The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 376: Luxurious meal

Xu Jing didn't know what Wu Wuzuo next to her was thinking, and continued: "Furthermore, there are no obvious resistance wounds on the two corpses, and there are no signs of being tied up, indicating that the two deceased were decapitated. , has lost consciousness.

However, from the corpses in front of them, it is impossible to see the method used by the murderer to make them lose consciousness. The murderer may have hit them on the head or used some kind of drug to make them unconscious. This will have to wait until more corpses are found. Blocks can only be known.

At present, the most important thing is to determine the identity of the deceased. "

In this kind of case, as long as the identity of the deceased is determined, the case is basically close to being solved.

Deng Youwei knew this. Thinking of the methods Xu Jing used when investigating the case of unknown corpses, his eyes lit up slightly, "Thank you, Mrs. Xu!"

Xu Jing nodded and called Cheng Xiao to the side, "Cheng Xiao, prepare to start a fire and set up the pot."

Only then did everyone realize that one of the guards who followed Madam Xu was holding a large pot in his hand, and they couldn't help but look confused.

Don't you want an autopsy? Why, why did you suddenly set up the pot?

Could it be that Madam Xu is hungry and wants to cook?

After Xu Jing ordered Cheng Xiao, she took out the long-lost scalpel from her tool bag, put on the mask, and cut open the body of the man in front of her very neatly.

If it was a case where the exact identity of the deceased was known, Xu Jing might have to worry about how to get the victim's family to agree to allow her to perform an autopsy.

But this kind of dismemberment case where the identity of the deceased cannot be determined naturally does not have this trouble.

Most people in the Anping County government office are aware of Xu Jing's autopsy method, but they are still frightened when they see it again after such a long time.

It is said that Madam Xu is now remarried to Minister Xiao.

Only a man like Mr. Xiao can control such a powerful woman!

Wu Wuzuo on the side said: "..."

Damn it, how could he forget that Madam Xu is no ordinary harlot!

Xu Jing first separated the deceased man's stomach bag, cut it open, and said: "The stomach contents were slightly digested, and a small part has moved to the duodenum. The deceased had eaten something within an hour before his death."

As she said that, she used tweezers to pick up a small piece of white object that had not been completely digested inside. After examining it carefully for a while, she said: "It seems that what they eat is... steamed buns and dry food. Their stomach contents There is basically no sign of vegetables or meat in it. If ordinary people eat normally, they will not only eat dry food. Considering that this place is already a certain distance from Qingzhou City, I speculate that the deceased was a traveler on the road, and these dry food were prepared by them on the way. Food, but when they walked near here, they met the murderer."

Deng Youwei had seen Xu Jing examine the deceased's stomach bag before, but it had been so long that he had forgotten how touching the taste was. The moment Xu Jing cut open the stomach bag, he choked on the smell. He felt nauseated for a while, and said quickly after hearing this: "But, in this case, I, we don't know where this, this passenger came from... ugh!"

After all, this place is very close to Xinzhou, and the deceased may have come from Xinzhou.

"No, the deceased should have come from Qingzhou."

Xu Jing fiddled with the stomach bag for a while, and suddenly picked out a small piece of burnt yellow, with some small white pieces on it, about the size of a little fingernail.

Chen Hu was Xu Jing's deputy before. Although his face was a little ugly, he still stared at Xu Jing's movements without moving his eyes. Seeing this, he opened his eyes slightly and said loudly: "This... this Isn’t it Huachunyuan’s peach cake? I remember that Huachunyuan’s peach cake has crushed walnuts inside, and it tastes much more fragrant than ordinary peach cake.”

This kind of peach cake recipe is hard to find elsewhere. Even if there are those who want to imitate Huachunyuan, Huachunyuan is not willing to add ingredients. Often there are only a few broken walnuts in a whole piece of peach cake.

In this small piece of peach cake, you can see several crushed walnuts, which is what Huachunyuan can make.

Hearing this, other government officials also took a careful look at the small piece of stuff. One of them said: "In this case, the deceased must have come from our Anping County. My daughter-in-law's natal family is in Xinzhou. As far as I know, There is no such peach cake sold in Xinzhou." If the deceased had passed through Anping County and bought something at Huachunyuan, it would be much easier to determine their identity.

Xu Jing checked the stomach bag and sewed it up, then went to the deceased woman and cut out her stomach bag.

The deceased woman ate at about the same time as the deceased male before her death, which further proves that the two knew each other and acted together.

Moreover, the same piece of peach cake was also found in the stomach bag of the deceased woman, and a small piece of jujube cake was also found in it, with raisins visible to the naked eye. This is also the characteristic of Huachunyuan's jujube cake.

This further proves that they had eaten pastries from Huachunyuan before they died.

At this time, a government official asked: "Is it possible that those pastries were given to them by the criminals?"

They all now feel that the deceased went to Huachunyuan to buy cakes before his death, but if the person who bought the cakes was actually the murderer, then they were going in the wrong direction.

"There are actually such generous criminals in the world?"

The government official who just said that his wife was from Xinzhou immediately widened his eyes and said, "Huachunyuan's pastries are very valuable. Although my wife loves to eat them, I was only willing to buy a few pieces for her to try when she was pregnant. Taste it, the pastries there are usually only affordable by wealthy families."

Therefore, there is a reason why people cook delicious food and are willing to add ingredients!

The officer who asked the question was slightly stunned. He doesn't like these sweets, so he doesn't do much research on various pastries.

At this time, Xu Jing had finished checking the stomach bag of the deceased woman, and while sewing it up, she said: "Indeed, I don't think those pastries were given to them by the murderer. The murderer not only killed the two deceased, but also The bodies were dismembered, and he even violated the female deceased before killing them, which shows that if the murderer does not have an sworn hatred for them, at least he has no feelings for them.

In this case, I don't think the criminal would spend a lot of money to buy pastries from Huachunyuan as a meal for the two criminals.

However, the dismemberment case has a very striking feature..."

Chen Hu immediately asked: "What is it?"

"The main reason why the murderer goes to great lengths to dismember the body is to destroy evidence and hide his crime. In other words, he wants to artificially cut off the connection between himself and the deceased. This shows that the relationship between him and the deceased is There must be some connection, and it is unlikely that a stranger committed the crime impulsively. This is why dismemberment cases can often be solved as long as the identity of the deceased is determined.

Of course, there are also cases where the murderer himself has this perverted habit and will dismember the deceased. But as I said just now, there have been no similar dismemberment cases nearby, so this possibility is unlikely. Considering that we have not yet found the head of the deceased, it is most likely that the murderer dismembered the body to hide the identity of the deceased. . "

While Xu Jing was speaking, everyone couldn't help but nod frequently.

It turns out that there are so many details in the case of dismemberment. Most of them solved the case based on their feelings before. How could they think so much!

After Xu Jing finished speaking, the stomach bag in her hand was also sutured.

She put the stomach bag in place, walked up to the dead man's body with the scalpel, and raised the knife on his pelvis. This time, she actually separated a small piece of bone there!

Under everyone's extremely shocked gazes, she walked up to the body of the deceased woman, and with a few more sharp cuts, she took out a bone of the deceased woman from the same position as the deceased male.

I wish you all a happy New Year and good luck in the Year of the Dragon!

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