The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 209: Isn’t this woman shocking enough?

Chapter 209: Isn’t this woman shocking enough? (Second update)
Mrs. Cen was stunned for a moment, her face darkened again, and she said: "Vice General Sun is one of the two lieutenants who have been following Duke Guo. They have both been with Duke Guo for almost 20 years. Duke Guo has always treated them badly. Very trusting.

Unexpectedly, some time ago, the Duke of Guo discovered that Vice General Sun had been secretly misappropriating military pay for gambling. The Duke of Guo had always known about his addiction to gambling, but he did not expect that he would be so audacious and even dare to misappropriate military pay.Although the amount he embezzled was not a large amount, it was still a violation of military regulations. Because he had been with him for so long, the Duke of Guo did not tell anyone about the matter and paid for the hole he embezzled. , but asked him to leave the military camp and not to appear in front of him again.

Lieutenant General Sun was unwilling to leave. He had been making trouble during this period. Unexpectedly, he broke into the room of me and the Duke of Guo on the occasion of the old lady’s birthday today.The Duke of Guo was so angry that he gave him an ultimatum. If he made trouble again, he would go to heaven to hear about his misappropriation of military pay. With the amount of money he misappropriated, he would definitely be imprisoned for several years, and he might even harm his descendants. Descendants.Vice General Sun just left, but I saw his expression when he left, still unwilling. "

After Mrs. Cen finished speaking, Qing Yi added: "But there is one thing that Mrs. Xu must have misunderstood. Although the Duke of Guo was angry with Vice General Sun, the Duke of Guo has always had the habit of drinking a cup of tea when he returns to his room. Today I was so angry that I drank two cups in a row, so we will all replace the tea in the room with a pot before the Duke comes back. Qingyun, who stayed behind today, did not change the tea, and his wife told him."

Qingyun, who was still kneeling on the ground, quickly said: "That... that's because Vice General Sun..."

Qing Yi glanced at Qing Yun with some pity and said: "I know, you didn't know what to do because Vice General Sun suddenly barged in, and then you were in a hurry to find Madam, so you didn't have time to change tea, so Madam didn't have too much Accusing you."

In her opinion, Qingyun was completely unlucky to be involved in this matter.

Xu Jing suddenly looked at Qingyun, "When you went to find Madam, Vice General Sun was alone in the room?"

Qingyun shook his head and said, "No, Guard Chen and Guard Feng were afraid that Deputy General Sun would cause trouble, so they followed him in when Deputy General Sun came in. Later, when the servant went to find Madam, they kept looking at Deputy General Sun."

Xu Jing looked at the two guards and said, "When Vice General Sun was in the room, you were staring at him the whole time? Did he do anything strange?"

This is obviously doubting Vice General Sun.

Indeed, the person who has entered the Duke's room and has the most motive to commit the crime is Vice General Sun.

Chen Sheng and Feng Zhao glanced at each other subconsciously, and it was Feng Zhao who spoke more sharply and said: "We have indeed been staring at Vice Admiral Sun, but...if Madam Xu insisted that we promise not to look away for a moment, we didn't. I didn't dare. At that time, Vice General Sun was sitting at the table in the small hall of Madam and their room. The pot of tea was on the table. Vice General Sun was going to poison him and it only took a few breaths to do it.

Speaking of which, when Qingyun came back with his wife, we all subconsciously turned our heads and glanced outside. Not long after the wife came back, the Duke of Guo also came back. Madam knew everything that happened after that. "

When Zhao Shaohua heard this, he frowned, "Isn't it really Vice-General Sun who poisoned him? His uncle was so kind to him, and his current wife was also brokered for him by his aunt. If he really did such a thing, They are really worse than pigs and dogs!”

Xu Jing pursed her lips.

The most suspicious person now is indeed Lieutenant General Sun.

However, just looking at the motive of the crime and the evidence of his presence at the time of the crime, it is still not possible to completely convict him.

However, Madam Cen had just sent someone to find Vice General Sun. When others arrive, things will be much easier to handle.

The few people waited in the yard for another quarter of an hour. Zhao Jingming suddenly strode in with a tense face. He took a deep breath and said, "Auntie, my second brother and I found Manager Liao in the warehouse at the back. But when we found him..."

Zhao Jingming paused, and his voice became extremely difficult, "He has run out of energy."

Everyone was shocked.

Zhao Jingming then said another shocking thing, "While we were looking for Manager Liao, we also found Deputy General Sun who was hiding in the mansion. When Dad asked him to leave earlier, he secretly walked away. The man sent by his father to see him off has been hiding in the house. The servant responsible for seeing him off was afraid of being punished by his father, so he did not tell his father immediately and kept secretly looking for Lieutenant General Sun.

Vice General Sun said that he didn’t want to leave because he still had something to say to his father. He also said that he was not the one who poisoned his father, nor was he the one who killed Manager Liao..."

Mrs. Cen bit her lip, stood up suddenly and said, "Where are they? Take me there immediately!"

Zhao Jingming quickly took them to the warehouse of Liang Guogong's mansion. Manager Liao's body was found behind the warehouse. He was hidden in a pile of bushes behind the warehouse. No clues could be found without going in to check.When Zhao Jingming's second brother Zhao Jingyi saw Mrs. Cen and the others coming, he immediately stepped forward to show them the way, "Auntie, Mr. Liao is here. Normally, almost no one would come here, let alone today. The thief was obviously very cunning and deliberately hid the person here so that when my grandmother’s birthday party was over and the guards in the house were no longer so tight, he could find a way to dispose of the body.”

At this time, Manager Liao was carried out by them and placed on a white cloth spread on the ground.

Because it involved a murder case, Xiao Yi couldn't even think of letting go of the shopkeeper. He walked forward and squatted in front of the deceased, looking carefully. Xu Jing also walked beside him.

But they saw the tall, fat middle-aged man lying lifelessly on the ground. The usual kind smile on his face was replaced by a lifeless look. His hands were behind his back and tied tightly with hemp rope, and his feet were also tied. Tied together with hemp rope.

Mrs. Cen looked at the body of Manager Liao, trembling with anger and her eyes were red, "Which bastard did it? If I find out, I won't let him go lightly! Yanci, you are from the Criminal Department and have rich experience in investigating cases. , I would also like to trouble you to find this murderer for us!"

Xiao Yi nodded, but suddenly, he raised his head and looked at Xu Jing, saying: "There is no one here now. Could you please Madam Xu to help me with the autopsy?"

Except for Zhao Jingming, everyone present looked stunned.

Lady Xu?Autopsy?

Are they crazy, or is Xiao Yi crazy?
Xiao Yi, with a calm face, stood up and said: "Ms. Xu is proficient in medical skills, so she is somewhat interested in the autopsy. However, she is my wife after all, and I am also eager to investigate the case, so I asked Mrs. Xu Autopsy.”

Mrs. Cen immediately understood what Xiao Yi meant and said, "Don't worry, no one here will tell anyone about A Jing's help in the autopsy."

She was shocked just now, but then she thought about it, did there not be many shocking things about this woman?
It's no wonder that Yan Ci, who has always been indifferent to women, will treat this woman like a jewel, and is even willing to ask for remarriage for her.

Xu Jing glanced at Xiao Yi, then squatted down and began to examine the body.

After all, it was not easy for her to take off the clothes of the deceased in front of the Zhao family. Fortunately, the cause of death of the deceased was very clear and could be seen almost at a glance.

Xu Jing said while checking the condition of the corpse: "The body of the deceased has begun to stiffen, but the only places where rigor mortis occurs are the masseter and cervical muscles. It is initially inferred that the deceased was killed about half an hour ago, and now it is about You hour Six quarters (06:30 p.m.), that is to say, the deceased was killed at about two quarters (05:30). Considering that the weather is getting colder now, rigor mortis will appear later, so the time of death of the deceased may be Earlier.”

The second moment of Youshi!

Liang Guogong was poisoned not long after Youshi. The time when they carried Liang Guogong back to his room was around the second quarter of Youshi (05:30).

Madam Xu said that the real time of death of the deceased might be earlier, which means that the murderer probably killed Manager Liao before they carried Liang Guogong back.

In this case, the four people kneeling in the yard just now, except Shen Jie who had been following Liang Guogong, are all suspected of committing the crime.

Those suspected of committing the crime naturally include Lieutenant General Sun who had been hiding in the mansion before!
Mrs. Cen brought the four people with her when she came over. When she noticed the looks everyone was looking at them, everyone except Shen Jie turned pale.

Xu Jing continued: "The face of the deceased was bruised and swollen, the cornea was turbid, and there were bleeding spots. There were bleeding spots on the skin of the face and neck. In addition, clear strangulation marks were visible on the neck of the deceased. Judging from the patterns on the strangulation marks, the murder weapon should be It's a hemp rope.

There were abrasions from struggling where the hands of the deceased were tied with hemp rope, and there were also bruises where the feet were tied, indicating that the deceased was tied up by the murderer and then killed.However, the deceased did not have any resistance injuries..."

As Xu Jing spoke, she checked it bit by bit. When she found the head of the deceased, her hand paused slightly.

 When I write about a case, I can’t contain the number of words [face covering]

  (End of this chapter)

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