The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 211 There is one more person to despise

Zhao Jingyi just asked casually, but he didn't expect that Madam Xu actually had something to say.

He was a little surprised. Hearing Xu Jing's question, he was startled and shook his head: "No, after I found Manager Liao's body, I had people search around, but no suspicious items were found. Madam Xu, do you think there should be those things you mentioned around here?"

Xu Jing nodded and said: "According to my inference of the time of death of the deceased, the murderer will not have a lot of time to kill. In such a short period of time, he has to kill people, clean up the scene and decorate Manager Liao's room at the same time. No matter how he had a plan, the time was also very tight. He shouldn't have time to deal with those things.

Generally, criminals deal with the murder weapons they commit crimes by hiding them. If there is water, they will throw it into the water. If there is time, they will bury it in the soil. If there is no water and no time, they can only find a hidden place nearby. Place to hide first. "

There are no lakes or ponds or wells nearby, so Xu Jing believed that the murder weapon was nearby.

Zhao Jingyi looked enlightened and said immediately: "I immediately asked people to search the nearby places carefully. Just now they searched too roughly."

After saying that, he turned around and ordered the guards to go.

Zhao Jingming on the side couldn't suppress the restlessness in his heart when he heard Xu Jing say that he had a prospect. Finally, after Zhao Jingyi and Xu Jing finished speaking, he quickly stepped forward and asked: "Ms. Xu, what did you say?" What's the clue? Who is the person who poisoned my father and killed Manager Liao?"

Xu Jing glanced at him and asked instead: "Zhao Liulang, after seeing the body of Manager Liao, what kind of person do you think the murderer is?"

Zhao Jingming was startled and frowned slightly, "How did I know that, just like Mrs. Xu said, he acted very carefully and cautiously. After knocking Manager Liao unconscious, he tied him up and then killed him..."

"Since Manager Liao is unconscious, why didn't the criminal just kill him and tie up his hands and feet?"

Zhao Jingming became more and more confused, "It's because I was afraid that Manager Liao would suddenly wake up and resist in the middle of the attack. You said that there were abrasions on Manager Liao's wrists and ankles. Isn't that evidence that Manager Liao regained consciousness and resisted? "

"However, the abrasions on his wrists and ankles are not serious, which shows that he has just regained consciousness and is very weak."

Who wouldn't be weak after receiving such a stick?
The more Zhao Jingming thought about it, the more his head hurt. He couldn't help but said: "I admit that my brain is not as good as yours, can't you speak more clearly?!"

Xiao Yi on the side couldn't help but walked over and said softly: "Chang Yu, please calm down. Madam Xu just said that she hasn't found the key evidence yet, which means that her current thoughts are just her guesses. Since they are just guesses, Naturally, you can’t say it casually to mislead others.”

Zhao Jingming, however, looked dissatisfied, "Don't you all investigate cases only when there is conclusive evidence before they can be discussed?"

Xiao Yi immediately looked at him with a subtle look of "How can you compare with us?" and said: "Of course not, but Madam Xu's words just now have made it very clear. At least, Madam Xu and I have the same idea. "

Zhao Jingming: "..."

So what are your thoughts?
Previously, his IQ was always despised by Xiao Yanci and Xiao Jingchen, but now there is another person. What is this?

At this moment, a guard not far away suddenly shouted excitedly: "Mr. Lang, I found something here!"

Everyone immediately walked over and saw a wooden stick broken in half with blood stains on it and an arm-length hemp rope hidden in a corner full of bushes behind the warehouse.

The place where the things were found was less than fifty steps away from the place where Manager Liao's body was found.The wooden stick is almost as long as an arm, and the disconnection point is about one-third of the way down from the top.

Xu Jing wrapped her hands with a handkerchief, looked at the wooden stick, and then picked up the hemp rope and looked at it. Suddenly, she saw a small patch of red at the end of one end of the hemp rope.

Xiao Yi's eyes darkened slightly and he said, "This is blood stains."


Xu Jing said quietly: "The murderer is indeed that person."

Soon, everyone gathered in the room prepared by Zhao Jingyi. Xiao Yi sat at the top, Xu Jing sat on his right, Mrs. Cen sat on his left, and Zhao Jingming, Zhao Jingyi and Zhao Shaohua sat on both sides.

Four suspects were lined up below. Except for Qingyun, the other three people had their hands tied. Xu Jing finally met the legendary Vice General Sun for the first time.

But they saw that Vice General Sun was tall and strong, with a full beard that made it difficult to tell his true age. His face turned red with excitement. After being escorted in and seeing Mrs. Cen, he immediately She said loudly: "Madam! This subordinate has been wronged, madam! Even if I kill myself, I will never lay a finger on the Duke of Guo! The reason why I secretly hide in the mansion is... I just want to see the Duke again." As for me, my subordinate has been with the Duke since I was 15 years old. I really don’t dare to think about how I will live without the Duke! I also know that I have done something unforgivable and I will never dare to do it again... .

How is the Duke doing now?Whoever dared to poison the Duke of Guo, I, Sun Dahu, will definitely kill him with a thousand knives! "

Mrs. Cen frowned and said in a cold voice: "Jing Jing, today I will hand over the full authority of your interrogation to Mr. Xiao. Mr. Xiao will certainly help us find the real culprit who poisoned the Duke!"

Vice General Sun was stunned, and his tiger eyes immediately stared at Xiao Yi, who was sitting in the middle.

Xiao Yi just glanced at him lightly and said, "Don't worry, Deputy General Sun, I know you are not the real murderer."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was startled.

They originally thought that the murderer was most likely Deputy General Sun!
Mrs. Cen quickly asked: "If it's not Vice General Sun, who could it be!"

At this time, Xiao Yi glanced at Xu Jing, who was standing aside. Xu Jing nodded, stood up and said, "I thought the murderer was Deputy General Sun at first. After all, Deputy General Sun has a very sufficient motive for committing the crime, not to mention that Manager Liao is so handsome." He was very tall, and he had been following Old Liang Guogong when he was young. He had certain skills, so not just anyone could kill him.

Until, I saw the body of Manager Liao.If you are a person who has sufficient confidence in your own physical strength and skill, there is no need to tie up Mr. Liao’s hands and feet after successfully attacking him. Mr. Liao regained consciousness on the way to being killed, and even though he was seriously injured, he regained his strength. It is also very limited. With Vice General Sun's ability, it should be extremely easy to subdue General Manager Liao like this. "

Everyone was startled, and Zhao Jingming finally understood the reason why Xu Jing asked him those questions. He opened his eyes slightly and said: "You mean, the murderer felt that his physical strength was not as good as that of Manager Liao, so he put his hands on his hands." Feet tied?"

In this case, Deputy General Sun does not look like a prisoner, and among the remaining three, Qingyun must be the weakest. Although Chen Sheng and Feng Zhao are men, their stature is far less than that of Manager Liao. Especially Chen Sheng, among the guards, His figure is considered thin.

From this point of view, these three people all fit the characteristics of feeling that their physical strength is not as good as that of Manager Liao.

Mr. Xiao: With my wife (fake) here, I can be lazy openly and happily~

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