Zhao Shaohua couldn't help but shudder as he listened. He approached Xu Jing and frowned: "Nonsense, if it's a ghost that kills the person, do you still need to tie the person up?!"

The woman in pink clothes suddenly looked angry and said: "Yes, we don't believe it either. Mother said that it was deliberately spread by other flower houses to smear us, so mother did not allow us to talk about it outside."

Xu Jing thought for a while and asked, "Did Dali Temple say anything when they came to investigate the case?"

The woman in pink clothes was a little confused: "We were not there when Dali Temple investigated the case, and we don't know what they found. However, I heard that people from Dali Temple were asking people who passed by our Guixiang Building that morning. , have you seen any suspicious characters?"

Xu Jing nodded and said, "You just said that He Langjun has always reserved a room with you. Does that mean he always goes to the same room every time he comes?"

This question was much easier to answer. The woman in pink nodded and said, "Yes, because He Langjun came on a very fixed day, and his mother would always leave that room for him on that day. However, when he went to the Imperial College a few times for vacation, , He Langjun rarely came over, and he didn’t come again until five days ago. I heard from his wife who often serves him that some of He Langjun’s friends in the Imperial College got into trouble, so he was not in the mood to come over."


Could it be that he was the deceased in the first two cases?
Xu Jing and the other three suddenly exchanged secret glances.

Before that, Xu Jing was still wondering whether the murderer simply killed to satisfy his desire to kill, or whether he killed with a purpose.

The former is similar to the case of Zheng Shouyan and the Smiling Killer case. Although the murderer has certain rules when selecting his victims, the deceased actually has no relationship with the murderer. He only kills people because of his own fantasies or murderous thoughts.

In the latter case, the murderer usually kills for a certain purpose, and the victim he chooses is also specific. In this case, there are two common types: vendetta and love killing.

In the latter case, there is usually some connection between the deceased, and as long as the reason why the murderer committed the murder is found out, half of the case is basically solved.

Xu Jing asked again: "I wonder which room that He Langjun often goes to?"

"The third room on the right when you enter the first corridor on the left side of the third floor." Although the woman in pink answered Xu Jing's question, her eyes couldn't help but change. "Why do you want to ask in such detail?"

If it's just a noble lady who wants to satisfy her curiosity, there's no need to ask in such detail.

Seeing that she was suspicious, Xu Jing could only swallow other questions and said with a smile: "This is the first time a murder case has happened around me. I'm just a little curious. Please give us a pot of tea and some of your The signature dim sum here.”

While they were talking, the table had arrived, so the three of them sat down.

Seeing that Xu Jing didn't ask any more questions, the woman in pink secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After thinking about it, she whispered: "Please, please, please don't go to the room where the case occurred. Although we have resumed business, that room is still the same." It’s sealed, the officials from Dali Temple will come over at any time.”

Xu Jing raised her eyebrows and responded.

But if you don’t go, how is it possible?

After the woman in pink left, Zhao Jingming immediately said: "I didn't expect these three deceased people to be friends! Madam Xu, let's go to that room and have a look!"

"There's no rush. We asked too many questions just now, which obviously aroused their suspicion."

Xu Jing gestured with her eyes to the woman in pink who was still peeking at them even though she was far away. She smiled lightly and said, "It's rare to come here. It's good to drink tea and watch the show first. However, Zhao Liulang should Come no less."


He, he wouldn't come to a place like this!

Zhao Shaohua held his chin with one hand and said funnyly: "Xiao Liu doesn't dare to come to these places. If uncle and aunt find out, they can break his legs."

Indulging in wine and sex is despised no matter what era it is in. Generally, a gentleman from a wealthy family with strict rules will not come to such a place casually.

Zhao Shaohua suddenly thought of something and looked at Xu Jing and said: "Don't worry, A Jing, Yanci will never come here. It should be said that Yanci has nothing to do with the word "womanizing". Since his mother..."

After a pause, she stopped talking and smiled: "You and Yanci were husband and wife before, so you must know about that. Anyway, Yanci is a reliable and good man." Xu Jing: " …”

She really didn't know what that thing was.

But she couldn't ask directly. Let alone whether it would expose her fake remarriage with Xiao Yi, she didn't know whether Xiao Yi was willing to let her know such a private matter.

A few people sat and chatted leisurely for a while. Seeing that the woman in pink seemed to be completely relieved and no longer peeked at them, Xu Jing said: "It's time. If we leave together, it will inevitably make people suspicious. I suggest that you let the young lady Hua stays while Zhao Liulang and I go to that room to check."

Although Zhao Jingming was not at ease, he had just stayed for so long and knew that the hall here was indeed safe. Besides, Sister Axi was not someone who would be easily bullied, so he nodded in agreement.

The two then made an excuse to go up to see a friend and went straight to the room on the third floor where the murder occurred.

Although the door of that room was closed, it was not locked. Xu Jing and Zhao Jingming opened the door and walked in when no one was around. As the woman in pink just said, this room had obviously not been used for several days. It was neatly packed inside and not very popular.

The traces of the day of the crime have already been cleared away.

When Zhao Jingming saw Xu Jing enter, he went straight to the only window in the room, followed quickly and said, "Mrs. Xu, do you suspect that the murderer escaped through the window?"


After Xu Jing opened the window, she found an alley outside the window. No one passed by this alley even in broad daylight, let alone at night.

Zhao Jingming also took a look and said: "This window is indeed very suitable for escaping, but when He Anming's servants and guards have been guarding outside, how did the murderer get in? Could it be through this window?"

"Probably not. This is the third floor. If you just go down, it's not difficult with the help of some tools. For example, tie the rope to the beam on the roof and then slowly climb down."

Xu Jing raised her head as she spoke, pointed to the beam above, and said: "However, it is impossible to climb up with bare hands without any tools, and it is impossible for the murderer to tie a rope in advance and put it down, so I think, The murderer didn't come in through the window."

Zhao Jingming was startled, "Then..."

"Don't forget, He Anming uses the same room every time he comes. The criminal only needs to find out in advance when He Anming will come and hide in this room in advance. Cabinets and under the bed are all places where people can hide. .”

Xu Jing said softly: "The murderer couldn't find a chance to attack in the Imperial College, so he had to choose other places. But because He Anming never came to Guixiang Court for the first two cases, the third case was separated from the second case. It’s been almost two months.”

The murderer has been hiding in the room!

How much perseverance and determination does it take to hide in a room for several hours just to kill someone!
Zhao Jingming couldn't help but frown.

After Xu Jing finished speaking, she continued to search around the room.

However, this room has been sorted out, and even if there are useful clues, Dali Temple will definitely take it away.

Xu Jing finally searched the bedside. After searching carefully, she lifted up the quilt.

Under the quilt was an ordinary bed board, which looked nothing special at first glance, but Xu Jing suddenly found some brown powder between the gaps in the bed board.

Her eyes narrowed, she took out her handkerchief and swept the powder onto it. Just as she was about to put it to her nose to smell it, there was suddenly a steady and powerful footsteps outside the room. The footsteps came straight towards their room. Listen to the sound , more than one person came.

Zhao Jingming's heart couldn't help but beat violently.

Damn it, someone is here at this time!

It was so sudden that he and Madam Xu couldn't hide themselves!

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