoughtfully: "But you should know who has been in and out of your young lady's room that day?"It shouldn't be difficult to find out who the thief is. "

Jing Shui bit her lip and said, "That's true, but the young lady's illness has not recovered. How can we find any thief? We can only report the matter to Manager Lu first. I heard that Manager Lu has already questioned All the servants who came to the young lady’s room that day were searched, but nothing was found.”

Xu Jing pondered for a moment, then suddenly stood up and said, "Can I see Mrs. Jiang's jewelry box?"

Mrs. Jiang quickly nodded and asked Jingdan to take her over to take a look.

I saw that Mrs. Jiang was using a lacquerware, gold and gem-set jewelry box. There were four layers in total, which were very exquisite and gorgeous. Each layer contained different jewelry, and the hairpin was placed on the second layer.

I saw four Buyao lying alone on the second floor at this time. Xu Jing was slightly startled, looked at Jingdan and asked: "Is there a Buyao among the stolen hairpins?"

She suddenly remembered that the hairpin they were talking about probably meant more than just one kind of hairpin.

There are three types of hairpins commonly used by women to fix their hair - hairpins, hair pins and hairpins.These three are different. The part of the hairpin that fixes the hair has only one strand, and the part of the hairpin that fixes the hair has two strands. The hairpin and the hairpin have tassels or pendants hanging from them. It's called Bu Yao.

Mrs. Jiang and others said that the thief stole six hairpins from her. The hairpins mentioned here may be just a general term.

For a woman like Mrs. Jiang who is not short of money, what kind of jewelry she wants is not just a matter of talking.However, why is there only a walking stick in this jewelry box, but no hairpins and hairpins?
Could it be that Mrs. Jiang only loves Bu Yao?

Jingdan shook his head, obviously very helpless, "As we said before, the thief was also quite funny. There were originally ten hairpins in this jewelry box. Broken down, there are four hairpins, three hairpins and three hairpins. Hairpin, the thief stole both the hairpin and the hairpin.

We guessed that because Bu Yao had pendants hanging down from it, and it was easy to be spotted if he held it dangling in his hand, and the pendants on it might fall off and reveal his whereabouts, so the thief only stole the hairpin and hairpin. gone.

Tsk, even though he only stole six hairpins, if he could successfully sell them, it would be a lot of money! "

Xu Jing looked at the four pieces in the jewelry box and frowned slightly.

Was the thief really afraid of being discovered, so he didn't steal these sticks?
In other words, he only stole all the hairpins and hairpins, but what was his purpose? (End of chapter)

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