The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 189 Do you want to know my past?

Xu Jing did not expect that the neighborhood Xiao Yi mentioned was actually less than a hundred steps away from the Ministry of Punishment.

But she saw Xiao Yi leading her into a small alley next to the Yamen of the Ministry of Justice. There was a small noodle stall there. Because it was already late, there was only one table of people at the noodle stall still eating noodles.

A woman in her forties or fifty with a kind and simple face was clearing a table. When she saw Xiao Yi coming over, she immediately smiled and said: "Master Xiao, are you off duty so late today?"

Obviously Xiao Yi is a regular customer here.

Xiao Yi nodded and said: "Something happened."

After saying that, he turned to Xu Jing, who was a little stunned, and whispered: "This old couple has been setting up a noodle stall near Xingbu for almost ten years. Xingbu has public food at noon, but the taste is very average. Sometimes Xingbu's People who want a change of taste come here to have a bowl of noodles, and sometimes they come here after work at night.”

Xu Jing raised her eyebrows, "It seems that Mr. Xiao is a regular worker who works overtime."

Overtime regular?Another new word.

Xiao Yi smiled faintly and said: "The Criminal Department has a small staff and a lot of affairs, so there is nothing we can do about getting off duty late. The noodles here taste good and the soups are made with real ingredients. Madam Xu can try it."

As he said that, he found a table that looked relatively clean and sat down.

The woman immediately walked over with a smile. When she saw Xu Jing, the smile in her eyes became even stronger. "This is the first time I have seen Mr. Xiao bring a woman here. What do you want to eat? Female guests generally have light tastes. The most commonly ordered food is our flat food, would you like to try it, madam?"

Although this woman's eyes were warm, there was no ambiguity at all. She obviously had a good sense of how to deal with people. Xu Jing raised the corner of her mouth slightly and said, "Okay, I want a bowl of flat food."

The woman immediately turned to Xiao Yi, "Where's Mr. Xiao? Is it still the same three fresh noodles with a cake as usual?"

Xiao Yi nodded, "Yes, it's troublesome."

"Master Xiao is always so polite. Please sit down for a moment. The tea on the table has just been changed. Please feel free to drink it."

After saying that, he turned around and left with a smile.

Xiao Yi lifted the teapot on the table and filled the cup in front of Xu Jing. Seeing Xu Jing looking around, he couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong? But what's the matter?"

Xu Jing didn't know how to describe her feelings. She thought for a while and said, "No, I just feel that this is not like a place where Xiao Shilang would come."

When Xiao Yi heard this, he couldn't help but smile lowly, and his dark eyes suddenly seemed to be reflected by the faint starlight at night, and said: "Mrs. Xu, what do you think is the place I will go?"

Xu Jing was stunned for a moment, looking at the man in front of her unconsciously, feeling that his current appearance was something she had never seen before.

"Hmm... I feel that Mr. Xiao should be a meticulous person who eats the official food of the Yamen, or eats it at home."

He didn't seem to be the kind of aristocratic kid who liked to have fun. He always seemed to her to be very rigorous and self-disciplined, and only very occasionally would he show a hint of relaxation and spontaneity.

Xiao Yi was startled, why did it sound like this... He couldn't help but clear his throat and said, "Ms. Xu, you mean that I am a very boring person?"


No, what kind of god-level understanding does he have?
Although... although if she had to say it, that's what she meant.

Xu Jing quickly corrected her demeanor and said seriously: "Of course not, I am praising Shi Lang Xiao for being a very serious person!"

Seeing the woman opposite looking like she was facing a formidable enemy, Xiao Yi helplessly shook his head and smiled, picked up the cup in front of him and took a sip, his voice seemed to be lower, "Mrs. Xu, don't worry about me, I know very well that I am a what kind of person."

It would be a lie to say in my heart that I am not frustrated.

But even though he is a boring person, the woman in front of him doesn't seem to dislike being with him. Isn't it time for him to be content?How did this topic go astray like this?Xu Jing quickly racked her brains to make up for the situation, "I really don't think so, it's just... I don't know Xiao Shilang very well yet. Look, if you didn't bring me here today, I wouldn't have known that Xiao Shilang had such fireworks. The angry side.”

What she said was true. Xu Jing felt that she was getting smoother and smoother. Finally, she raised her lips and smiled and said: "There are no truly boring people in this world. Like the cases I have encountered, the parties involved in each case There will be a story that belongs to them alone. Even if he has turned into a cold corpse, there must be a lot of past that I need to dig out. I will find a person boring... or something, but it's just not enough for him. Just understand.”

Xiao Yi was stunned, looking at the slightly curved eyes of the woman in front of him, and clearly felt that his heartbeat was getting faster and faster.

His hand holding the cup couldn't help but tighten tighter and tighter.

How could there be such a woman in this world?

It was as if every bit of her body looked exactly like the one that impressed him the most.

He inexplicably felt that his mouth was a little dry, and he couldn't help but lower his eyes slightly. He picked up the cup in front of him and took a sip, and suddenly said in a low voice: "Mrs. Xu, do you want to know my past?"

Xu Jing was startled, not sure if she heard it correctly. Just at this time, the woman just now came over with steaming noodles and flat food. She carefully placed the bowl in front of them and said with a smile: "You two Sir, you've been waiting for a long time! Please have a meal! You can refill the soup at will, just call me if you want."

Because of her interruption, the topic just now was not continued.

Xu Jing had eaten with Xiao Yi before and knew that he didn't like to talk much while eating, so she suppressed the strange feeling in her heart and quietly ate the flat food in front of her.

On this night, the autumn breeze was crisp, the noodle soup was delicious, and the flatbreads were each small, but very filling and full of fillings. While they were eating, several tables of guests came one after another, and they seemed to be all nearby people.

Xu Jing listened to the occasional voices of the guests and the warm greetings of the old couple running the noodle stall, and couldn't help but peek at the man opposite her again and again.

Sure enough, it still feels a bit unreal.

It seems that she still doesn't understand Xiao Yi very well.

After eating, Xiao Yi sent Xu Jing to the carriage and watched her leave.

It wasn't until Xu Jing got on the carriage that she suddenly remembered something - didn't Xiao Yi say that he wanted to discuss some cases with her?Which of what they just said was related to the case?
On the other side, after Xu Jing's carriage disappeared around the corner, Xiao Yi still stood there and suddenly said quietly: "Dongli, am I really boring?"

Dong Li on the side: "..."

No, sir, if you want to embarrass the villain, just say so!

It's getting harder and harder for him as a little servant. Not only is he forced to eat dog food every day, but he is also tortured by his husband!
He thought hard for a while and said: "Lang Jun... is a person who does great things..."

Xiao Yi glanced at him, sighed secretly, and said: "Okay, you don't need to say anything. Mrs. Cen often said that young ladies like new and interesting things. Last time Song Sanlang gave it to Sister Axi on her birthday. Sister Axi seems to like those fireworks that were set off..."

After hearing what his husband said, Dong Li couldn't help but said: "Lang Jun, I don't think Madam Xu is a woman who likes those fancy gadgets. If Lang Jun really wants to please Madam Xu, why not help Madam Xu sell her products?" medicine."

He has never seen a woman who likes to open a shop and make money more than Madam Xu!

Xiao Yi was slightly stunned and couldn't help but look thoughtful.

It was already very late when Xu Jing returned to Zhou's house. Thinking of a little girl who would secretly be unhappy if she came back late, Xu Jing couldn't help but speed up and go to the room.

But suddenly, they met Zhou Wan and Zhou Xian head-on.

When Zhou Wan saw her, he immediately ran up to her happily and said crisply: "Sister Jing! I just wanted to go find you. Are you free tomorrow?" (End of Chapter)

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