The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 231: Do more important things

He relaxed, and the next step was easy.

Xu Jing then asked: "Where were the other two deceased people and Jiang Zhengdao who were often with He Anming?"

"They...they also took it together..."

"Who took the lead?"

"'s Jiang Langjun...the channel to buy Hanshi Powder was also provided by Jiang Langjun..."

Xu Jing said in a deep voice: "Last question, do you know what common enemy your husband and the other three have?"

Hua Jiu had already burst into tears because of nervousness and fear. He sobbed and said: "That... that's too much... Lang Jun and the other three Lang Juns often work together to bully... humiliate others. Only in the Imperial College were they beaten by them." I can’t count the number of people I’ve bullied on both hands…”

"Are any of them particularly serious?"

Hua Jiu's face turned pale and he shook his head desperately, "No!"

That's it.

A cold light flashed in Xu Jing's eyes. Seeing that the boy was about to collapse under his questioning, she suddenly felt conscience and slowed down her voice and said, "Did the people from Dali Temple also ask you about whether they have a common enemy? But? I guess you just provided a few innocuous lists. Because you are afraid that if you divulge all the evil things your master has done, the He family will not let you go, but is that so?"

From the fact that he just wanted to hide Hanshi Powder from them, it can be seen that he knows a lot of things, but he dare not say anything.

Aunt Cui wanted to stay at first, maybe because she wanted to monitor Hua Jiu.

Hua Jiu's face turned pale again, and his lips kept moving, but there was no sound.

Xu Jing looked at him indifferently and said: "If they really did something heinous, even if you didn't personally participate, you concealed it for them, and maybe you even helped them do something, and it will be brought to the court. No matter what, you have to bear the charge of being an accomplice.

But if you are willing to take the blame and make meritorious service, I can intercede with the higher-ups to reduce your crime.

You don’t have to worry that the He family will settle accounts with you. As our precious witness, I will be responsible for protecting you and your family. Have you seen the father-in-law beside me?He is the father-in-law who serves the emperor. What I say in front of him is equivalent to what I say in front of the Holy One. I will never break my promise.

You can refuse me, but just because you concealed the fact that they took Hanshi Powder, I am enough to take you to court. "

When Hua Jiu heard this, he just wanted to die.

This is both an inducement and a threat. How can he resist it?
Xu Jing finally gave him a cold look and said, "I'll give you a quarter of an hour to think about it. If you don't want to, I'll ask you to follow me to the Xijing government office."

How else could he choose!
Hua Jiu suddenly felt like a pickle that had been exposed to the sun for ninety-nine and eighty-one days, and his whole body wilted. He said in a desperate tone: "I...I said that among the people Lang Jun and others have bullied, they have gone too far. There is three……

One was Lang Jun, who was also a student of the Imperial Academy with them. His name was Zheng Chengxiu, a student from a poor family. Although he was a man, he had red lips and white teeth and was very handsome. Lang Jun and his three friends all fell in love with him and forced him to They would wait for him to have trysts with them in turn, and during the New Year holidays, they would take him out, and the three of them would...have fun with him...

Later, Zheng Langjun couldn't bear the humiliation. After he fell seriously ill, he asked to drop out of the Imperial College and returned to his hometown. Later, news came that Zheng Langjun committed suicide in his hometown...

Another one is... the daughter of a doctor in the Imperial College, her name is Cao Wanyi, she is very beautiful and lovely. She once went to the Imperial College to deliver food to her father, and was seen by Lang Jun and the others... After that, Lang Jun and the others found someone to kidnap Lady Cao and took her to the outskirts... That time, Lang Jun and the others took too much cold food powder and failed to control their strength. When they were finished, Lady Cao had more air coming out and less air coming in. Well, Lang Jun and the others were afraid of getting into trouble, so they... directly threw Mrs. Cao off a cliff...

The last one was not from the Imperial Academy, but... a woman they met accidentally on the street. The woman's surname was Fang. I remember her name was Fang He. She was taking her daughter, Lang, with her. Jun and the others saw that the woman was beautiful, and they happened to be going to take Hanshi Powder together, so they captured the woman to add to the fun, and threatened her with her daughter to let her and them..."

The more Xu Jing and others listened, the more ugly their expressions became.

These people are simply more disgusting than animals!

Zhao Shaohua couldn't help but think of what happened to Wang Wuniang. He clenched his hands into fists and gritted his teeth: "What happened to that woman? Did she... die?"

"She's not dead."

Hua Jiu said in a trembling voice: "It's just that if something like this happened, I'm afraid it would be more uncomfortable than death... These are the three things that the villain knows about, and the three things that Lang Jun and the others did the most, and the villain dare not hide anything! I beg Madam Xu to keep her promise and protect the villain and his family!"

While talking, he kept kowtowing to Xu Jing.Xu Jing looked at him coldly and said: "Next, I will go to meet the other two deceased servants and Jiang Langjun. If I know that you have something to hide, you know the consequences."

Hua Jiu said quickly: "The villain really has nothing to hide! Please tell me, Mrs. Xu!"

Xu Jing looked at him carefully before getting up and leaving.

After leaving the gate of He's house, Xu Jing said to Xiao Quanzi: "Eunuch Quan, please tell Eunuch Wang to find someone reliable to protect Hua Jiu and his family."

After hearing such dark things just now, the smile on Eunuch Quan's face disappeared and he nodded: "Don't worry, Mrs. Xu, the Za family will not let anything happen to Hua Jiu."

Zhao Shaohua couldn't help but said: "Are you sure Hua Jiu didn't hide anything? If he was involved in something, he might not say it out for fear of implicating himself."

"Just now I specifically said that I would ask the other two servants of the deceased and Jiang Zhengdao. If he really concealed something, others might be exposed, but I saw that after hearing what I said, there was no expression on his face. He probably didn’t hide any look of panic or nervousness.”

Xu Jing said: "Of course, I am not completely sure, so I have to meet the other two servants of the deceased."

Next, Xu Jing followed the same pattern and forcibly opened the mouths of the other two servants of the deceased. They actually said a few more things than Hua Jiu, but those few things were nothing compared to the three things Hua Jiu said. Not serious anymore.

Finally, Xu Jing asked them to compile a list of enemies who had enemies with those people at the same time, and there were actually sixteen people.

Xu Jing circled the names of people who were not in the Imperial College, called the guard Xiao Yi placed next to her, and said: "Give this piece of paper to your husband, and ask him to help me check the names I circled." Those people, focus on checking Fang He."

Investigating a case is a strenuous task, especially when a large amount of information needs to be investigated. It is impossible for her to complete it alone.

Then Wang Qilang was even less likely to help her, so Xu Jing could only ask Xiao Yi.

She can go to the Imperial College to investigate other people in the Imperial College herself.

The guard responded, took the paper and left in a hurry.

Zhao Shaohua, who was following her, suddenly sighed and said: "I suddenly felt that it would be a shame to die for such a scumbag. The murderer was also doing harm to the people..."

"The premise is that he does not implicate other innocent people."

Xu Jing glanced at her, "There are still two so-called suspects in the prison of Dali Temple. Now this case has attracted much attention. What I am most worried about is that in the end, in order to close the case, the people in Dali Temple will randomly drag in a so-called murderer. Come out and take the blame.”

This kind of thing is not uncommon in history.


Zhao Shaohua was a little choked with words. Wang Qilang really looked like someone who would do such a thing.

"What's more..."

Xu Jing paused, but did not continue, saying: "Let's go, it's getting late, go back and rest early, I have to get up early tomorrow to go to the Imperial College."

Zhao Shaohua asked: "Go to the Imperial College to investigate the other people on that piece of paper?"

"Leave the investigation to Zhao Liulang and Zhao Jiulang."

Zhao Jiulang is Zhao Jingan.

Xu Jing said, her eyes slightly raised: "I want to do something more important."

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