Because she didn't know what it was, she didn't dare to try it with her mouth.

Zhou Qi has been running a medical clinic for so many years and is a native of this world, so he must know more than her.

Zhao Jingming quickly asked: "Does Master Zhou know what this is?"


Xu Jing nodded and said, "He said this is Hanshi Powder."

Cold food powder!
Zhao Jingming and Zhao Shaohua both looked shocked. Although they had never seen this thing, they had heard of it!
Zhao Jingming couldn't help but said: "Isn't this thing banned by the imperial court?!"

Zhao Shaohua frowned slightly, "It was once popular among the dignitaries of the previous dynasty to take Hanshi Powder. It is said that this thing is made of five kinds of ores and some medicinal materials. After taking it, it will make people feel hot all over and feel ecstasy, so it can easily cause illness. It is addictive. However, taking too much Hanshi Powder can be harmful to the body, causing people to become swollen and have sore limbs.

It is said that when the turmoil began in the late period of the previous dynasty, many dignitaries were incapable of going to the battlefield because they were addicted to taking Hanshi Powder. Many civilian generals took the opportunity to lead troops to revolt, so that the turmoil in the country became more and more serious.

Therefore, after the founding of the Chu State, it was explicitly forbidden to take cold food powder. "

Zhao Jingming said: "I thought that after what happened a few years ago, this thing had completely disappeared in Dachu..."

"Some people are like this. The more forbidden something is, the more they want to try it."

Seeing Xu Jing's questioning look, Zhao Shaohua said: "Many children of powerful families are secretly taking Hanshi Powder. In the past few years, more and more people in Xijing have been secretly taking Hanshi Powder, including some important officials of the imperial court. Angry, he secretly conducted a thorough investigation and severely punished several ministers for taking Hanshi Powder. This slightly curbed the trend, but there was no way to make Hanshi Powder disappear completely in Dachu.

I heard that there are still people taking Hanshi Powder, but they are doing it more secretly than before. Could it be that He Anming is one of them? "

Xu Jing shook her head and said: "I'm not sure whether these powders were found on the bed board of the room where He Anming died. However, according to the woman in Guixiang Courtyard yesterday, although He Anming rented that room, he usually It will also be used to entertain others, maybe He Anming's friends. The powder may also be from other guests who went to that room before.

Even if these powders were indeed left by He Anming, I am not sure whether they are related to this case. More clues are needed.Let's go to the Imperial College now. "

Several people arrived at the Imperial College quickly. Zhao Jingming had obviously notified his cousin in advance. As soon as they entered the Imperial College, a young man wearing a blue and white straight jacket and a black turban ran over excitedly, " Sister Ah Xi! Sixth Brother! You are here!"

I saw that the young man's eyebrows were somewhat similar to Zhao Jingming's. He looked fair and tender, and he looked about fifteen or sixteen years old.

In front of his younger brother, Zhao Jingming finally gained some composure. He gestured to the young man and said to Xu Jing: "His name is Zhao Jing'an. He is the youngest son of my third uncle. He was born in our Zhao family, but he has a heart for studying." Brain, my mother often said, our family, which has been military generals for generations, may have a champion."

Hearing this, Zhao Jingan immediately bowed to Xu Jing with a smile, "Are you Mrs. Xu? Sixth Brother often mentions you. Mrs. Xu, please don't take back what my Sixth Brother said and say, where are my achievements?" Comparable to Madam Xu’s future husband.”

As expected, he is a student. Zhao Jingan's body shape is different from other sons of the Zhao family. He looks extremely thin.

Perhaps it was because of this that the Zhao family allowed him to follow the path of a civil servant.

After Zhao Jingan finished speaking, he stood up straight and said, "Brother Six has already told me the reason why you came here. Come on, I'll take you to the two places where the murders occurred."

While leading the way, he told them the relevant circumstances of the case.

"You should know that the Imperial College is divided into classes for students outside the dormitory, students inside the dormitory, and students outside the dormitory. The students with the worst grades are concentrated among the students outside the dormitory. Zhang Zhengbo and Cai Yuanlang are both students outside the dormitory. I am a student outside the dormitory. So I’m not very familiar with them. But because of their cases, I also heard a lot of gossip about them. It is said that the three students who died recently were not easy to worry about. They often skipped classes and indulged in drinking and sex. The teachers here were very unfaithful to them. If they hadn't been forcibly locked up in the Imperial College, it would have been even harder to discipline them.

And it’s even more common for them to sneak out of the dormitory at night..."

Zhao Shaohua raised his eyebrows and asked, "What did they do when they sneaked out of the dormitory? There are guards guarding the gate of the Imperial College, and they can't get out."

A blush suddenly appeared on Zhao Jingan's fair face, he glanced at Zhao Shaohua and Xu Jing very uncomfortably, and whispered: "I just heard that they sneaked out of the dormitory to have a private meeting with someone... "

Private meeting?

Zhao Jingming opened his mouth in surprise, "Aren't there no women in the Imperial College?"

Because the Imperial College is full of hot-blooded male students, and all the servants and servants in the Imperial College are men. Apart from the kitchen, there are a few cooks and maids, so there is no permanent woman.

It is said that in order to prevent the students from being affected, the cooks and rough girls recruited in the back kitchen were all plain-looking or even lifeless.

Xu Jing's eyes darkened, and she suddenly said: "They are Duanxiu."

Zhao Jingan couldn't help but glance at Xu Jing in surprise, coughed, and nodded: "Yes, many people said that when the students who died couldn't get out of the Imperial College, they targeted some handsome and incompetent students. Go to their classmates, coerce them to have private meetings with them late at night, and hang out in Hualou during the holidays.

Speaking of which, they were friends to begin with, so it was no wonder that they had the same chemistry. "

Zhao Jingming was beyond shocked. Do the students in the Imperial College usually have such fun?He couldn't help frowning and asked: "Those students who were coerced by them never thought about resisting?"

"How dare they."

Zhao Jingan sighed softly and said: "Besides, this kind of thing should never be brought to light. No matter how painful it is for those students who were coerced by them, they dare not tell others. People from Dali Temple once wanted to find out who had been coerced by them. Students, or students who were going to have a tryst with them on the night of the deceased's death, asked them about their situation, but no one came forward.

In the end, the people at Dali Temple found out who the man was who had a tryst with them that day by asking the deceased's servant. However, it is said that Dali Temple didn't find out anything from those two people. They all said that when they went to that place, Zhang Zhengbo and Cai Yuanlang can no longer be seen. "

Xu Jing said in a deep voice: "This shows that the two deceased people walked to the scene of the crime on their own. The area near the crime scene is a relatively remote place in the Imperial College, and the patrolling guards generally do not go there."

Zhao Jingan nodded and said, "The people from Dali Temple also inferred this."

Zhao Shaohua couldn't help but frown, "Did the people at Dali Temple say who the two students who were going to have a tryst with them that day were?"

As Jing An said, this kind of thing is disgusting. If others know about it, how can they stay in the Imperial College?

Zhao Jingan was silent and said: "I know, but it wasn't the people from Dali Temple who said it. They were directly arrested by Dali Temple as suspects, so everyone guessed it."

(End of this chapter)

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