The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 185 The truth about the fire

Seeing Xu Jing's confused face, Xiao Yi raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said, "You don't have to force yourself if you don't have a clue yet. It took Dali Temple five years to solve this case, which means it's not that easy to find the murderer. I heard Your guards over there said that you have been very busy lately, but you always find time to come over. They told me privately that they were worried that it would be too hard for you."

Xu Jing was slightly stunned.

She was really busy recently, but she didn't expect that those guards who were usually rigid and serious would still care about people.

She couldn't help but curl her lips slightly and said, "It's okay, I also like the feeling of being busy."

Dong Li, who was waiting on the side, couldn't help but glance at his husband silently.

Although he is not like Xianyun who likes to lead red strings, he still somewhat understands Xianyun's feeling of hating that iron cannot be transformed into steel.

It's clear that the person you're worried about is Lang Jun, so why bother with those big bosses?

Lang Jun is serious, he is afraid that Madam Xu will notice his feelings!
After Xu Jing finished speaking, she looked at the sun outside. Just as she was about to say that she had nothing to do, she would leave first, but Xiao Yi suddenly turned to look at her.

Xu Jing raised her eyebrows slightly and said, "What does Mr. Xiao want to say?"

Xiao Yi looked at her intently with a pair of black eyes. For the first time in his life, he felt that his heartbeat was not under his control. He opened his thin lips slightly and said: "The Mid-Autumn Festival is in five days. Changxiao told me a few days ago, I want to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with you, what do you think, Madam Xu?"

Xu Jing was slightly stunned, never expecting that this was what he wanted to say.

Her heart skipped a beat inexplicably, and she opened her mouth, subconsciously trying to find a reason to refuse. However, the man in front of her seemed to know what she wanted to say. His dark eyes became deeper and deeper, and he suddenly whispered: "Me too."

Xu Jing paused for a moment. After she came to her senses, she looked at the man in front of her blankly, but she saw him looking at her without blinking. His expression was not as relaxed as usual at home. Xu Jing looked at it with a hint of surprise. He was so solemn and serious that he didn't understand, and those black eyes seemed to have some kind of magic power, which made Xu Jing not know how to answer for a moment.

After a while, she heard her own voice saying: "Looking at it again, I don't know if anything will happen to me that day..."

The man in front of him raised his eyebrows slightly. It was obviously just an unclear answer, but a faint smile suddenly appeared in his black eyes, and he said: "Okay, I'll wait for you."

Dong Li on the side: "..."

Why did Lang Jun suddenly become enlightened?

No, what's going on with this uncomfortable atmosphere?Is this the legendary dog ​​abuse? !

In the end, Xu Jing didn't know how she got out of the room.

Xiao Yi originally wanted to see her off, but an attendant came to him and said someone from the Ministry of Justice was here, so Xu Jing took the opportunity to say goodbye and went out by herself.

Xiao Yi just said that, probably just to express that he did not object to spending the holidays with her.

After all, it was Chang Xiao who proposed to spend the holidays with her. Although Xiao Yi was usually indifferent to Chang Xiao, in fact, he doted on Chang Xiao just as much as she did. If it was the little guy's request, Xiao Yi wanted to let her I agree, it will be understandable if I say just one more sentence.

The more Xu Jing thought about it, the more she felt that this was the case. The strange feeling that arose in her heart because of Xiao Yi's words quickly disappeared.

Just as she was going to the back door, she met a man in a crow-green robe with a round collar and narrow sleeves who walked over quickly. He was slightly startled when he saw her, and stopped in his tracks: "Why are you here?"

But it was Zhao Jingming.

Mrs. Cen was very satisfied with the Lithospermum ointment that Xu Jing made last time. Within two days, she sent someone to invite her into the house again. She praised her excitedly and waved her hand to fix the fifty He also introduced some ladies and ladies who were also troubled by gynecological diseases to her. Therefore, Xu Jing visited the Zhao family frequently during this period and became more and more familiar with Zhao Jingming.

Xu Jing also stopped and said, "I'm here to discuss the case of the Smiling Killer with Mr. Xiao."

Zhao Jingming couldn't help but secretly murmured, these two people didn't know what was going on. They just talked about murder and arson. Not to mention those young ladies and gentlemen, even ordinary men and women. Such.Xu Jing suddenly thought of something, hesitated for a moment, and said: "By the way, Zhao Liulang, I have something to ask you. Last time I went back to Wang's Zhuangzi, there was a sudden fire. But what's the reason?"

When she asked Xiao Yi this question last time, Xiao Yi's reaction made her a little concerned. Now that she happened to be at Xiao Yi's house, Xu Jing remembered this matter and couldn't help but ask.

Zhao Jingming raised his eyebrows slightly, "Yan Ci didn't tell you?"

Xu Jing's mind changed slightly, and she smiled lightly and said, "When I wanted to ask Minister Xiao just now, someone from the Ministry of Punishment came and called Minister Xiao away, so I couldn't ask."

Xu Jing just wanted to test it out, but unexpectedly, she really got a completely different answer than what Xiao Yi told her.

Zhao Jingming suddenly said: "So that's it, you really should know about this matter. Yan Ci later led people to investigate the matter thoroughly. A rough girl who worked in the kitchen under Mrs. Yu said that the kitchen in the kitchen that morning Two fireballs suddenly shot from the direction. This is how the fire was caused. Because people from the imperial court and major aristocratic families were at the main entrance, they didn't see those fireballs.

Later, Yanci took people to investigate in the direction pointed by the girl, and found a trebuchet there. The fireball was apparently thrown using that trebuchet.Yanci immediately asked the nearby villagers. Several hunters said that on the night you were kidnapped by Mrs. Yu, they heard strange sounds in the woods. Those sounds should be the sound of someone assembling a trebuchet. At that time , Yanci has not even returned to Xijing. "

Xu Jing's heart skipped a beat, and she secretly took a breath and said, "Who are those people coming for?"

She suddenly had a bad premonition.

There were many people in Zhuangzi that day. If those people came for other people, there was no need for Xiao Yi to hide it from her.

There is only one possibility, those people are coming for her.

Zhao Jingming glanced at her and said: "Although there is no conclusive evidence yet, we all guessed that those people were sent by the Xingwang faction. In those days, Yanci began to lead people to deal with the Xingwang faction's construction in Dachu. Weapons arsenal, suffered crazy revenge from them, it is likely that they also targeted you because of this."

Seeing that Xu Jing's expression was not good, Zhao Jingming couldn't help but said: "You don't have to worry too much. Recently, the Holy Emperor has been asking questions about the weapons depot, and many people have been pulled out. Those people are putting everyone in danger. I'm afraid I don’t have the energy to provoke you again, and the other members of the Xingwang Sect will not choose to take the lead in this storm. They should live in peace for a while. Besides, Yanci and we will do our best to protect you."

Seeing Zhao Jingming racking his brains to comfort her, Xu Jing raised her lips lightly and said, "I understand, thank you Zhao Liulang."

After saying that, he continued to the back door.

Although this answer was shocking, she may have already accepted the fact that people from the Xingwang Sect were targeting her, so she didn't panic too much.

What puzzled her was Xiao Yi's attitude. Why did he hide it from her?Is it because he is afraid that if he tells her the truth, she will panic, or is it because of other reasons?
When she first learned about this matter, she was indeed at a loss for a while, and secretly complained that Xiao Yi had involved her in this matter. But after all, she had dealt with countless vicious criminals, and was Deliberate revenge and threats were not unheard of, so I quickly accepted the matter.

What's more, she was the one who took the initiative to approach Xiao Yi and said that she would cooperate with him to investigate Zheng Shouyan's case. She can't blame Xiao Yi entirely for being involved in this matter.

She also understands Xiao Yi's plan. After all, this is his job, which is related to the well-being of the family and the country. It is impossible for him to stop doing it just because she is alone. If it were her, she would make the same choice. .

She felt that her attitude had been made very obvious.

Suddenly, she was slightly startled.

Could it be that Xiao Yi didn't tell her because he was afraid that she would be under psychological pressure due to this incident and be forced to accept the proposal of the Holy Master and Xiao He and agree to fake remarriage with him?
After getting along with each other for this period of time, Xu Jing didn't think that Xiao Yi would hate her as much as before, so she didn't want to fake remarry her. However, she was probably just an ordinary friend or colleague, so she didn't want the relationship between them to become too complicated.

The more Xu Jing thought about it, the more she realized that this was the case. She was a little angry at Xiao Yi for hiding her truth, but as she thought about it, she suddenly lost her anger.

After all, she thought she knew him very well—tsk, fake remarriage or something like that, just thinking about it makes her feel embarrassed and makes her whole body feel uncomfortable, okay?

After figuring this out, Xu Jing suddenly felt refreshed. Just at this time, the Zhou family arrived.

She got off the carriage and just walked into Zhou's house when she saw Zhou Qizheng walking quickly towards her with five or six men. When he saw her, his face lit up and said: "Ms. Xu, you came back just in time, I just in time." I’m looking for you if I need anything.” (End of Chapter)

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