The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 304 A ferocious humanoid beast

All the villagers were startled, and they couldn't help but look at the huffing villager with a bit of dissatisfaction, and said: "After what happened last night, how many people died in our village? No one in the whole family survived. few……"

When tragedy happens to everyone, tragedy ceases to be a tragedy and becomes a common event that cannot touch people's hearts.

"No... not!"

The villager turned pale and said: "Wang Man's family is different from others! They... not only were they all killed, but none of the corpses were good! Wang Man's son's head was cut off! The whole room is filled with blood! It’s just... it’s like hell..."

None of the corpses are good?

Xu Jing's eyes darkened slightly, and she put aside everything on her mind for the time being. She walked over and said, "Take me over and have a look."

Ever since Xu Jing rescued Zhang's fourth wife, she has become a goddess in the hearts of these villagers. If she makes such a request, how can the villagers not respond? Immediately leading the way with sincerity and fear, he said: "Wang Man's family lives at the end of the village. At first, everyone was too busy taking care of themselves and had no energy to care about other people's affairs. Thanks to the arrival of the goddess, things in the village slowly returned to order, and the village Some villagers who were not seriously affected took the initiative to organize to rescue others, and I was one of them.

Because my family lives at the end of the village, I am mainly responsible for seeing which families need help at the end of the village. Unexpectedly...unexpectedly, as soon as I walked into Wang Man's house, I smelled a pungent smell of blood. When I took a closer look, I saw their whole house. They were all bloody. Wang Man, Wang Man's wife, Wang Man's son, daughter-in-law, and his grandson who was under six years old... all fell in a pool of blood, dead, all dead! The corpses...the corpses are all too horrific to look at. I have lived for more than thirty years, and this is the first time I have seen such a horrific scene..."

As he spoke, his voice was trembling. He was really frightened.

While we were talking, Wang Man's house also arrived. It was an ordinary farmhouse. Even though its yard was in a mess, compared with other houses that had been smashed or burned, it was a mess. It is relatively well preserved.

Without entering the house, Xu Jing saw that the threshold was completely stained with blood. A short and fat man was lying beside the door, struggling forward with his right hand, as if asking for help. However, what was shocking was that he The waist was roughly chopped off, and the intestines and liver in the body were mixed into a bloody mass and exposed, leaving only some flesh and bones sticking together.

When some other villagers who followed to see the situation saw this scene, their scalps were numb with fear and their whole bodies were stiff. Their footsteps instantly seemed to be nailed, and they could no longer take a step forward.

This is more than hell.

It is simply purgatory on earth!

Xu Jing only paused for a moment, then continued to walk in.

As the man just said, everything in Wang Man's house was splattered with blood, and there was almost no open space where he could rest in peace. The smell of blood in the air was so strong that it felt like he had entered a slaughterhouse.

Furniture and belongings in the room were scattered everywhere. As soon as he walked into the door, he saw a slender young man lying on his back next to the table that had fallen to the ground. His body was covered with deep bruises that could be seen on the bones. His head was cut off alive, and the frightened expression on his face vividly showed to others his agony before death.

In the corner on the left, a young woman with a slightly plump figure was leaning against her body. Her body was even more horrifying. It was cut in half from the head down. On the ground not far away, there was a little boy lying on the ground. His movements seemed to be desperately trying to crawl towards his mother-in-law. His body was also covered with deep wounds, and both legs from the knees down were cut off.

Xu Jing held her breath unknowingly. Even for her, such brutal killing scenes were rare.

Next to the young woman, there is a shrine that has fallen to the ground. The incense burner, ashes and tablets on the shrine are scattered everywhere. On the wall to the right, there is an older woman, who should be Wang Man, leaning against it. daughter-in-law. When Xu Jing's eyes came to the woman, she froze for a moment, then quickly walked over, squatted next to the woman, looked her up and down, then carefully put her on the ground and put her He turned his body over and looked at it carefully.

The man who led Xu Jing over saw this scene for the second time, and his behavior was better than the others. Seeing this, he walked to Xu Jing's side trembling slightly and said: "Goddess, is Sister-in-law Ye still... can there be hope?"

Sister-in-law Ye is Wang Man’s wife.

But, that’s not right, didn’t Sister-in-law Ye have a big hole in her head? The blood hole looked scary. The blood flowing out of it dyed half of Sister-in-law Ye's body red. No normal person could survive, right?

However, the goddess revived all the dead Zhang Si's wives, and it didn't seem to be a big deal to revive another Wang Man's wife.

The man couldn't help but look at Xu Jing expectantly, and then heard her say: "It's hopeless. Her body has already been rigor mortis and she has been dead for a while."

The man was stunned for a moment, and felt himself stiff for a moment.


Xu Jing kept her eyes on the woman on the ground and said in a deep voice, "Don't you think her corpse is strange? The corpses of other people in this family have been destroyed more or less, and they were destroyed very cruelly and roughly. Only this one Sister-in-law Ye, the body is very well preserved, except for the blow on the head and some bruises on the body, there are no other injuries on the surface."

The man was startled, and he mustered up the courage to take a closer look at the bodies of Sister-in-law Ye and the others. He was suddenly surprised and said: "Yes! How could this happen? Could it be that the robbers who committed such beastly acts last night suddenly suddenly hit Sister-in-law Ye?" She lost interest, so Sister-in-law Ye was lucky enough to keep a whole body?"

"That's not right either."

Xu Jing briefly looked at Sister-in-law Ye's body, then stood up, slowly looked around at the tragic situation in the house, and said coldly: "Although those inexplicable soldiers did a lot of evil things last night, the most they could do was burn them to death. The Wang Man family was the only one who looted and died so cruelly. I don’t think those soldiers were so bored last night and deliberately tortured only the Wang Man family, and..."

Xu Jing walked to the body of the child next to her, squatted down, carefully uncovered the clothes next to one of his wounds, and said: "These wounds with deep bones on the bodies of the deceased are wide in the middle and pointed at both ends, and have sharp edges." There are obvious cuts, accompanied by peeling of the skin and subcutaneous bleeding, and the wounds are uneven. The murder weapon should be an old and damaged axe. This is not the murder weapon that the soldiers would use last night."

Some villagers who had already recovered couldn't help but walked over and said in disbelief: "Does the goddess mean that it was not the robbers who killed Wang Man's family last night? But...but someone else?! "


Xu Jing glanced at the pale-faced villagers, pursed her lips slightly, and said: "And these wounds are almost all caused by one blow. It doesn't matter that the child is thin, but even an adult man, this murderer can kill The ax almost cut him in half at the waist, which showed that the murderer was incredibly strong and had a certain size.

A ferocious humanoid beast may have been involved in last night's turmoil, and this humanoid beast has a certain relationship with Wang Man's family. "

This is a crime-solving article, haha~ Conan is possessed, murders are everywhere [Push glasses]

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