The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 332 Untimely coincidence

Baiyu Village is not far from Xijing. They arrived not long after walking. After asking the villagers, they quickly found Sister Wu's home.

But they saw that it was the most ordinary farmhouse, and it looked a bit dilapidated. The temporary mourning shed in the yard had not yet been dismantled, and the mourning flags hanging on it were fluttering gently in the wind.

Yao Shaoyin was a little surprised to see Jiang Yu coming with Xu Jing, but thinking of the relationship between Jiang Sanniang and Jiang Yu, he didn't say anything and walked straight into the farmhouse in front of him. Just as he was about to call someone, a thin man with a pale face appeared. The young man suddenly walked out of it. Seeing the people in the yard, he was obviously startled and stammered: "You...who are you? Are you from the Xijing government office?"

After all, they were scholars who were admitted as scholars. He quickly recognized the identities of Yao Shaoyin and others.

Yao Shaoyin took out the token on his waist and showed it to him, and said, "Are you Qu Langjun? I am Yao Shaoyin from the Xijing government office. I came here to inquire about some details of your mother's death. "

Qu Langjun was startled, and his face seemed paler than before, "My mother-in-law... my mother-in-law committed suicide. There is nothing to ask."

Seeing his obviously resistant look, Xu Jing's eyes flashed slightly, she took a step forward and said, "Qu Langjun, I know what you are thinking. Your mother committed suicide in Xijing City, where she committed suicide." It's an inn in the east of the city. As a somewhat pretty widow, your mother-in-law had a lot of rumors against her before. She suddenly committed suicide in an inn, which will inevitably breed a lot of unpleasant words. So, you don't want to If you mention your grandma’s suicide again, is that so?”

On the way to Baiyu Village, Yao Shaoyin had already sent people back to the government office at high speed to bring over the file recording the case of Sister Wu.

Because Sister-in-law Wu died in the inn, it caused a lot of commotion.

Qu Langjun's eyes suddenly widened, "You, how do you know..."

Forget about the people from the Xijing government office, why does this lady know so much?

Speaking of which, it seems that she came here with someone from the Xijing government office. Who is she?

Xu Jing saw his confusion and said quietly: "I am currently assisting the Xijing government office to investigate this case. We suspect that there is another reason for your mother's death. It is possible that your mother did not commit suicide but was murdered. …”


But Qu Langjun immediately said: "Zhang Shaoyin of the Xijing government office had already thoroughly investigated my grandma's case. He also said that my grandma committed suicide by jumping off a building. This matter... this matter is not your Xijing matter. Is it finalized by the government office?!"

Seeing the look in Xu Jing's eyes, Yao Shaoyin said helplessly: "There are a lot of things at the end of the year, and many government officials have to go home for vacation for the New Year. Many things are piled up. I, Zhang Shaoyin, and Jiang Zhaoyin all have a lot of cases on their hands. Our own I am too busy with things, and I have no time to worry about other people's cases, which happens to be the case that Zhang Shaoyin is responsible for.

Zhang Shaoyin and I have always taken turns taking vacations. This year, it was Zhang Shaoyin's turn to go back to his hometown for vacation. I stayed on duty in Xijing. Zhang Shaoyin had already left Beijing three days ago. "

And because the case was ultimately classified as a suicide, the circumstances recorded in the file were very concise. It simply stated the place and time when the deceased committed suicide, and attached the corpse for the autopsy.

As he said that, he looked at Qu Langjun and said: "At that time, we really thought that your mother-in-law committed suicide, but a case happened today. The murderer killed a woman, but used very subtle techniques to disguise her. It turned into suicide. We suspect that your grandma’s case is similar to this lady’s case today.

Could Qu Langjun tell us the details of that day? "

Qu Langjun glanced at them in bewilderment, shook his head slightly and said, "It's impossible. In my grandma's situation, no matter how you look at it, she committed suicide! That day, my grandma... After my grandma sold the tofu, there was no He went home and stayed in a room in a nearby inn.

That night, she climbed up to the roof of the inn and... jumped off. My mother-in-law committed suicide eight days ago. It happened to be a snowy day. There was a thin layer of snow on the roof, and there was only My grandma’s footprints alone!

In this case, how could my mother-in-law be murdered? "

Hearing this, Xu Jing couldn't help but secretly exchange a look with Yao Shaoyin. This sounds like another version of Jiang Sanniang's case!

Xu Jing said: "Your mother-in-law, did you jump off the roof near the edge? If I guessed correctly, the roof of that inn has two slopes?"

A double-slope roof is a roof with only the front and rear slopes and gables on the left and right sides. In ancient times, there were also four-slope roofs, but they were expensive to build. Generally, inns or shops had double-slope roofs.

Qu Langjun was startled, "You, how did you know? My mother-in-law jumped near the right edge of the roof. At that time, the people in the government office said that this was a normal behavior. Although many people who committed suicide had The mentality of committing suicide is still scary when actually committing suicide. For example, people who commit suicide by cutting their wrists often have several scars on their hands, and people who commit suicide by jumping off a building will unconsciously wander on the roof, or walk to the roof. At the edge, because the corners of the roof are often raised, or there are protruding peaks, people have something to hold on to or lean on, and it looks relatively safe..."

This statement is correct.

The premise is that the person really committed suicide.

Yao Shaoyin kept an eye on Qu Langjun and said: "The lady who died today drowned in the river, and there was only her footprint on the snow. But we later found out that the footprint was unusually deep, and it might have been worn by the murderer." He took her shoes off, took her to the river and drowned her.

Your mother-in-law may be in the same situation. She will fall at the edge of the roof, or it may be that it is convenient for the murderer to escape after killing. "

As long as the person is thrown off the roof, and then the rope prepared in advance is hung at the sharp corner of the edge of the roof, the person can leave the roof smoothly without leaving any traces.

After reaching the ground, just recycle the rope. As long as you use the rope with an iron hook, recycling it couldn't be easier.

Qu Langjun opened his mouth and said: "B-but, so many days have passed since the incident, and the footprints on the roof have long disappeared, so I can't show it to you.

What's more, I think my grandma's situation is different from that of the woman you mentioned. The murderer took her and threw her into the river, but my grandma jumped from the roof. When it fell, there was no one else on the roof except my mother-in-law! "

Xu Jing and the others were stunned for a moment, then listened to Qu Langjun continue: "Because my mother-in-law lived in an inn, and that inn had a good business. On the day my mother-in-law died, the inn was almost full, although my mother-in-law lived in an inn. When my mother died, it was already past midnight (one o'clock in the morning), but some guests in the inn were still awake. One of the guests who lived directly opposite the roof where my mother jumped off happened to open the window at that time and saw me. The scene where A Niang... fell off the roof.

He said with certainty that my mother-in-law was the only one on the roof at that time! "

Xu Jing frowned slightly, and Yao Shaoyin and the others couldn't help but glance at Xu Jing.

There are such untimely coincidences in the world sometimes.

The guest didn't open the window for a long time and didn't open it until later, but he opened it just when Sister-in-law Wu fell off the roof.

If he had opened it earlier, he might have known whether Sister-in-law Wu was alone on the roof or if there were others.

But since he saw with his own eyes that Sister-in-law Wu was the only one on the roof when she fell off the roof, it meant that their speculation just now was not valid.

Could it be that Sister-in-law Wu really committed suicide? Has nothing to do with Jiang Sanniang’s case? Did they think wrong?

I’m so sleepy, so I went to bed after finishing writing. Good night~

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