The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 289 Strange Stretch Marks

Wei Muqing was still feeling depressed. When she heard Xu Jing ask her a question, she cheered up and said, "Yes, I think it's good. At least she didn't treat the child left by her husband's ex-wife too harshly like the stepmother next to her. I heard that she beat and scolded Xiaodongzi.

It is human nature not to be so caring about Xiao Dongzi. People in the village often say that Yan Si is lucky. Although his ex-wife... ran away with someone, Sister-in-law Wang is a virtuous and kind-hearted person and does not dislike him at all. With a child. "

"What about Yan Si? How does he usually treat Xiao Dongzi?"

Wei Muqing sighed secretly and said: "His attitude towards Xiao Dongzi... is a bit complicated. Because the fact that his ex-wife eloped with others is not honorable and hurtful. He seems to be a little angry at Xiao Dongzi. Xiaodongzi has always been lukewarm. Ever since Sister-in-law Wang gave birth to her baby, she has become even more indifferent towards Xiaodongzi. When Xiaodongzi was being treated for the cold at our place last year, he never came to see the child once. Finally, It was Sister-in-law Wang who came to take the child back.

But Xiaodongzi is his child after all, and he should still care about Xiaodongzi. Just now gone. I think Yan Si is also quite shocked. "

Xu Jing frowned slightly and asked, "How is his relationship with his ex-wife?"

"I heard it was very good. He and his ex-wife were both born and raised in the village. They were childhood sweethearts and grew up together. But no one expected that his ex-wife had been in private contact with a gentleman from the next village. Later, After the incident was exposed, the two eloped directly and have never been back here..."

Xu Jing kept asking about Yan Si and his wife, and Wei Muqing also noticed something, and couldn't help but ask: "Do you think Xiao Dongzi's death is related to Yan Si and Sister-in-law Wang? But...but you also know the situation at that time. , apart from us who came here, only Jiang Da and Yan Si have been with us, and Sister-in-law Wang is in the village, so there is no chance to throw Xiao Dongzi into the river. "

To be honest, she also felt in her heart that it was Jiang Da who threw the person into the river.

Although she didn't know the reason why he did this, considering the situation at the time, who else could do this except him!

Xu Jing said quietly: "That's not necessarily the case."

Wei Muqing was startled, but after Xu Jing said these intriguing words, she turned and walked back to the village. She quickly chased after her, pestering Xu Jing to ask what she meant by what she just said. They were all blocked back by Xu Jing with great force.

After returning to the village, Xu Jing looked at the troubled Wei Muqing in a funny way and said, "I'm just guessing about some things at the moment, so I can't tell you. I'm going to do an autopsy on Xiaodongzi now, can you?" Want to come together?"

Wei Muqing immediately said: "Of course!"

Yan Ci, who had been following them silently, suddenly called softly, "Ms. Xu."

Xu Jing turned to look at her and saw that Yan Ci was silent for a while, seemed to sigh softly, and said, "I'm sorry to bother you, Madam Xu."

Immediately, he nodded to Xu Jing and looked at Wei Muqing calmly, "Mu Qing, don't disturb Madam Xu too much. If you have nothing to do, come back and rest early."

After saying that, he turned and left.

Xu Jing waited for Yan Ci's figure to disappear before asking: "Mu Qing, do you know what the relationship between your master and Jiang Da is?"

Wei Muqing was obviously startled, and looked at Xu Jing with wide eyes, "You...what are you talking about! How could my master have anything to do with that Jiang Da! You can't say this nonsense, I'm I have a master. Although the master has never acknowledged it and has never been willing to meet the master, I know that the master actually cares about the master..."

Seeing that this girl was about to activate her chatterbox attribute again, Xu Jing quickly shouted to stop, "Okay, okay, I understand, I was just asking casually."

It seemed that she really didn't know that her master had some kind of relationship with Jiang Dajian.

This question obviously shocked Wei Muqing. He couldn't help but mutter this question along the way, and he didn't give up until he reached the place where Xiao Dongzi's body was temporarily parked.

Xiao Dongzi's body was returned to his home and was placed in a temporarily cleared utility room on the left side of the yard.

Yan Si's family is an ordinary farm family, with a large family living in a single courtyard. Fortunately, the population of Yan Si's family is not complicated. Since Yan Si's parents passed away one after another, the four brothers have divided their families. His second brother and third brother moved to the city early because they earned money by doing some small businesses in the city. Only Yan Si and his eldest brother were left in the village. The two brothers' homes were next to each other. Together, the family members of Yan Si's brother and some villagers from the village gathered in Yan Si's yard, so crowded that it was difficult to walk in the small yard.

Some of the villagers who stayed here were really concerned about how the child was missing, but more of them were curious, how on earth would such a fairy-like woman do an autopsy?

Seeing Xu Jing coming, he consciously made way for her, allowing her to reach Xiao Dongzi smoothly.

Cheng Xiao couldn't help but whisper: "Madam, do you want me to evacuate these people?"

Xu Jing shook her head gently, "No, it's just a simple autopsy. They can see it if they want."

What's more, they obviously don't have full trust in her, and if they are forcibly separated, they may cause trouble again.

Xu Jing picked up the tool bag that the guard had just asked to go back for, took out a pair of gloves and put them on.

Ever since the Holy Emperor made her an external consultant to the Xijing government office, she has become accustomed to carrying her own autopsy items with her.

After finishing the preparations, she first carefully checked Xiao Dongzi's external physical signs, only to see that he was only wearing two layers of thin cloth. This was in line with what Yan Si and his wife said, Xiao Dongzi was with them. The quarrel got angry and ran out without even wearing a warm coat.

On this December night, wearing only these two layers of cloth was not enough. No wonder the poor child died of cold within half a day after running out.

At this time, his body had already developed rigor mortis, and corpse spots began to appear on his body. The spots on the corpse were bright red. Generally, after the deceased who died of cold death was placed in a warm place to thaw overnight, the bright red corpse would appear. The spots will turn dark red.

After a brief inspection, Xu Jing originally wanted to take off all Xiaodongzi's clothes, but considering so many people were watching, she only took off his shirt and asked Cheng Xiao to help her roll up Xiaodongzi's trouser legs. stand up.

The villagers surrounding the door became more and more surprised as they watched.

This Lady Xu’s movements are too skillful! It was as if these autopsy procedures had been done thousands of times.

From then on, most of the villagers completely believed that Madam Xu must have done a lot of work as a widow before!

As soon as she took off the child's clothes, Xu Jing's eyes froze and she stared intently at the circle of strangulation marks on his waist.

Judging from the circle of strangulation marks, it was clearly formed during the child's lifetime.

Before his death, he had been tied to this place with some kind of rope, and it was tied very tightly, which was why such deep marks were formed.

The surface of this strangulation mark is very smooth, but occasionally some small red spots can be seen on it, like a very smooth rope. Only occasionally some small bumps protrude and pierce into his skin to form such marks.

Xu Jing stretched out her index finger and compared it.

The rope was about one-third as wide as her index finger.

What kind of rope is this? How could such strangulation marks appear on Xiao Dongzi's body?

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