The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 210 He has been planning for a long time

Xiao Yi on the side immediately said: "But what did you find?"

Manager Liao was lying on his back at this time. Xu Jing's hand reached into the back of his head. She slowly pulled her hand out, only to see that it was stained with some blood that had not completely dried up!
She looked at the guards of the Duke's Mansion on the side and said, "Please turn over the body of Manager Liao."

When Manager Liao was turned over, everyone immediately noticed that there was a bloody swelling on the right side of his head, as if he had been hit hard by something.

Xu Jing murmured: "No wonder he didn't have any injuries from the struggle. He should have been knocked unconscious and then tied up... It's just that, it's strange..."

As she spoke, she took out a handkerchief from her waist, wrapped her hand in it and touched the wound on the back of Mr. Liao's head. She felt it carefully: "The swelling on the back of the deceased's head was obvious, and the skull was also slightly deformed. Judging from the shape of the wound, From the looks of it, the murder weapon should be a long strip..."

She was stroking around, and suddenly she felt a small hard object that pricked her hand from Manager Liao's hair. When she picked it up, she saw that it was a bloody sawdust.

She suddenly seemed to have thought of something. She stood up and looked at the ground around her. Zhao Jingyi on the side was stunned and asked, "What is Madam Xu looking for? You can tell us and we will look for it."

"The criminal probably knocked Manager Liao unconscious with a wooden stick, and the criminal used a lot of force. The wooden stick probably broke off on the spot, leaving sawdust in Manager Liao's hair."

Xu Jing looked at it and said: "Judging from the situation at the time, there should be a lot of blood coming from Manager Liao's head. If he was knocked unconscious near here, there should be traces..."

After a pause, her eyes deepened, and she walked to the bush where the body of Manager Liao was found and squatted down. On the ground in front of her, there was clearly a small drop of blood. Because the location was relatively hidden and the drop of blood was too small, No one had noticed it before.

Zhao Jingming walked up quickly, looked at the drop of blood and gritted his teeth and said: "Given the injury on Mr. Liao's head, how could there be such a little blood!"

Xu Jing said quietly: "Of course it's impossible. It was the murderer who cleaned up the scene. The murderer clearly had a very detailed plan for committing this crime, so everything he did was orderly, from the initial poisoning to the framing of the blame. From being in charge of Liao's affairs to the murder and hiding the corpse, everything was very thorough and rigorous. He must have been planning it for a long time."

These words made the hearts of the Zhao family jump. Zhao Shaohua couldn't help but shudder and said: "Who on earth has such a deep hatred against our Duke's Mansion!"

They also thought that if it weren't for Xu Jing being here, they might have fallen into the criminal's trap and mistakenly thought that Manager Liao was the one who poisoned them.

In that way, the real murderer can continue to lurk in the Duke's Mansion, waiting to do evil again next time. Who wouldn't be trembling? !
At this time, Xu Jing stood up and said: "Zhao Liulang just said that Vice General Sun has been found. Where is he now?"

Zhao Jingyi immediately said: "Vice General Sun was very excited. I was afraid that something might happen if I brought him here, so I asked someone to tie him up and hold him temporarily. If Madam Xu wants to question me, I will send someone to bring Vice General Sun here." "

Xu Jing shook her head and said softly: "No, please prepare a room and bring all the suspects there."

Is this going to try all suspects at the same time?
Zhao Jingyi was stunned and glanced at Xiao Yi subconsciously. Seeing Xiao Yi nodded towards him, he said, "Okay, I'll go prepare the room right now."

When several suspects on the side saw this, they couldn't help shouting that they were wronged again. Just seeing that Shen Jie got rid of the suspicion, they became even more panicked. Everyone knew that once they were regarded as murderers, their lives would be worse than water. It's cold.

Feng Zhao said with a pale face: "Madam and all the gentlemen, please be clear to me. The villain really didn't poison or kill anyone! The villain and Chen Sheng have been on duty outside the courtyard of the Duke of Guo in the afternoon, talking and talking. Forget it if we are suspected of poisoning, how can we have the time to kill people!" Ever since he found the body of Manager Liao, Zhao Jingming felt angry in his heart. He glared at them fiercely and said through gritted teeth. : "The warehouse is not far from my parents' room. If I run there, it doesn't take long to go back and forth. Even if I have to go to Manager Liao's room on the way to fake the traces of his hurried escape, a cup of tea will be enough." That's enough. Do you dare to say that you never left the courtyard gate at all during your duty?!"

On weekdays, there are guards patrolling the backyard of the Duke's Mansion, but today most of the guards were dispatched to various gates. The remaining guards focused on patrolling a few key areas, but there was no one in the backyard.

If they were to do something at this time, there would be no hindrance.

A flash of panic suddenly flashed across Feng Zhao's eyes, and Chen Sheng suddenly looked at him and said, "I remember that before the Duke was brought back, you once said that you had gone to the latrine and left for a while!"

Feng Zhao said quickly: "I... I really had three urgent needs at that time! What's more, I came back before I even had time for a cup of tea!"

Seeing that everyone was looking at him with deep suspicion, Feng Zhao was panicked and said in a somewhat broken voice: "I can swear to God that I really didn't do anything! If I said that at that time If I leave, I'm suspicious. Isn't Chen Sheng also suspect? During the time I left, he could have gone somewhere else to do something!"

Chen Sheng's face turned pale, "I..."

"Okay!" Zhao Jingyi frowned and stopped them: "Those who are clean will be cleansed themselves. Minister Xiao and Madam Xu will find the real culprit! Come on, take the three suspects down first!"

Zhao Jingming was already confused. Now it seemed that these four suspects had time to commit the crime.

Who is the real murderer? !

At this moment, Feng Zhao might have been in a daze because of what had just happened. He didn't pay attention to his steps when he was being escorted away, and stepped on Qingyun's foot who was walking in front of him.

Qingyun staggered, and almost fell to the ground when she lost her balance. Fortunately, she quickly used her hands to support the ground, so as not to fall.

Among the three people, only Qingyun was not escorted away by the guards because she was a woman. She was obviously very depressed. After being frightened like this, her face turned pale and she continued to move forward without saying a word.

Others could not bear it. Zhao Jingming couldn't help but frowned and said, "How could Feng Zhao be so careless? Normally he doesn't look so restless."

The people who can be chosen to be beside Liang Guogong are somewhat capable.

Zhao Jingyi said softly: "It's a matter of life and death. Very few people can handle it calmly. What's more, Feng Zhao and Chen Sheng are still young. My father felt that they were not calm enough, so he put them in the house."

After saying that, he looked at Xu Jing and said, "Ms. Xu, you asked me to put four suspects in a room for interrogation, but do you have any clues about this case?"

Xu Jing looked back at the people who were being taken away and said, "I do have some clues, but I still lack the most critical evidence. Zhao Silang, have you found any other suspicious items near here? For example? The wooden stick used to hit Manager Liao, the hemp rope used to strangle Manager Liao, etc."

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