The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 305 Crime Scene Analysis

Everyone's hearts trembled when they heard this, and many people couldn't help but look around in fear, as if they were afraid that the humanoid beast Xu Jing was talking about was right next to them.

Xu Jing looked at the back door leading to the backyard from the house and said, "Don't be too panicked. If I guessed correctly, the murderer has already left, and..."

She frowned slightly and said, "He left barefoot."

Leave barefoot?

The name of the villager who first brought Xu Jing over was Huang Jinyuan. He followed Xu Jing's gaze and saw several clear bloody footprints on the ground near the back door. Those bloody footprints were larger than those of ordinary men. The footprints are all large and wide, and they all look like they are not wearing shoes.

Judging from the arrangement of the bloody footprints, although the person who left the footprints had wandered around the house, there were several consecutive footprints that showed that he went to the backyard.

There were bloodstains and various footprints everywhere on the floor of the house. Only at the back door was this huge and unexpected footprint. If that footprint was left by the murderer, then he should have walked out of the back door after committing the murder. .

As for Wang Man's family, it seemed that they never got close to the back door during the entire process.

One of the villagers couldn't help but trembled: "Why doesn't this murderer even wear shoes? He's just... just like a savage..."

Another villager immediately said: "Maybe he didn't wear it on purpose? I heard the old man Bai at the entrance of the village tell the story of the government solving the case. He said that there were some talented people in the government who solved the case by analyzing the footprints left by the murderer... "

In the midst of their discussion, Xu Jing followed the bloody footprints at the back door and walked all the way out. To her surprise, the bloody footprints outside were equally clear, heading all the way towards the back door of Wang Man's yard. Judging from the situation, the murderer passed through The gate of Wang Man's backyard is left.

Next to this series of bloody footprints, there is a crooked blood line, which looks like it was left when the murderer dragged the ax that had killed someone and was still stained with blood on the ground.

Xu Jing followed the bloody footprints and walked out of the gate of Wang Man's backyard. Behind Wang Man's house was a narrow country road. Next to the road were large tracts of fields. The fields were criss-crossed, because it was already winter, and the fields were crisscrossed. It was all dusty, and nothing else could be seen except for some messy weeds, which meant that the bloody footprints extending from the path outside were so clear that it was difficult to ignore them.

Judging from the direction of the footprints, the murderer went directly across the field and into the distance.

Huang Jinyuan chased Xu Jing out and naturally saw the footprints on the ground. He couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said: "This murderer is so arrogant that he doesn't even know how to hide his footprints, for fear that we won't know where he went." !

Goddess, we...can we organize people to follow the footprints and take a look? "

Judging from the direction the murderer was walking, he was far away from the village.

But who knows if this is his cover-up? Huang Jinyuan couldn't help but feel a tremor in his heart when he thought that he might be pretending to be far away, but actually lurking in the village waiting for an opportunity to kill others.

He is not surprised by what this inhumane murderer does.

"Wait a minute."

Xu Jing turned around and returned to the house. This murderer was too dangerous and always gave her a strange feeling.

After all, these villagers are not from the government office. They cannot be allowed to take risks before they understand the strange feeling in their hearts.

She carefully avoided the bloody footprints on the ground and walked back into the house, looking at each corpse carefully. First of all, Wang Man was lying at the door. He was alive when his waist was chopped off by an axe. This was his fatal injury, and the other wounds caused by axes on his body were all post-mortem injuries.

In addition, there were many epidermal peelings and subcutaneous bleeding on his face, hands and feet, and there were obvious resistance wounds on his arms, indicating that Wang Man had fought with others before his death. And he was the one who was completely suppressed.

Except for the fatal injury to his waist, the other injuries on his body did not appear to be caused by sharp objects. Many of them appeared to be pure injuries from fists and feet, or were struck by blunt objects - similar to sticks and knife handles. to the wound.

The condition of the body of Wang Man's son was similar to that of Wang Man. He was killed by being beheaded directly. After his death, his body was also hacked randomly by the murderer. He also had fist, foot and blunt force injuries similar to Wang Man's during his lifetime.

The corpses of Wang Man's daughter-in-law and his grandson were also in similar condition. Wang Man's daughter-in-law was cut in half, while the child on the ground had his legs cut off and died of excessive blood loss.

The only person here who did not die under the axe was Sister-in-law Ye. She bled to death after knocking her head.

Xu Jing carefully examined the wound on her head, then compared the items in the room, and finally walked to the table that had fallen on the ground. One of the sharp corners of the table was covered with dried blood. This was probably where Sister-in-law Ye knocked her head.

All the villagers looked at Xu Jingdong and then in shock, but said nothing. Finally, Huang Jinyuan spoke cautiously: "Goddess, you... what are you doing?"

Xu Jing glanced at him and said, "I was watching what happened in this room when the crime occurred."

Everyone looked stunned.

This...can you see this?

Xu Jing paused and said: "Two groups of people came to this crime scene. Except for Sister-in-law Ye, the injuries on the other deceased persons were caused by two groups of people. If I guess correctly, the one who broke in first What came was the group of unknown soldiers from yesterday. After they came in, they did the same thing as they did at other people's homes - wreaked havoc everywhere and plundered all the valuables in Wang Man's home. In the process, other members of Wang Man's home were killed. The people had a conflict with these soldiers and were severely beaten by the soldiers. However, the soldiers had no intention of killing them. The wounds on their bodies from fists, feet and blunt force injuries were caused by that time.

In the process, the only person who was seriously injured and lost her life was Sister-in-law Ye. She probably had a conflict with the soldiers and was pushed to a table nearby. She hit her head on the left corner of the table and died. "

Following Xu Jing's description, everyone seemed to have seen the scene where the group of soldiers broke into Wang Man's house last night, wreaked havoc and then left Zhang Yang. They couldn't help but clenched their fists and gritted their teeth.

This is what almost everyone experienced last night.

However, if this is the case, at most only one person in Wang Man's family will die, sister-in-law Ye. How did the current tragic situation come about?

Xu Jing said, walked to the back door and said: "Shortly after the group of soldiers left, Wang Man's house...another uninvited guest came. Judging from the position where Wang Man and his son died, the uninvited guest came in through the back door. Yes, and most people don’t keep things like axes in their living rooms, so the uninvited guest came with a murder weapon.

Wang Man and his son must have sensed something was wrong on the spot and wanted to escape, but they could only escape toward the front door, so their bodies appeared near the front door. The murderer must have killed them first. "

All the villagers were stunned for a moment, and one of them couldn't help but ask: "How did the goddess know that the murderer killed Wang Man and his son first? And not his daughter-in-law and his grandson?"

Of the dead people in this room, how did she know who died first and who died last?

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