The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 367 The Source of Poison

Instead of doing this, it would be better to stay outside the palace and use the reputation gained from the epidemic to vigorously develop his Guangmingtang, which would have a better future.

Lin Chengzhao's character is not very good, but his mind is still very flexible.

However, even with such a great reputation, the development of Guangmingtang is still not as good as that of Tianyi Hall. It also requires Lin Chengzhao to use such insidious tricks to murder his father, which is enough to show how weak Lin Chengzhao's medical skills are.

Xu Jing was stunned for a moment and immediately noticed something was wrong, "If that's the case, why was he the one who developed the special medicine to treat the epidemic? Isn't there... something fishy about this?"

Zhou Qi was silent for a moment and said: "At that time, Emperor Xuanheng had given Lin Chengzhao the greatest contribution in controlling the epidemic. Even other doctors who were familiar with Lin Chengzhao felt that there was something fishy in it and did not dare to say anything. Moreover, they were Many ideas are just speculation with no evidence at all.

However, there is a theory that has quietly spread among the people. It is said that the epidemic at that time was not actually a real epidemic, but was caused by the Lin family behind the scenes, because only the Lin family knew what the epidemic was, and naturally only Lin Chengzhao We have the ability to develop special medicines. "

Xu Jing was slightly stunned.

This indeed seems like something Lin Chengzhao can do.

However, Guangmingtang was just a small medical clinic at that time, and Lin Chengzhao had the courage to do such a thing, which shows how ambitious this guy is!

Zhou Qi said with a bit of sarcasm: "Although this statement is just a rumor, many doctors who went to the epidemic area to help said after they came back that the epidemic was very strange. Although the patients had symptoms such as fever, vomiting, and hot and cold, All are in line with the characteristics of epidemics, but past epidemics tended to spread very sporadicly and quickly. No matter how the hole was blocked, once an infected patient escaped, he could infect a large area and create a new epidemic. district.

But at its worst, the epidemic only infected three states. Patients who escaped from other states were also found at that time, but the strange thing is that no patients outside those three states spread the disease. To others, it was as if the epidemic was locked in those three states by a magical force. "

Xu Jing's eyes darkened and she said: "This does not sound like an epidemic, but rather like... some kind of regional collective poisoning."

The most frightening thing about the epidemic is its terrifying contagiousness. Regardless of whether it is ancient or modern, the first time an epidemic occurs is to blockade the affected area. However, even in modern times, it is impossible to completely blockade the affected area. There are some fish that slip through the net, and as long as there is one fish that slips through the net, the epidemic is often out of control.

Therefore, when the level of medical care was low in ancient times, massacres of cities were common in order to prevent the spread of epidemics.

Xu Jing had never heard of such an epidemic that only spread in three states.

Zhou Qi nodded, pursed his lips slightly and said: "Many people also guessed this way at the time. After all, there have been cases where mass poisoning was regarded as an epidemic before, and a similar oolong happened during Emperor Taizu's reign. Then. At that time, the enemy secretly poisoned the river near the camp of Emperor Taizu's army, causing many people in Emperor Taizu's army to be poisoned.

At that time, a small-scale epidemic occurred in nearby prefectures and counties. Emperor Taizu once thought that his soldiers were infected with the epidemic. Later, the doctor accompanying the army discovered that nearby animals that drank water from the river had similar symptoms. Only then did we realize that the crux was the water source.

However, at that time, doctors secretly checked the water sources in those three states and found no problems. "

In other words, if the epidemic was really a mass poisoning, the crux of the matter is not in the water.

Xu Jing pondered for a moment and said: "The poison does not necessarily have to be in the water source. After all, when thinking of poisoning, many people will definitely think of the water source at the first time. It is too easy to be exposed. People who will be circulating in those three states at the same time Things that are often touched may also be the source of poisoning. For example, food, tea, oil and other things that are commonly used by ordinary people.

In this case, the source may come from grain shops or tea shops that have branches in these three states. What's more, the poison may be hidden in things that people use daily, such as lamp oil. If the lamp oil is mixed with If it is poisoned, people will be poisoned as soon as they light up the lamp. "

Zhou Xian on the side was stunned for a while.

In addition to water sources, there are so many channels for poisoning?

Zhou Qi couldn't help but sigh secretly: "As expected of Madam Xu. However, because no one dared to raise these suspicions at that time, the government did not send anyone to investigate. Now they want to investigate the incident twenty-four years ago. What is going on in the epidemic? It is not something that ordinary people can do.

The reason why I told Madam Xu about this is because when I sent people to sneak into the Lin family, my people saw a steward of Guangmingtang secretly embezzling a lot of money from the store, which angered Lin Chengzhao, and Lin Chengzhao They wanted to drive him out of Guangmingtang, but he went crazy in front of Guangmingtang and shouted, "Don't think I don't know what good things your Lin family did twenty-four years ago!"

However, before he said a few words, Lin Chengzhao welcomed him into the store in a friendly manner. Within a few days, he was found to have hanged himself in his own home.

I immediately realized that the truth about the epidemic twenty-four years ago must be hidden in this. However, after that, my people found no more clues related to that incident. "

Xu Jing frowned slightly and couldn't help but said: "What will the county government say after investigating this case?"

Seeing that the Lin family was still prospering, Xu Jing knew that the incident had no impact on them.

Sure enough, Zhou Qi said with ridicule: "The people in the county government said that the steward indeed committed suicide. He was kicked out by Guangmingtang and felt that he had no place to live for the rest of his life. It is normal for him to choose to commit suicide out of despair."

Xu Jing's brows furrowed even more tightly, "Was there an autopsy on the murderer at that time?"

The sarcasm on Zhou Qi's face suddenly became heavier, "No, the people from the county government said that this case is clear at a glance and there is no need for an autopsy."

Xu Jing: "..."

This is too perfunctory!

Wait a moment, she remembered that Zhou Qi's father passed away more than three years ago, which meant that the steward's case must have occurred within these three years.

Officials in Dachu were elected every three years. If you put it this way, the person who served as the magistrate of Anping County at that time was probably...

Xu Jing took a breath and asked, "Who was the magistrate of Anping County at that time?"

Zhou Qi glanced at Xu Jing and said in a deep voice: "Mrs. Xu also knows that person. It was Sun Youcai, County Magistrate Sun, who almost caused Mrs. Xu to be wronged at that time."

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