The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 377 Their wife is also magical

Everyone was stunned, and Deng Youwei couldn't help but ask: "Ms. Xu, Madam Xu, what are you doing with the bones of the deceased?"

Xu Jing turned her head and said with a gentle smile: "Of course, I have to cook it."

Everyone: "..."

How come after a trip to Xijing, Madam Xu becomes more and more terrifying? !

At this time, Cheng Xiao, who had had similar experiences, had already asked people to collect dry firewood, set up the pot, poured water into the pot and started a fire.

Xu Jing walked over and threw the two bones in her hands. Looking at the eyes of everyone, she couldn't help laughing and said: "This is called boiling bones. It is also a method of autopsy. I just collected the bones from the deceased." The extracted bone is called the pubic symphysis, and the characteristics of the pubic symphysis will change significantly as a person ages. Therefore, by observing the pubic symphysis, the age of the deceased can be determined."

As early as when he was investigating the case of the Imperial College, Cheng Xiao saw that his wife had used this method to determine the age of the deceased. He raised his chin and said very proudly: "You can just believe in our wife. The murder of the Imperial College student who previously stirred up the capital, This is how our wife found the culprit."

Although they were far away in Anping County, they often heard rumors about Madam Xu because she was too active in investigating the case.

Naturally, I have heard about this Imperial College case.

Chen Hu couldn't help but give Cheng Xiao a sour look.

Tsk, what about the Imperial College case? The number of cases he has investigated with Madam Xu is no less than his!

Xu Jing saw that everyone finally slowly accepted this matter, she smiled faintly, clapped her hands and said: "It will take a long time to cook the bones. We don't have to stay here. Just leave one person to watch the fire and add some water to the pot from time to time. That’s it.

By the way, Magistrate Deng, have the other parts of the body been found? "

Deng Youwei shook his head and said: "My, our people are still scattered everywhere, looking for it, but, that's all we've found so far."

Xu Jing nodded, and while waiting for the bones to be boiled, she walked to the two piles of corpses and looked at them silently.

At this moment, the meaty aroma began to emanate from the two bones cooked in the pot.

Thinking that the meaty aroma came from the human flesh adhering to the bones, everyone looked very ugly.

At this moment, Xu Jing paused.

Chen Hu quickly asked, not wanting to be outdone, "Mrs. Xu, what did you find again?"

"Do not."

Xu Jing touched her stomach and said, "I just suddenly felt a little hungry."


They truly felt that Mrs. Xu was much scarier than those vicious criminals!

But Xu Jing was really hungry. During the time she lived in Xijing, her body had finally been nourished. In addition to three meals a day, Qiu Shui also found ways to make various afternoon teas for her and Xiao Huaian.

They had eaten on time at noon, and it was almost the end of the afternoon (five o'clock in the afternoon). Her body was obviously not used to the sudden change in life schedule.

Fortunately, Cheng Xiao was prepared, so Xu Jing stood beside the bubbling pot and ate two whole pieces of cloud cake under the strange looks of everyone.

About two hours later, the sky had completely darkened, and the bones in the pot were finally cooked.

Xu Jing immediately rolled up her sleeves, fished out the two bones inside, and used tweezers to carefully tear off the tissue adhering to the bones. Then she observed carefully for a while and affirmed: "The male deceased was four years old. Between ten and forty-four years old, the deceased woman was between thirty-one and thirty-four years old." Everyone was startled. With such a bone, one can really tell the age of the deceased!

However, they did not have time to slowly explore the principle of this. Deng Youwei winked at Chen Hu. Chen Hu immediately nodded at two of the government officials and said: "Fang Tao, Lu Wei, go find the city immediately." The shopkeeper of Huachunyuan asked if any men and women of similar age who were heading to Xinzhou had bought peach cakes and jujube cakes from them in the past two days. The men were about 170 feet 160 inch ( cm) tall, while the women were About four feet eight inches ( centimeters)."

Fang Tao and Lu Wei responded and quickly walked out of the forest.

Xu Jing couldn't help but smile and glance at Chen Hu, "You are a good boy. It seems that you have become Magistrate Deng's confidant."

Deng Youwei was born with a stutter, so he could usually speak shorter sentences. But when he spoke long sentences, not only he himself was in pain, but the listeners were also in pain.

At this moment, it seems that Chen Hu has become Deng Youwei's exclusive spokesman.

Chen Hu's face lit up, and the sour feeling in his heart suddenly disappeared. He couldn't help but look at Cheng Xiao with a look on his face.

Ouch, Madam Xu praised him!

He just said that Madam Xu was more optimistic about him in her heart!

Cheng Xiao: "..."

Why does he always have the feeling that this kid is hostile to him?

Their wife is also magical, how come she attracts so many freaks around her?

Although this place is far away from Anping County, the two government officials are working hard and they will be back in about an hour.

Just as everyone was squatting in the forest waiting boredly, an excited voice suddenly came from deep in the forest, "Magistrate Deng, we found it, we found it!"

Damn it, that bastard threw the other body parts to the other side of the forest! We made a big circle and finally found all the other body parts!

We even found the heads of the two deceased people! "

But the government servant who had been searching for other corpses in the woods came back.

Everyone was overjoyed and quickly stood up to greet them. The government officials who were looking for the corpses each had two sacks in their hands. When they came to them, they couldn't wait to pour the contents into the new bag. spread on a piece of white cloth.

But they saw that the corpses did contain other parts of the deceased's body. However, when they poured out the two heads, everyone couldn't help but turn green, and some of the people with poor endurance couldn't help but vomit.

But seeing those two heads, their original appearance was nowhere to be seen. The skin on their faces had almost been cut off, and they were a bloody mass. The four eyeballs had also been smashed into a ball with a knife. At this time, It had become four bloody holes, looking at them with great misery.

One of the yamen servants couldn't help but cursed and said: "What kind of hatred or resentment has to make people like this!"

"Do not……"

Chen Hu had a pale face and said: "I think that the criminals destroyed their faces because they still wanted to hide their identities. If they did this because they had a grudge against them, why were there no other differences in other parts of their bodies?" No scars at all?"

Xu Jing knelt down and briefly inspected the two heads, and found two bloody holes on the backs of their heads that had been formed during their lifetimes.

It seems that these two people were knocked unconscious by the murderer first and then cut into pieces.

She was silent for a moment and then said: "Chen Hu and I have similar ideas, but we can't rule out other situations..."

At this moment, the voice of Fang Tao, who they sent to the county, came not far away, "Magistrate Deng, Madam Xu, we know the identities of the two deceased!" (End of Chapter)

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