The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 232 The mountain man has his own clever plan

Because of Xu Jing's last words, Zhao Shaohua came over early the next morning.

Facing Xu Jing's helpless look, Zhao Shaohua glared and said with an "It's all your fault" expression: "Who told you to say that yesterday? I was so curious that I didn't sleep all night! Fortunately, I am still free these days. .”

In the end, Xu Jing could only give her a funny look, "That's all, you can follow if you want."

One more person means more help.

On the way to the Imperial College, Xu Jing took out the information Xiao Yi sent this morning.

Zhao Shaohua moved forward curiously, "Are they the people you asked Yanci to investigate yesterday? As expected of the Minister of Justice, he moves really fast."


Xu Jing responded and looked at it seriously.

Xu Jing asked Xiao Yi to investigate a total of six people, five of whom were from outside the Imperial College, and one was Zheng Chengxiu.

Because Zheng Chengxiu later returned to his hometown and was not in the Imperial College, Xu Jing asked Zheng Chengxiu to be investigated by Xiao Yi.

The situation of the other few people was nothing special. Although they were also bullied by the four people, because the bullying was not particularly serious, they quickly returned to their normal lives. Neighbors said there was nothing strange about them. action.

The most concerning ones are Fang He and Zheng Chengxiu. Although Fang He did not dare to tell her husband about this after returning, she became a different person from then on, becoming taciturn and staying at home. Her husband loved her very much, but his personality He has a bad temper, and sometimes when he gets anxious, he will loudly ask her if anyone has bullied her, and he will definitely avenge her.

Because he roared so loudly, many people in the neighborhood heard him.

But her husband was a pork seller on the street, so he shouldn't have the chance to enter the Imperial Academy.

Zheng Chengxiu's situation is a little more troublesome, because his hometown is some distance away from Xijing. To investigate his situation, someone has to send someone to his hometown, which can't be investigated so quickly.

Zhao Shaohua couldn't help but sigh: "It's not easy to investigate a case. You have to go here and there to check a lot of things. By the way, what is the important thing you said yesterday that you were going to the Imperial College to do?"

As he spoke, a pair of eyes became sparkling.

This was something that tortured her all night!

Xu Jing raised her eyebrows and said: "After listening to what Hua Jiu said yesterday, I have been thinking about a question. Although those four people are full of evil, they are not stupid and will not take the initiative to tell others what they have done. These are the three most egregious things that Hua Jiu said the four people did. If I hadn't forced him to say it, who would have thought that they were the ones who did those things?"

Zhao Shaohua was startled and opened his eyes slightly, "Yes, judging from Yanci's investigation, Fang He obviously did not tell her husband that she was being bullied. We don't know Zheng Chengxiu's situation yet, and we don't know that he is Did you tell anyone about this before committing suicide? Not to mention Madam Cao, those four people were equivalent to killing Madam Cao. If anyone knew that they were the culprits, they would have been arrested and imprisoned long ago!
Then this case may have nothing to do with these three things, and the murderer is probably the client who has been bullied by them.

If someone wants to avenge someone who has been bullied, they must first know who bullied the person they want to avenge! "

After they heard Hua Jiu say those three things yesterday, they focused too much on it.

Those four people have done more than just those three disgusting things. In addition to Zheng Chengxiu, Cao Wanyi and Fang He, they have a total of thirteen common enemies!
Xu Jing said thoughtfully: "Your analysis makes sense, but many of this analysis are just our guesses. We cannot draw such arbitrary conclusions. There is only one thing that is certain now - the murderer must have a grudge against them." This person has a grudge. It may be that he was directly bullied by them, or it may be that someone else wants to avenge the person they bullied.

So, I'm going to take a shortcut. Why did the man who attacked us in the Imperial Academy become an accomplice? Does he know the murderer? Or do you know the identity of the murderer? Of course, it's also possible that he simply hated the dead people and wanted to help the murderer.

What kind of situation it is, we will know just by asking him out. "

Zhao Shaohua already felt a little dizzy. He covered his head and said, "How are you going to find him? Ah Jing, I'm not throwing cold water on you. Although what that person did seemed a bit reckless, we didn't let him go yesterday." Jing'an asked anyone further. The people in Dali Temple obviously wanted to find that person, so they sent people to the Imperial College almost every day to pretend to investigate the case. But except for those three accidents, they had never encountered anything like this again. matter.

That person must have realized that others wanted to find him, so he started to act cautiously. "The last time he dared to attack Ah Jing, he probably ran out because he saw that it was their first time to come in to investigate the case and wanted to give them a blow.

Zhao Shaohua didn't think that person would come out again if they went there this time.

Xu Jing just smiled faintly, "The mountain man has his own clever plan."

After arriving at the Imperial College, they met with Zhao Jing'an first as usual. Xu Jing gave Zhao Jing'an the list he asked from Hua Jiu and the others yesterday, and said, "Can Zhao Jiulang help me investigate the people above who have not been circled, but don't let them Others noticed you were investigating them because of this case."

They certainly don't want others to know about their bullying.

Within the scope of his ability, Xu Jing still wanted to protect their privacy and self-esteem.

Looking at the long list of names above, Zhao Jingan fell silent.

Confucius is here! How could he investigate so many people without letting others notice!

Zhao Shaohua looked at him funny and said: "Okay, sister will come to help you in a moment. Just say that your sister has a god-sister who has recently reached the marriageable age and wants to find a good husband. However, because the girl's family is just an ordinary I wanted to find a husband with a less prominent background but a good future, so I came to the Imperial College to look for him."

Zhao Jingan immediately looked at Zhao Shaohua with great gratitude, "Sister Axi, fortunately you are here!"

If he used Sister Ah Xi's excuse, he wouldn't be afraid to ask a hundred people. If it's a major event in someone else's life, others would definitely not hide it and would try their best to tell him everything they know!

Xu Jing added: "There is one more thing. In a moment, you can secretly pass on a few words for me."

After hearing what Xu Jing asked them to pass on, Zhao Shaohua and Zhao Jingan couldn't help but look at each other.

Investigating a case, you can still investigate it like this!
After a while, the news that the goddess appointed by the Holy Spirit came to investigate the Imperial Academy case spread like the wind blowing across the grassland, and it tended to become more and more exaggerated as it spread——

"I heard that the female detective has helped the court solve several major cases before! She was the one who solved the Smiling Killer case that gave the court a headache for several years!"

"No way? That's a case that Dali Temple spent five years unsolved!"

"It's absolutely true! That goddess detective is also accompanied by the father-in-law who is waiting in front of the emperor! This shows how much the Holy Emperor values ​​her! I heard that she saved Liang Guogong before and helped Liang Guogong find the murderer who killed their family manager! This time it is Liang Guogong I personally recommended her to participate in this case!”

"Tsk, won't the murderer this time be caught soon?"

"That's for sure! There is something I only said in private. In fact, I don't want to see the murderer arrested so quickly."

When rumors about the female detective spread in the Imperial College, Xu Jing once again came to the scene of the first murder case.

The area around there was as usual, with almost no one to be seen. Even the guards were driven away by the stench and would not come unless necessary.

Xu Jing was only followed by the thin Xiao Quanzi, and the two of them slowly walked towards the place where the night fragrance was cleaned.

Suddenly, I heard an anxious shout from behind -

"Ms. Xu! Get down!" (End of Chapter)

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