The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 335 is all carefully arranged by him

The surrounding government officials were startled and quickly looked around, but did not see Xu Jing.

Didn’t Madam Xu always follow them? Why did Hao Hao suddenly disappear?

Yao Shaoyin couldn't help but become a little anxious, "Come, hurry up and find Madam Xu's whereabouts..."

"No need."

Not far away, a clear male voice suddenly sounded, but it was Jiang Yu who was leaning against the dark brown corridor pillar with his arms crossed. His eyes darkened and he said, "Ms. Xu didn't follow us when she was in the front hall. Come in, stay and talk to the shopkeeper, he will probably be here soon."

Yao Shaoyin was startled.

The guy who just confronted Qu Langjun made them ignore the surrounding situation.

However, among so many people here, only Jiang Erlang has been paying attention to Madam Xu's movements.

Yao Shaoyin felt vaguely that something was wrong, but couldn't think clearly for the moment.

At this moment, a government servant next to him said: "Ms. Xu is here!"

Yao Shaoyin's thoughts immediately dispersed. He looked in the direction where the yamen servant was looking and saw Xu Jing coming slowly towards this direction. Behind her was the innkeeper.

Xu Jing was slightly startled when she saw everyone looking at her with bright eyes. She realized that she had just left without saying hello, which made them anxious. She smiled slightly and said, "I just confirmed some things with shopkeeper Cao." …”

After a pause, she said with a solemn expression: "I am almost certain now that Sister-in-law Wu was killed by someone."

Yao Shaoyin was startled and said: "Mrs. Xu, now you can tell me, what method do you think the murderer used to kill Sister-in-law Wu?"

Xu Jing said: "Before that, I have one last question for Qu Langjun. Did any of the businessmen who witnessed Sister-in-law Wu fall off the roof that day say that Sister-in-law Wu's head rolled down toward the eaves?"

Qu Langjun looked at Xu Jing in disbelief, "You, how did you know? But that's not what the businessman said. It was dark at that time, and with only the moonlight, he couldn't see many details clearly. He only saw some What looked like humans rolled down from the roof.

Later, people from the government office judged based on my grandma’s landing posture that my grandma fell with her head towards the eaves on the right..."

"It's very simple."

Xu Jing pursed her lips slightly and said word by word: "Because whether it was the posture in which your mother fell or the direction in which she fell, it was all carefully arranged by the murderer!

In the dead of night, when everyone in the inn had gone back to their rooms, the murderer stunned your mother-in-law, tied her to him with a rope or something, and climbed to the roof through the sycamore tree in the yard!

Because she wore more clothes in winter, the criminal tied Sister-in-law Wu with a rope, and there would be no traces on her body. Then he put on Sister-in-law Wu's shoes that he had prepared in advance, put her head on the roof toward the eaves..."

Yao Shaoyin couldn't help but said: "Ms. Xu, are you saying that the murderer has prepared shoes in advance this time?"

After all, in Jiang Sanniang's case, they concluded that the murderer directly wore Jiang Sanniang's shoes.

Xu Jing nodded and said, "Yes, because Sister-in-law Wu's head was facing the eaves when she fell. If the murderer wanted not to leave any traces, he could only put down Sister-in-law Wu and use the ropes prepared in advance to hang on the protruding roof. The corner that came out returned to the ground. If he went around to Sister-in-law Wu's feet to help her put on her shoes, and then went back to leave, he would definitely leave his own footprints on the snow. And if he threw the shoes on the roof at will It’s too easy to arouse others’ suspicion. After all, if a person jumps to his death from a building, he will rarely take off his shoes before jumping. It’s better to prepare a pair of shoes that are exactly the same as Sister-in-law Wu’s shoes and wear them to commit the crime.”

Yao Shaoyin said in surprise: "You mean, the murderer's shoes were probably made for him by Sister-in-law Wu?!"

Just now when he was at Qu Langjun's house, Qu Langjun said that his mother-in-law made her own clothes and shoes. If the murderer wanted to prepare a pair of shoes that were exactly the same as Sister-in-law Wu's, he could only ask Sister-in-law Wu.


Xu Jing said coldly: "So, Sister-in-law Wu must have had a good relationship with the murderer before, and she even had a very close relationship with him."

A new pair of shoes and an old pair of shoes, even if they are the same size and sole pattern, will still leave slightly different marks.

Unfortunately, this case occurred at the end of the year when the government offices were busiest. According to Yao Shaoyin, Zhang Shaoyin was solely responsible for this case, and Capt. Fang had no time to help at that time.

Otherwise, he would probably have noticed something abnormal at that time.

Qu Langjun's face suddenly turned pale.

One of the yamen couldn't help but said: "But...but why does it have to be so complicated? If it's just because Sister-in-law Wu's head is facing the eaves, so it's difficult to put shoes on her, then turn Sister-in-law Wu in another direction. Well, the criminal can help her put on her shoes when he leaves the roof..."

Logically speaking, if the murderer had a free hand when he was hanging on the rope, he could still put the shoes on Sister-in-law Wu with some effort.

Xu Jing glanced at him and said: "The risk is too great. Even if he hangs on the rope and reaches out to put on Sister-in-law Wu's shoes, he may accidentally leave some traces on the snow. Don't forget, at that time There was snow everywhere on the roof, except for the protruding spires on the left and right sides and the gables on both sides. The murderer was very capable of avoiding other places with snow without leaving any traces.

What's more, he had no choice, he couldn't turn Sister-in-law Wu's direction at all! "

The officer was startled and asked, "Why?"

Xu Jing chuckled lightly, "This is a long story. Let's start with the way the murderer killed Sister-in-law Wu. When we opened the coffin for the autopsy this morning, you thought our work was in vain, but I From then on, I had a doubt in my mind - this building only has two floors and is not very high. Even if you fall from the roof, if your back or lower limbs hit the ground first, you may not die immediately, or even It’s possible not to die!”

Everyone was startled, and the guy who brought them here couldn't help but said: "That's right! In the villain's hometown, a man fell while repairing the roof. Although half of his body was disabled, he is still fine and is still alive today!"

Others also said: "I have seen people who fell from a height and survived, but their legs were broken, and they will heal after a while!"

"This kind of thing is not uncommon! Of course, there are also many people who are unlucky and die in a fall!"

Yao Shaoyin couldn't help but said: "If Sister-in-law Wu was killed by someone, the murderer would definitely not let her have a chance to survive. So, did he deliberately let Sister-in-law Wu fall to the ground head first?"

Qu Langjun frowned and said, "But, but, this is not something that the murderer can do just because he wants to!"

After all, he was not on the roof when his mother-in-law fell!

It was incredible enough for him to let his mother-in-law fall off the roof alone, not to mention that he could actually control where his mother-in-law fell first!

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