The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 336 How could there be such a stupid murderer

"He can do it."

Xu Jing twitched her lips and said word by word: "As long as he uses a small mechanism, he can freely manipulate Sister-in-law Wu's body from a distance!"

As she said that, she suddenly opened up the coat she had brought over that Sister-in-law Wu was wearing when she fell, pointed to the crack on it and said: "The crack on this coat was caused by the murderer's mechanism! As long as he He used a thread with a hook to hang it on Sister-in-law Wu's clothes. After he returned to the ground, he gently pulled the thread..."

Yao Shaoyin's eyes suddenly widened, "I see, this can indeed kill people from a distance! The roof is originally sloping, and it is easy for people to lose balance on it. As long as the murderer pulls lightly, it doesn't require much strength, Wu My sister-in-law can roll down from it!

Because the hook only caught Sister-in-law Wu's coat, it's not difficult to recycle it. Just use a little force to pull the hook out! "

Once his ideas were clear, other problems seemed to be solved instantly. Yao Shaoyin couldn't help but get more and more excited as he talked, "And from the position of the rip in Sister-in-law Wu's clothes, we can know that the hook is hung on the top of the clothes, so as long as you pull the Line, when Sister-in-law Wu falls, her upper body must fall down first! In this way, it can be ensured that when Sister-in-law Wu lands, her head will hit the ground first!

And when Sister-in-law Wu fell, the tiny traces formed by the rope on the snow were covered by the traces of Sister-in-law Wu's fall! "

Except for the people from the Xijing government office, everyone else was a little dumbfounded.

The murderer actually used such a technique to kill people. He was really painstaking!

Most of the people in the Xijing government office have rich experience in handling cases. They have never seen any weird cases. Although this method is relatively new, it still doesn't surprise them who have come and gone.

He could even ask for advice modestly, "Mrs. Xu, just now you said that the murderer could not change the direction of Sister-in-law Wu's body, but does it have to do with this technique?"


Xu Jing nodded and said: "To ensure that Sister-in-law Wu's upper body falls to the ground first and her posture is not too weird when she falls to the ground, the rope must be perpendicular to Sister-in-law Wu's body, or form a slight oblique angle. OK, but if the hook was hung on the upper half of Sister-in-law Wu's clothes, and the criminal could only pull the rope at Sister-in-law Wu's feet, the angle at which Sister-in-law Wu would fall would probably be very weird, and the criminal would not have thought of it. Someone might have seen Sister-in-law Wu fall at that time, but from the traces Sister-in-law Wu left on the snow on the roof, we can still tell something about the situation.

The criminal is cautious by nature, and I suspect that he has some obsessive-compulsive disorder...that is, he is somewhat striving for perfection, so even minor mistakes are something he cannot tolerate.

So he couldn't change the direction of Sister-in-law Wu's body, because the place where he could pull the rope had already been decided. Sister-in-law Wu's head must be facing the eaves! "

Where can the criminal pull the rope?

The officer who asked the question immediately said: "The murderer set up such a mechanism just to give himself a perfect alibi! So it is impossible for him to stand outside and pull the rope. It is very possible that he was also staying in this inn at the time. Here, in the room on the right side of this building!"

If the murderer throws Sister-in-law Wu down on the roof and uses a rope to escape, the sound of Sister-in-law Wu landing will probably attract people in the inn. No matter how fast he escapes, there is still a risk of being caught, so he I spent a lot of time thinking of such a way.

If he was not outside when Sister-in-law Wu landed, but was secretly controlling everything in the room, he would be able to perfectly distance himself from the case!

And because he was in his room at the time, the location of the room restricted where he could pull the rope, so he couldn't change the direction of Sister-in-law Wu's body!

Xu Jing couldn't help but glance at the yamen servant with admiration, nodded and said, "That's right! I stayed outside just now to ask Shopkeeper Cao, Sister-in-law Wu, on the day of the accident, whether the tenants on the right side of this building made him care or not. Shopkeeper Cao, who was behaving strangely, immediately said yes. He said that a man named Fan had stayed in their inn for half a month, but he had hardly stayed there. The room he booked was the second room in this building. The second room on the right side of the first floor!"

Everyone thought about where Sister-in-law Wu was lying on the roof, and couldn't help but take a breath.

The window position of this room is exactly facing the upper part of Sister-in-law Wu’s clothes!

Yao Shaoyin couldn't help but asked in surprise: "But why did he reserve a room for half a month?" Shopkeeper Cao said: "That woman died eight days ago. There will be many people returning home from the end of the year until mid-to-late December. The number of rooms for tenants will only gradually decrease until the end of December. If the villain guessed correctly, he may be worried that he will not be able to book the room he wants when he comes to book a room at short notice. In fact, the villain looked at the room he originally booked According to the store calendar at that time, when he made a reservation, this was the only room left in the building on the east side.

In fact, if it hadn't been for what happened eight days ago, our inn wouldn't have had too few guests these days..."

Although the Chinese New Year is a big event, many people who work hard to make a living outside often rush to their hometowns only when the New Year is over. Not everyone can return to their hometown before the Chinese New Year.

The main business their inn did a year ago was these returning guests.

As the shopkeeper said this, he glanced at Qu Langjun resentfully.

Previously, he could still blame his mother for choosing to commit suicide in their inn, but now that she knew that his mother was also harmed by bad people, she couldn't even blame him.

Qu Langjun no longer cared about the shopkeeper's mood. He gritted his teeth secretly and said, "The man who killed my mother-in-law was this man named Fan?!"

Xu Jing gave him a strange look, "Of course not. Which criminal would be stupid enough to use his real name to book a room?"

Qu Langjun, who was suddenly looked down upon, couldn't help but be startled.

"In fact, not only did the murderer not use his real name to check in, he didn't check in by himself at all."

Xu Jing continued: "I just asked the guy who was responsible for opening a room for Fan Langjun. He said that Fan Langjun was very thick. However, we knew when we investigated Jiang Sanniang's case that the murderer's size should be Not big, probably weighing no more than a hundred pounds."

This morning while at the Xiaodong River, Xu Jing found a government servant whose footprints were similar in depth to those left by the murderer, and had his weight and Jiang Sanniang's weight weighed. Just now, a government servant came over to report. The yamen official weighed about 160 kilograms, while Jiang Sanniang weighed about 80 kilograms.

There were no weight scales in ancient times, so it was not easy to weigh an adult. The method of weighing a person by hanging a scale was generally used. This method was easier to use on some children or people with slimmer bodies. It was difficult to weigh an adult. It takes a lot of effort to look like a big man.

With specific data, it is easy to guess the weight of the murderer. The murderer weighs about 80 to 90 pounds. If she is a woman, her figure should be similar to Jiang Sanniang. If she is a man, , then this man must be very thin.

In short, it is definitely not the thick-bodied Fan Langjun that the waiter said.

Qu Langjun clenched his fists fiercely, "Even if that Fan Langjun is not the murderer, he must be the murderer's accomplice!"

It didn't matter that he didn't know that his mother-in-law was killed by a gangster before, but now that he knew it, how could he bear this tone.

No matter what, we must find the culprit and avenge my mother-in-law!

Eight hundred thousand words! I feel like I wrote this book so fast, there are so many words in one go~ Thank you all for your continued companionship.

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