The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 224: A Qualified Partner

The moment Zhao Jingming saw Xiao Yi, he felt like his heart was about to jump out. Seeing the man not far away walking towards them quickly, he couldn't avoid it even if he wanted to, so he quickly He hid behind Xu Jing and begged in a low voice, "Ms. Xu, please help me! If Yanci knows that I brought you here, I will really die!"

Xu Jing: "..."

They didn't do anything bad, so there's no need to be so exaggerated.

Just when Xiao Yi was about to walk in front of them, Zhao Shaohua stood in the front and glared at Xiao Yi: "Xiao Yanci, tell me clearly, what are you doing here?"

Xiao Yi was slightly startled and immediately knew that they had misunderstood. He quickly looked at Xu Jing subconsciously and saw the woman not far away raising her eyebrows slightly. She seemed to be smiling helplessly and said: "Shaohua, don't be so impulsive, Xiao ... Yanci came here because he had something to do."

Her reaction made the other three people stunned for a moment. Zhao Shaohua turned to look at Xu Jing and said with some surprise: "Jing, you don't care at all?"

If she saw her husband in a place like this, no matter if he had something serious to do or not, she would inevitably have some resentment in her heart, and she would have a washboard ready to torture him when she got home. .

Xu Jing coughed lightly and said, "It's not that I don't care, I just believe in Yanci. If I didn't believe him, I wouldn't have decided to remarry him."

Zhao Shaohua was speechless for a moment.

This sounds reasonable, but something feels wrong.

Xiao Yi looked at the woman not far away with a deep look, his hands behind his back quietly clenched into fists, he took a deep breath, and then said in a deep voice: "I'm not here what you think, it's just something. You have to do it. But you..."

He narrowed his eyes suddenly, and his dark eyes accurately locked Zhao Jingming who was hiding behind Xu Jing, and said: "Why do you appear here dressed like this? Changyu, do you want to explain to me? ?”

This look was actually thousands of times scarier than when he provoked Xiao Yi. Zhao Jingming screamed in his heart, tugged the corner of his mouth and said as calmly as possible: "I think Sister Axi and Madam Xu are both quite boring. , so I brought them here to relax..."


Xiao Yi's frown suddenly became tighter, "Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking. Did you go to the Imperial College yesterday to visit the teacher? You brought A Jing here because you wanted her to help you investigate the Imperial College case. ?”

Seeing that his purpose was seen through, Zhao Jingming shrugged, "I'm just worried about the teacher, I will definitely protect Madam Xu..."

Seeing that Xiao Yi's expression was not good, Xu Jing looked at him for a while and suddenly said: "You don't want me to get involved in this case?"

Although Xu Jing has her own opinion, it does not mean that she is stubborn and unreasonable. Although she has not officially remarried Xiao Yi yet, the imperial edict has been issued. In the eyes of outsiders, she is already tied to Xiao Yi.

Moreover, Wang Qilang, who is in charge of this case, is obviously hostile to Xiao Yi. If Xiao Yi does not want her to intervene in this case for some reason, she can stop it.

As long as it doesn't affect her own interests, she doesn't mind making some concessions for Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi was startled, looked down at the woman in front of him, and said, "No."

After a pause, he suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Xu Jing's hand. He said to Zhao Jingming and his brother, "I'll say a few words to A Jing," and then pulled Xu Jing aside.

Xu Jing was suddenly held by him, her heart skipped a beat, and when she realized what she was doing, she had been pulled into a deserted corner by him.

Xiao Yi then let go of her hand, turned around and looked at her and said, "If you want to participate in this case, just go ahead and do it, and I will find a way to get more convenience for you."

This answer made Xu Jing a little stunned. Before she could ask anything, Xiao Yi continued: "Although the Holy Father personally commended you for helping the court solve the case, because you are a woman, and because of what you... did before Many people are not convinced, and some even say that I made up your credit. Without the recognition of other officials in the DPRK, it will be very difficult for you to participate in solving the case in the future. But now, it happens to be a Chance."

Xiao Yi looked at Xu Jing steadily and raised the corner of his mouth imperceptibly, "Go and solve this case that Dali Temple has spent more than three months unable to solve. Let them see with their own eyes what you are capable of."

Xu Jing never expected that Xiao Yi thought this way.

She was worried that participating in this case would bring him trouble, but he hoped that she could clear his name through this case.

Come on, even if she and Xiao Yi are not a real couple, they are definitely a qualified pair.

Xu Jing couldn't help but have a smile on her face, and said: "Okay, I will try my best to live up to Mr. Xiao's expectations. Just now I saw that your face looked so bad, I thought you didn't want me to get involved in this case."

Xiao Yi pursed his lips slightly and sighed secretly: "A place like this is full of dragons and snakes. Suddenly seeing you here makes me worried."

He lowered his eyes and looked at the woman in front of him, feeling unspeakable bitterness in his heart. He said softly: " careful and tell me if you have anything to do. I have official duties, so I'll go over there first."

After saying that, he turned around and warned Zhao Jingming with his eyes from a distance, then turned and left.

Xu Jing looked at Xiao Yi's leaving figure and couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

Although it was for official business, it turned out that he would also come to a place like this.

On the way back, Zhao Shaohua listened to Xu Jing's explanation of why Xiao Yi asked her to continue participating in the investigation, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "You two would-be couples are really strange. You don't care about Yanci going in and out of that place where fireworks are waiting. Where is Yanci, no?" Like ordinary men, they only think about you raising a husband and raising children after you get married, and they only think about how to make the world recognize your talents.

Well, I and other ordinary people cannot understand your thoughts. I originally thought your attitude was too cold. After hearing Yan Ci's thoughts, I suddenly felt that your thoughts are normal no matter how strange they are. "

Xu Jing gave Zhao Shaohua a funny look and did not continue the topic. She turned to Zhao Jingming and said: "Although Yanci said he would find ways to create some conveniences for us, we don't know what conveniences he mentioned. Now we can only Able to collect information on one's own.

We can dig deeper into the situation at Guixiang Yuan. Zhao Liulang, you said you have a cousin studying in the Imperial College. Students of the Imperial College should have relevant certificates to prove that they are students. See if you can borrow it from your cousin. As a classmate of the deceased, I went to Guixiangyuan to inquire again.

Because other flower houses took the opportunity to use this incident to discredit Guixiangyuan, the people in Guixiangyuan were obviously very wary of people who asked about this case, but asking as a classmate of the deceased could lower their vigilance. "

Zhao Jingming immediately nodded and said, "When I go to the Imperial College tomorrow, I can borrow it from Jing An."

The two agreed on a time to go to the Imperial College the next day, and Xu Jing went back to her home.

The next day, Zhao Jingming came to Xu Jing's house after getting off duty, and Zhao Shaohua came with him.

Facing Xu Jing's questioning look, Zhao Shaohua smiled and held Xu Jing's hand, saying: "I'm here to help you. I'm also Jing'an's sister. I went to visit Jing'an with Xiaoliu, let alone It makes people suspicious.”

Xu Jing glanced at her, but did not reveal that she was just curious and wanted to follow them. She took out a small cloth bag, untied it and placed it on the table in front of her. She motioned them to look at the brown powder in the bag and said, "Yesterday I put After bringing these powders back, I studied them for a long time and found out only that sulfur was added to them because I could smell the rotten egg smell unique to sulfur, as well as some Chinese herbal medicines such as asarum, saposhnikovia and Platycodon grandiflorum. But what exactly is this powder used for? I don’t know, so I sent someone to take it to Master Zhou of Tianyi Pavilion for questioning.”

(End of this chapter)

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