The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 184 The thread that connects all the doubts

Chapter 184 The thread that connects all the doubts (first update)
Xiao Yi is used to the woman in front of him occasionally saying a few words that he has never heard before, but the meaning is not difficult to understand.

He walked over, stood next to Xu Jing, looked at the form on the paper, and said: "The people in the government think the same way. When each deceased is found, the death time will not exceed two days at most. At other times, she It must have been hidden somewhere by the murderer.

Moreover, when the murderer committed violence against the deceased, the deceased would definitely make various sounds of struggling and screaming. If there were other people near his hiding place, it would be impossible for him to not hear any movement at all, so I speculate that his hiding place It must be in a relatively remote place with few people around, or the place can isolate the sound so that no one outside can hear it, such as a basement or something like that. "

"Yes," Xu Jing nodded, pointing to the places where the deceased were found, and said: "Moreover, the deceased were all found in the suburbs, but most of the places where they disappeared were in Xijing City, and only the third In this case, Chen Lili disappeared outside the city because she originally lived in a village outside the city.

This shows that the murderer must have some kind of means of transportation, such as a horse-drawn carriage or a donkey cart, which would allow him to transport the deceased very conveniently. "

After saying that, Xu Jing looked at Xiao Yi and asked, "I want to know how well the guards in Xijing City search passing vehicles?"

Xiao Yi said: "The intensity will not be particularly great. The main purpose is to check everyone's hand. If they come by means of transportation, they will simply check the inside of the vehicle. After all, there are tens of thousands of people entering and exiting Xijing City every day. Even if There are two city gates in the southeast and northwest, which is also a huge workload. If everyone checks carefully, not many people can be checked in a day.

Unless the government is under martial law or there are important events to be held in Xijing City, the intensity of the search will only increase. "

Xu Jing thought it was the same. She looked at Xiao Yi and said, "If someone reports to the government that someone in the family is missing, will the government impose martial law?"

Xiao Yi immediately understood what she meant, shook his head and said: "Normally not, there are too many missing people reported to the government every day, and the government also needs time to verify whether that person is really missing, and not because of any accident or accident. It was just a moment of negligence that he couldn't be found. Unless some important person was missing, the government would impose martial law immediately.

If you want to ask about the case of the Smiling Killer, the government has never issued martial law because of the case of the Smiling Killer. "


After all, most of the victims of the Smiling Killer are women from ordinary families, and the intervals between each case of the Smiling Killer are so long that it is difficult for people to immediately associate the missing woman with him.

Xu Jing pondered and said: "In this way, it is not very difficult for the murderer to transport the deceased out of the city, but the risk is still relatively high when transporting a dead person out of the city. I tend to think that the murderer is trying to transport the victim. We took them out while they were still alive.”

Xiao Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, "You mean, that so-called safe house is outside the city?"

Xu Jing nodded and said, "That's what I think. If I were a murderer, I would do this."

After all, even if there is no martial law, the soldiers at the city gate will still conduct routine searches. If they have a whim and search more strictly, it will be troublesome to find people.

At this time, if what they find is a living person, the criminal still has room for maneuver. If it is a corpse, it will be over.

"I also discovered something that concerned me a little bit."

Xu Jing suddenly picked up the brush on the small table aside and wrote four numbers on the blank space of the paper - one, one, three, three, four.

Xiao Yi was slightly stunned, "What number is this?"

"This is the time I calculated that the deceased was actually in the hands of the murderer. It is calculated by subtracting the inferred time of death when they were found from the number of days the deceased was missing."

Xu Jing pointed to the fourth case and said: "For example, the victim Qian Honglian disappeared on July 26th and was found on July 30th. The author inferred that her death time was about two days. Before, that is to say, the actual time she was in the hands of the murderer was about three days.

It can be seen from these figures that when the murderer committed the first two cases, he did not keep the victim beside him for too long. It is likely that he committed the crime as soon as he caught the victim and then dumped the body.

After he mysteriously disappeared and reappeared for a year, he kept his victims for significantly longer. Xiao Yi stared at the numbers unconsciously and said: "The cases he committed again after a year after his disappearance, the victims had more injuries than the previous two cases. He kept the victims, maybe for Torture them. "

Xu Jing pursed her lips and said, "I guessed the same, but I still feel that something is not right. Is it necessary to torture the victim for so long? Do you need to stay for three or four days? The most important thing is what he did before and after he disappeared. His style has changed so much. What happened in the year he disappeared?"

Xiao Yi couldn't help but ponder for a moment, and suddenly said: "Today I went to the Ministry of Punishment and told my people to list all the families in the city who have at least one transportation vehicle."

Ah, this...

Xu Jing couldn't help but give him a subtle look, "Do your people have any objections?"

Although the price of transportation tools is not low, and even the cheapest donkey cart is not affordable for ordinary people, what Xijing is most indispensable for is wealthy families, not to mention the large population of Xijing. We must list all the families who have at least one transportation tool. Coming out gives me a headache just thinking about it.

Xiao Yi said amusingly: "It's just ordinary work, what are your opinions? People from Dali Temple also tried to list it before, but because the workload was relatively large, they couldn't finish it halfway. We continued their work. It saves a little trouble.

There is no other breakthrough now, even if it is cumbersome, we can only try it first. "

Also, although it is a "stupid" method, if there is no breakthrough, you can only try everything.

"I have also given instructions to the gatekeepers who are responsible for guarding the various city gates, and asked them to instruct their subordinates to focus on investigating the carriages and horses that come in and out of the city gates in the past few days."

Xiao Yi continued: "Although it is not ruled out that the murderer has already committed the crime, but we did not find it, but this time the new victim has not appeared for a long time, it may be that something happened to him, which delayed his plan. "

Xu Jing frowned slightly.

Another "dumb" method.

If a breakthrough point is never found, using this method of finding a needle in a haystack, there is no telling how long it will take to solve the case.

Xu Jing thought for a while, then suddenly picked up a new piece of paper from the table, nailed it to the empty space on the board, and said: "I also discovered that the places where the murderers dumped their bodies are mainly concentrated in the west of Xijing. Except for the fourth case, Qian Honglian, who was found near Famen Temple in the north, the other places where the deceased were found were in the west. In other words, the murderer usually went out to dump the body through the two gates in the west. This is Is there any reason for his habit? If it is a habit, why did Qian Honglian’s body appear in the north? "

But I saw that this new piece of paper was a map of Xijing and nearby areas, with several locations where the deceased was found marked in red ink.

Xiao Yi didn't expect this woman to have thought so much, so he couldn't help but look at her with a sigh and said: "According to what you said, among the five cases so far, only Qian Honglian was killed in July. The others who died were all killed between January and February, and there may be some deep meaning in this.”

Every time he worked with her to solve a case, he would lament that such talents were really wasted if he did not go to the Ministry of Punishment or Dali Temple.

Xu Jing clapped her hands, immediately picked up a brush and wrote down the doubt, and said: "The murderer is a serial murderer. Judging from the cases he committed, he has formed his own style and habits. Every detail of the case There must be his intention.

And as long as one of these intentions can be understood, it may become a breakthrough in this case! "

After finishing writing, Xu Jing stared at the pieces of paper in front of her, frowning.

Although there are many doubts, they are all very scattered and trivial, and there is still a lack of a thread to connect them all.

But she didn't know where the thread was. Did she really have to wait until the next victim appeared to find the thread?
(End of this chapter)

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