The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 290 The perfect alibi

Wei Muqing, who was standing next to Xu Jing, immediately noticed the marks. He frowned and said, "How come there are such marks on Xiaodongzi's body? Do you need to ask his parents?"

Xu Jing did not answer her question and said, "You may be able to tell what kind of rope marks are these?"

Wei Muqing was startled, thought hard for a while, shook his head and said, "I can't tell, it doesn't look like a hemp rope, nor does it look like a strip of cloth..."

These are the only two types of ropes commonly used by ordinary people to tie things.

Xu Jing said nothing and continued to look at other parts of Xiao Dongzi's body, her brows getting tighter and tighter.

Wei Muqing couldn't help but ask: "Ajing, what did you find?"

"It seems that the only place where there are strangulation marks on Xiao Dongzi's body is near the waist. There are no strangulation marks anywhere else."

Xu Jing thought deeply: "If it was only tied around his waist, his hands and feet would be free, and he could untie the rope by himself. Why didn't he untie it?"

Wei Muqing immediately noticed something was wrong, his face darkened, and he said, "Could it be that Xiao Dongzi tied him up by himself? But why did he tie him up when he had nothing to do?"

This strangulation mark is not shallow, indicating that the rope was once tied very tightly.

It's bound to be so tight, how uncomfortable is it?

Xu Jing didn't speak, and after thinking for a while, she turned over Xiao Dongzi's body.

For a moment, she was slightly startled.

The marks on Xiao Dongzi's back were actually much shallower than the marks on the front!

Wei Muqing couldn't help but be surprised: "What's going on! Looking at the marks, these marks must come from the same rope, but the difference between the front and back marks is too big!"

Xu Jing gently reached out and touched the marks on Xiao Dongzi's back, her eyes darkening slightly.

She already knew how the murderer killed Xiao Dongzi and created a perfect alibi for herself.

However, she still needs to find evidence against him.

If she guessed correctly, the most obvious evidence that could prove his method had already been destroyed by him.

She immediately helped Xiao Dongzi put on his clothes and walked outside.

The villagers surrounding the outside immediately rushed up, talking all over the place: "Ms. Xu, how are you?"

"How did the child disappear? Do you know?"

"In my opinion, there is no need to investigate anything! It must have been that Xiao Dongzi ran out in anger after a quarrel with his family. When he was half cold to death, Jiang Da threw him into the river! Now he is investigating the east and the west , but it’s all in vain!”

Xu Jing ignored them, looked at Sister-in-law Wang on the side, and said, "Where is Xiaodongzi's father?"

Sister-in-law Wang was stunned, glanced at Xu Jing warily, and said, "His father said he dropped something by the river, so he went back to get it."

"That's it."

Xu Jing didn't seem to notice Sister-in-law Wang's alertness and said, "I have a few questions for Sister-in-law Wang. Why did you and Xiaodongzi have a quarrel tonight?"

Sister-in-law Wang was stunned, her eyes drooped slightly, and she seemed to be extremely guilty and regretful. He found time to kill a chicken these days and let him have a full meal, but I was busy preparing winter clothes these days and forgot about it. Xiaodongzi may think that I lied to him, and he has been unhappy. , when I was eating today, I couldn't help but have a few words with me.

That's right...I shouldn't have, he's just a child, and it's true that I didn't do what I promised him, so I should have given in to him. Why...why did I just talk to him and get into a quarrel? ”As he said that, he suddenly covered his face with his hands.

The women standing next to her immediately couldn't bear it. They patted her on the back and said, "Sister-in-law Wang, don't blame yourself too much. Everyone is negligent, but you have done a good job." , and you are already emotionally unstable when you are pregnant, no one knows that things will turn out like this."

But Xu Jing looked at her steadily and asked: "Sister-in-law Wang, can you tell me specifically how you and Xiao Dongzi quarreled at that time?"

Sister-in-law Wang was stunned and looked up at her in astonishment, obviously not expecting her to ask such a detailed question.

Her eyes were slightly red and she said: "How can we make a fuss? He just accused me of lying to him. I...I couldn't hold it back and said something like I treat you so well on weekdays, why did you catch me on such a trivial matter? Playful and playful? If he is not his biological child, he may not have been raised well... I know clearly that Xiaodongzi has always been worried about his mother-in-law, and he will be so angry that he will run out, and it is all my fault! "

These words really hurt.

Some villagers originally thought that Xiaodongzi was not the kind of child who would run out of the house casually and make his family worried, but now they all looked enlightened.

Xu Jing nodded and asked again: "When Xiao Dongzi ran out, everyone in your family was at home?"

Sister-in-law Wang nodded, "It was dinner time at that time, so we were all at home. Our family is small, just me and Yan Si, Xiao Dongzi and A Bao."

Abao was the nickname of her biological child.

Xu Jing's eyes turned slightly and she said, "Has Xiaodongzi eaten anything before going out?"

Sister-in-law Wang seemed a little confused as to why Xu Jing asked these questions. She pursed her lips and said, "Eat, tonight we ate egg pancakes and wild vegetable porridge, but Xiao Dongzi only ate a few mouthfuls of porridge, and then We got into a fight."

"Oh? So you didn't even finish your meal, so you ran out to find Xiao Dongzi?"

"Of course, if this child runs out so late, we as parents won't have time to worry about it, and we won't even have time to worry about eating."

"Then there must be a lot left over from the egg pancakes and wild vegetable porridge that Sister-in-law Wang made tonight? Maybe I can take a look?"

Sister-in-law Wang's face seemed to freeze, and she took a breath and said, "Ms. Xu, is this also related to the investigation?"

"of course."

Xu Jing chuckled lightly and said: "Investigating a case requires being as meticulous as a hair. No detail can be missed. I hope Sister-in-law Wang understands."

The villagers on the side had no idea why the investigation needed to look at someone else's dinner, but they had unknowingly labeled Xu Jing as a "mysterious nobleman from Xijing", but no one jumped at it. Come out and question.

Maybe the nobles in Xijing do investigate cases this way!

Seeing that no one came out to echo her words, Sister-in-law Wang bit her lip secretly and said, "I took the cakes and porridge back to the kitchen. If Madam Xu wants to see them, just come with me."

The kitchen is right next to the utility room where Xiao Dongzi's body is placed. It is a very small kitchen, and it is difficult for two people to walk in at the same time.

Sister-in-law Wang walked in first and opened the pot covered on the stove. Inside was a plate of yellow egg pancakes that looked very tempting, and a pot of wild vegetable porridge that had barely been touched.

Sister-in-law Wang sighed softly and said, "I originally thought about reheating the food after getting the child back and eating it with him."

Xu Jing suddenly looked at the wooden bucket next to the stove that was specially used to store kitchen waste. She raised her eyebrows slightly and said, "Why is there some porridge in this bucket? I don't think Sister-in-law Wang is such a wasteful person."

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