The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 188 Doubts in the stomach

Chapter 188 Doubts in the stomach (first update)
But under the red light, there was a bruise the size of a palm on the left side of the deceased's cheek!

Xiao Yi, who was standing next to her, was also slightly startled. He stretched out his palm and gestured in the air, and said in a deep voice, "Is this... a slap mark?"

Xu Jing nodded, and when she took a closer look, she discovered that the left half of the deceased's cheek was larger than the right half. It must have been swollen, but the degree of swelling was relatively small and difficult to detect with the naked eye.

Xu Jing couldn't help but stretched out her right hand, touched the cheek of the deceased, and then looked at the human body diagram in her hand. Suddenly, she took a breath and said, "Shilang Xiao, I have a guess. The injuries on the deceased's body are not... Not one person, but two!”

This idea vaguely appeared in her mind as early as when she saw the corpses of the five deceased people.

She just ignored it intentionally because there was not enough evidence to support it.

Xiao Yi was stunned. This was a direction that no one had thought of! "You mean, it was a double crime?"


Xu Jing sorted out the messy thoughts in her mind, stretched out the human body diagram in front of Xiao Yi, and said: "I marked some scars on it that can only be seen clearly under red light. Except for this bruise on the face of the deceased, The bruises on her left and right waist also made me very concerned.

Among them, the bruise on the right waist of the deceased can be seen a little even without red light. Only under the red light, you can find that the bruise is larger than what is visible to the naked eye, and the bruise on the left waist is larger than what is visible to the naked eye. When there is no red light, the bruises are no longer visible to the naked eye.

This bruise should have been left when the murderer pinched the deceased's waist. At that time, when the murderer pinched the right waist of the deceased, he used more force and pinched for a longer time, so the bruise was larger than that on the left waist. more obvious.

To put it simply, I suspect that one of the murderers is right-handed. The bruises on the waist of the deceased and the slap marks on the left cheek were all left by that murderer. "

right handed?
Most people are right-handed, so she would specifically emphasize that one of the criminals was right-handed. It was only possible that she thought the other criminal was left-handed.

Xiao Yi followed Xu Jing's thoughts and glanced at the deceased in front of him again, and suddenly understood what she meant, "So that's it, the murderer usually stands opposite the deceased to hurt her. The slap on the face of the deceased is on the left side. The criminal opposite must have been slapped with the palm of his right hand.

If he is right-handed, he will use his left hand to hold the deceased. The more flexible right hand may be free to do other things, so the bruises on the deceased's right waist will be deeper, but the bruises on the left waist will be less. deep.

The whip marks, knife marks, burn marks, etc. on the deceased's body should have been caused by another criminal, and the other criminal was left-handed, so those marks were mainly concentrated on the right half of the deceased's body. "

Seeing that Xiao Yi understood, Xu Jing nodded and said: "Yes, although this is just my guess, the style of the scars on the deceased is so different. I think there are two murderers, and one is right-handed. The fact that one of them is left-handed is very likely. Moreover, the other murderer should have been added when the Smiling Killer disappeared and reappeared a year later."

That’s why the Smiling Killer’s killing style changed so much before and after he disappeared!
What changed was not the Smiling Killer himself, but because a new person was added to his crime!

If she guessed correctly, the skin that was peeled off from the chest of the deceased was indeed a mark left by the murderer, but it was not left by the Smiling Killer, but by another murderer!
Xiao Yi pursed his lips slightly and said: "If this is the case, this case will be even more dangerous. Even if we find one of the murderers, we are not sure whether he will spit out his accomplices."

Xu Jing said immediately: "So even if we find one of the suspects, we can't pin all our hopes on him until we find ways to find clues about the second murderer.

Please Sir Xiao, please send someone to prepare. I want to dissect the body. "

When Xiao Yi heard this, he couldn't help but smile lightly, "It has been prepared for a long time."

Xu Jing's method of autopsy was shocking and not everyone could accept it. Therefore, Xiao Yi only called a member of the Ministry of Justice to come in and record the autopsy.

As expected, when he saw Xu Jing cutting the corpse in front of him with the knife in his hands without shaking, the poor Yuan Wai Lang turned pale with shock and almost fainted.

Seeing him like this, Xu Jing couldn't help but miss her first autopsy assistant in this world - Chen Hu. Unfortunately, Chen Hu returned to Anping County to work as an assistant after ending his one-month appointment with Xiao Yi. Worth it.

Xu Jing carefully inspected the corpse in her hand part by part. Judging from the internal conditions of the corpse, the deceased did indeed die of excessive blood loss.This method of death is undoubtedly the cruelest way for the deceased who has been tortured. It is better to die immediately.

It wasn't until she separated the deceased's stomach and cut it open that she finally found new clues.

The stomach contents of the deceased were seen to be in the shape of rice, and there was a large amount of pasty residue in the duodenum, indicating that the deceased had eaten something about an hour before his death.

Xu Jing picked up a pair of tweezers and searched carefully in the stomach contents of the deceased. This move made Yuan Wailang feel nauseated, and finally couldn't help but retched, and quickly ran out covering his mouth. .

Xu Jing ignored him and continued to focus on the work she was doing. Suddenly, her eyebrows raised slightly, and she picked up a small oval brown-red object the size of her little finger from the mushy stomach contents.

Xiao Yi couldn't help but come closer, frowning slightly, "Is this...the core of some kind of fruit?"

"Looks like it is."

Xu Jing placed the small thing on the clean white cloth next to it, wiped it carefully, and said: "It looks... like the core of a lychee or longan, but I don't know much about fruits, so I can't be 100% sure. .”

Xiao Yi immediately said: "I sent someone to find a fruit vendor to ask. If this is really lychee or longan, the problem may be complicated."

Xu Jing couldn't help but fell silent.

Indeed, both lychees and longans are fruits that grow in the south. Because their origin is far away from Xijing, they are usually sent as tribute fruits, not to mention that it is not the harvest season for these two fruits yet. Nowadays, those who can afford these two fruits are either rich or noble.

But they can't rule out that this is the core of another fruit they didn't expect.

Xu Jing finally said: "First determine what kind of core this is before talking."

After saying that, he inspected it carefully and began to sew up the body.

After all the work was done, the sky outside was completely dark. Xiao Yi looked at Xu Jing and said, "I'll take you back."

Xu Jing subconsciously wanted to say no, but Xiao Yi seemed to know what she wanted to say, and said: "Ms. Xu ate a few snacks at noon, and she has been busy until now. Mrs. Xu has done me such a big favor, so I should be a little bit more express."

When Xu Jing returned from Xiao Yi's house to Zhou's house, it was almost noon. She originally wanted to go back for lunch. Unexpectedly, she met Hu Da and the others and got some important clues, so she immediately went back to tell Xiao Yi .

On the way, I ate a few snacks from Xiao Yi's carriage.

Seeing that Xu Jing was already a little shaken, Xiao Yi had a faint smile in his eyes and said, "Besides, I have something related to the case that I want to discuss with Madam Xu."

Seeing what he said, Xu Jing hesitated a little and said: "But we are eating outside, it would not be good if someone sees us."

"It's ok."

Xiao Yi suddenly glanced outside the Criminal Department and said, "Let's make do with each other nearby. I'll take you to the small shop I usually go to. You won't meet anyone you know there."

(End of this chapter)

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