The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 333 The worst falling posture

Yao Shaoyin refused to give up and asked, "Who is that tenant? How reliable is his testimony?"

It is not ruled out that the tenant himself is the murderer, or an accomplice of the murderer, who deliberately said such words to confuse their judgment.

Qu Langjun understood Yao Shaoyin's words and said: "The tenant... must have nothing to do with the case. He is a businessman and has been doing business abroad all year round. This time he just happened to pass by Xijing and stayed one night in Xijing. He mainly stayed in Xijing. When I do business in the south, I only pass through Xijing when I occasionally go back to my hometown."

It sounds like there is indeed nothing suspicious about this tenant.

Yao Shaoyin asked Qu Langjun for the tenant's name, called a yamen servant and asked him to check the details of this person. Then he turned to Xu Jing and said, "Ms. Xu, do you want to continue investigating this case?"

Xu Jing was silent for a moment, then looked at Na Qu Langjun and said, "In addition to saying that there was no one on the roof when Sister-in-law Wu fell, did the businessman have anything else to say?"

Qu Langjun was stunned, thought for a while and said: "Speaking of which, he also said that my mother-in-law's falling posture was a bit strange... She didn't jump straight down, but... she rolled down... …”

Rolled down?

Everyone was startled, and Xu Jing then asked: "You mean, Sister-in-law Wu was lying on the roof and rolled down?"


Qu Langjun nodded. Judging from his expression, he obviously didn't think there was anything strange about this statement. "Perhaps my mother accidentally fell and rolled down when she was on the roof. After all, that's it." The roof is still very sloping, not to mention there is snow on it, making it difficult to walk on. People can easily fall when they are restless. People in the government office also feel the same way..."

Xu Jing did not continue to discuss this issue with him and asked: "Then how did your mother-in-law climb to the roof?"

"There is a very tall sycamore tree next to the roof. The tree has several thick branches that just reach the roof. My mother's footprints started to appear from under one of the branches. She can only be Climbing a tree."

"Can your mother-in-law climb trees?"

"I, I have never seen my grandma climb a tree, but when I was a child, she told me that she was very naughty when she was young. She often climbed trees and went to the river like a boy. She should be able to climb. Of trees.”

Xu Jing calmed down and said, "I want to open the coffin and examine your mother's body again. Is Qu Langjun willing?"

This request is a bit out of line.

Qu Langjun couldn't help but widen his eyes and said: "But, my mother-in-law was laid to rest yesterday..."

Jiang Yu on the side said quietly at this time: "If your mother-in-law was really harmed by the gangster, but you were deceived by the gangster into thinking that she committed suicide, your mother-in-law will not be able to live in peace."

Qu Langjun was startled, and couldn't help but glance at this extraordinary husband whose noble features and aura showed him. He hesitated for less than a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, if you can thoroughly investigate my mother-in-law, If the cause of death is unknown, the coffin will be opened and the body will be examined again. I don’t want to be embarrassed to see my mother-in-law in a hundred years."

However, the result of opening the coffin left everyone disappointed.

In today's weather, corpses decompose relatively slowly, and during the morgue, Qu Langjun asked people from the Yizhuang to apply some anti-corrosion liquid on Sister-in-law Wu, so Sister-in-law Wu's body was relatively well preserved.

Xu Jing carefully inspected her body. Sister-in-law Wu fell to the ground face-down. The worst thing was that her head hit the ground before other parts of her body. Her head had multiple fractures and her face was severely deformed. The pupils are one large and one small, which is a sign of extremely severe brain damage.

This shows that she died almost the moment she landed. Falling from the building may not necessarily lead to death, but falling from the building in this posture can be said to greatly increase the chance of death, and there is almost no possibility of survival.

Sister-in-law Wu did fall to her death. Hearing Xu Jing's conclusion, Qu Langjun sighed secretly and said: "Let me just say that there should be nothing strange about my grandma's death... Madam Xu even knows that there are many rumors about my grandma outside. Ding Ran also knows that my grandma’s mood is not very stable. Since I went to college to study, my grandma has been the only one left in the family. In fact, I often worry about what will happen to my grandma...

It’s also me who is useless. If I could be successful early, even if I don’t have time to accompany my grandma, I could still buy a servant to take care of her. In this way, my grandma, my grandma, might not commit suicide. "

This Qu Langjun is considered a good person. Although his mother-in-law's departure not only delayed him from taking the imperial examination, but also delayed him from getting a wife, he did not blame his mother at all, nor was it in vain that Sister-in-law Wu worked hard alone. Stretched him out.

Xu Jing stood up, glanced at him, and said, "Given the way your mother fell from the building, the clothes she was wearing must have been terrible. Do you still have those clothes?"

Although the businessman's testimony seemed to completely overturn their speculation.

But Xu Jing always felt that something was wrong.

After all, except for the businessman's testimony, everything else about Sister-in-law Wu's case was too similar to Jiang Sanniang's case.

Moreover, it is not entirely true to say that there is no doubt about Sister-in-law Wu's case.

Yao Shaoyin, who was originally a little frustrated, couldn't help but feel a little stunned when he saw that Xu Jing was still unwilling to give up. He quickly cheered up and said: "Yes, since we all came here, we must investigate everything thoroughly before going back!

Don't worry, Qu Langjun, we will be responsible for burying your mother properly. "

They opened the coffin and asked them to do an autopsy, so it wouldn't be a big deal if we cooperated with them.

Qu Langjun nodded and said: "Although those clothes were splattered with... blood, they are my mother's things after all. My mother has worked very hard to support me in studying these years, and she is not even willing to give me new clothes on weekdays." I can't just throw away grandma's clothes so casually if I do it myself.

I have washed and put away those clothes. Please come home with me. "

After arriving at home, Qu Langjun took out a set of neatly folded clothes and a pair of tattered cloth shoes from the room.

Xu Jing looked at the shoes and asked, "Did your mother-in-law still have these shoes on her feet when she fell?"

"Wearing it, but at that time, one of Grandma's shoes was still loosely on her feet, and the other shoe had fallen to the side."

Qu Langjun's eyes darkened, "My mother-in-law has been wearing these shoes for a long time, and they have become loose. It is normal for the shoes to fall out."

Xu Jing nodded and unfolded the clothes.

This set of clothes also looked very old at first glance. They had been washed and there were still some blood stains on them that had not been washed away.

Xu Jing sighed secretly.

In many cases, the autopsy does not examine the body itself. The clothes and overall condition of the deceased may contain useful clues to the case.

If she had done an autopsy on Sister-in-law Wu when she just died, she would have been able to find out more. But now, she can only do her best.

Because it was winter, Sister-in-law Wu wore a lot of clothes, including an undershirt, a jacket filled with kapok cotton batting, and a not-so-thick coat. Xu Jing and Yao Shaoyin checked separately. At this time, Xu Jing She took Sister-in-law Wu's round-necked coat and looked at it carefully. Suddenly, her eyes narrowed and she turned to Yao Shaoyin aside and said, "Yao Shaoyin, come and take a look."

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