The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 366 Really loses the face of modern people

"of course."

Xu Jing raised the corner of her mouth slightly and said: "I have been checking the shops in Xijing these days, and plan to open our Xinglin Hall branch in Xijing before mid-February."

Zhou Xian, who was trying to maintain his composure, heard the words and couldn't help but open his mouth, "Mid-February? Isn't that less than a month left?! Isn't it difficult to open a semicolon in Xijing in such a short time?! "

When their Tianyi Pavilion opened a branch in Xijing, it took almost two months of preparation!

After all, opening a store doesn’t mean renting a shop, just decorating a shop. All kinds of personnel, materials and preliminary preparations must be done!

"So, I need your help at this time."

Xu Jing bent her eyes, looked at Zhou Qi, and said: "Now time is tight, I don't have that much time to prepare one thing at a time..."

Zhou Qi understood the implication of Xu Jing's words and nodded: "Ms. Xu, don't worry. All the personnel and materials needed to open a medical clinic can be provided by our Tianyi Pavilion."

Going from zero to one naturally takes time, but if there is already a ready-made one next to it, it is very simple to move the entire set of things directly from it.

Xu Jing chuckled lightly and said: "It saves worries to talk to Master Zhou. Another point is that I have made some ointments, patches and pills for treating trauma these days. I want to sell them in Tianyi Pavilion. If Okay, I hope Master Zhou will help me promote these medicines these days."

The army marches and fights, and naturally what it needs most is medicine to treat trauma.

An army with more than 2,000 people in Dachu will be equipped with an accompanying military doctor, but it is impossible for a military doctor to be with the soldiers all the time. Therefore, the imperial court will provide each soldier in the army with some commonly used trauma and bruise drugs every once in a while. , the amount of these medicines needed was too great, and the court could not supply it itself, so it had to cooperate with outside medical clinics.

The imperial court had previously cooperated with medical clinics, and every year, the imperial court would review the cooperative medical clinics.

After Xu Jing decided to compete with Guangmingtang, she went to investigate and found that the medical clinic that the imperial court cooperated with last time was found to have secretly bribed imperial officials and cut corners on the drugs it supplied. The emperor was furious because of this, and then asked to find a new one. A capable medical center.

Xu Jing investigated further and found out that the medical clinic that had previously cooperated with the imperial court was actually supported by the Wang family behind the scenes. Good guy, it seems that there is indeed a lot of oil and water in supplying medicine to the army. The major families in Beijing Everyone is keeping an eye on this piece of fat.

Moreover, if the Jiang family is really the force behind King Xing, I am afraid that the medical clinic supported by the Wang family suddenly exposed so many problems, and the Jiang family contributed to it, and it is even possible that the Jiang family planned it.

After all, the power of the Wang family is there, and the palace is backed by the Queen Mother. Most people don't have the ability to trip up the medical clinic they support.

The Jiang family has spent so much effort, so they will not give up this piece of fat easily. Xu Jing knew from the beginning that this matter would not be easy, and no matter how hard she accelerated the expansion of Xinglin Hall, it would still be impossible. Compared with Guangmingtang, which has already formed a large scale.

Therefore, she had no intention of facing Guangmingtang from the beginning. The so-called Tian Ji horse racing, she was stupid to compare the scale and qualifications of Xinglintang with Guangmingtang. To compare, she would have to find another way! Nowadays, her medical skills and the medicines she makes have a certain reputation among the people. As long as she finds a way to hype up her reputation to a higher level, at least in terms of reputation, she can completely suppress Guangmingtang.

However, what is more difficult is that her reputation for making drugs is mainly concentrated on the few drugs she made before. However, none of those drugs are trauma drugs. Now, she wants to Ways to boost her reputation in trauma medicine. Zhou Qi immediately understood Xu Jing's intention and nodded: "No problem, I will explain it in a moment. Anyone who comes to Tianyi Pavilion due to trauma will be given priority to recommend the medicine made by Madam Xu!

However, although this can enhance Mrs. Xu's reputation for making trauma drugs to a certain extent, the effect is ultimately limited. After all, there is only one month, and no matter how many patients come to our Tianyi Pavilion for trauma treatment, there will not be many more. "

With such sporadic patients, it is difficult to quickly increase Mrs. Xu's reputation in a short period of time.

"It doesn't matter, I still have a hidden card."

Xu Jing curled her lips and raised her eyebrows slightly: "Master Zhou only needs to do what I just told you to do, and you have already done me a great favor."

When it comes to hype, who can beat her, who has experienced all the modern marketing wars?

If she loses this battle, she will really lose the face of modern people.

After Xu Jing finished speaking, she was about to leave, but Zhou Qi stopped her, hesitated for a while, and said in a deep voice: "Ms. Xu also knows that since my father passed away, I secretly sent people to sneak into Guangmingtang. , I want to find out something about Guangmingtang to avenge my father. Over the years, I have gained nothing.

I wonder if Mrs. Xu has ever heard of the story of Guangmingtang’s fortune? Guangmingtang was once just a small medical clinic in Anping County. About twenty-four years ago, an epidemic occurred near Xijing. The epidemic swept through three states near Xijing, and almost even Xijing was lost.

At that time, it was Lin Chengzhao, the current head of the Lin family, who developed a special medicine to treat the epidemic. Lin Chengzhao suddenly became a doctor who was able to save the world. Even the then Holy Emperor Xuanheng gave him many rewards. The plaque of Guangmingtang's current store in Anping County was given by Emperor Xuanheng.

Since then, Guangmingtang seemed to have wings. In just a few years, it became the leading medical clinic in the entire Chu capital. "

Xu Jing had asked Cheng Xianbai to inquire about these matters as early as when Xu Jing was still in Anping County.

To be honest, if Guangmingtang didn't have a few brushes, he wouldn't be qualified to compete for the qualification to supply medicine to the army, let alone be favored by the Jiang family.

Xu Jing nodded and said: "I know these things. I heard that the late emperor later wanted to summon Lin Chengzhao to the palace as an imperial doctor. Lin Chengzhao refused on the grounds that his hard work in developing special medicines was for the common people, not for these false pretexts. "

Emperor Xuan Heng had always loved talents. When he heard his noble reason, he not only didn't get angry, but also praised him greatly.

Zhou Qi, who was in front of him, suddenly twitched his lips and said with a mocking smile: "How could that guy Lin Chengzhao have such lofty ideas?! Moreover, at that time, all the doctors in Anping County knew that although Lin Chengzhao's medical skills in Guangmingtang were not bad, But it can only be said that it is very mediocre and not ranked at all in Anping County!

Later, it was learned that he had developed the special medicine for that epidemic. Many people were very surprised and couldn't believe it at first. If I didn't know Lin Chengzhao so well, I might have actually believed those lies about his refusal to become an imperial physician.

Oh, the real reason for his refusal is that he is worried that once he enters the palace, his poor medical skills will be exposed soon under the comparison of a group of highly skilled doctors! "

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