The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 378: You can take a shortcut

Everyone's attention immediately shifted to Fang Tao, who was running over quickly.

Fang Tao ran to them, took a moment to catch his breath, and then said: "After we returned to the county, Huachun Garden was already closed, so we went directly to the house of shopkeeper Jin in Huachun Garden. We just told the characteristics of the deceased. , Shopkeeper Jin immediately said, the only ones who have bought pastries from him in the past two days and have plans to go to Xinzhou are...only the chief steward of the Lin family of Guangmingtang - Yang Shao and his wife Lin Fanghe!"

Xu Jing's eyes suddenly opened wide and she looked at him in disbelief.

It can be said that she has become very familiar with the name Yang Shao during this period of time.

Unexpectedly, these two deceased people were one of the reasons why she returned to Anping County specifically!

Her people told her just a few days ago that Zhu Shunxi might have noticed that their people were checking them, and now something happened to Yang Shao.

Is there any connection between these two things? !

Fang Tao continued: "Shopkeeper Jin said that Yang Shao and his wife sent their servants to buy pastries. He also heard about the fact that they were going to Xinzhou from the servants who bought pastries. Because Lin's I really like their Huachunyuan pastries, and Yang Shao and his wife have been to their place before, and shopkeeper Jin said that the height and age of Yang Shao and his wife are exactly the same as those of the deceased!"

Xu Jing stared at him closely and said solemnly: "Did Shopkeeper Jin tell me why they suddenly want to go to Xinzhou?"

Fang Tao shook his head and said: "Shopkeeper Jin said that the servant never said this, but after knowing that the deceased might be Yang Shao and his wife, we brought Yang Shao and his wife's family over. The villain came first to talk to Deng County Let me report this matter, and the others are coming here, led by Lu Wei."

County Magistrate Deng couldn't help but said: "Well done! Well done!"

Xu Jing asked again: "Who are the people you brought?"

Fang Tao: "Because Yang Shao is not from Qingzhou, and his parents and brothers are not in Qingzhou, the only ones we can find are Lin's family members. Lin is the biological sister of Mr. Lin of Guangmingtang, but Mr. Lin and his two sons are not here these days. In Xijing, several of his brothers are also in charge of Guangmingtang branches there. Now there are not many Lin family members left in Qingzhou, and most of them are old and weak women and children. We can only invite the wife of the head of the Lin family.

In addition, we also invited shopkeeper Zhu and his wife who are now in charge of Guangmingtang in Anping County.

Shopkeeper Zhu's daughter-in-law Lin Yuerong is Lin's cousin, and they are also close relatives of Yang Shao and his wife.

Moreover, when I came here just now, I heard them say that the night before yesterday, shopkeeper Zhu and Yang Shao had a dispute when they were drinking. The two were very unhappy and almost started to fight. Fortunately, the family Discourage from the side.

But because I rushed back to report the situation to Magistrate Deng, I don’t know exactly what happened. "

Everyone present couldn't help but look at each other.

The two had a dispute the night before yesterday, and Yang Shao and his wife died today.

This is too much of a coincidence.

Xu Jing's eyes couldn't help but darken.

The day before yesterday was also the day Zhu Shunxi discovered their person.

Because Lu Wei had several people with him, and no matter how fast they hurried, they wouldn't be able to get anywhere fast, so everyone could only wait patiently.

While Xu Jing was waiting, she asked Cheng Xiao to find her a piece of paper and a charcoal pencil.

This is also her constant tool for investigating cases. Cheng Xiao has been with her all the time during this period, so he will never forget to carry these things with him.

Immediately, Xu Jing found a few government servants who had just gone out to look for corpses in the forest and said, "Can you briefly tell me about the terrain of this forest and where the corpses were found?" One of the officials who had just gone out to look for corpses said What the yamen servant said caught her attention.

Maybe she can take some shortcuts on this case.

Just when Xu Jing, with the help of a group of government officials, mapped out the topography of the area and marked all the places where the body parts were found, Lu Wei's voice finally came, "County Magistrate Deng, Madam Xu, The villain has brought over people who may be related to the deceased! As long as they take a look at the body, they should be able to determine whether the deceased is Yang Shao and his wife!"

Soon, under the light of blazing torches, they saw Lu Wei walking over quickly with a tall, thin middle-aged man with a goatee and two women who were supporting each other.

The three people were all frowning and their faces were slightly pale. The man with the goatee, Zhu Shunxi, was the first to speak: "What on earth is going on! Why did that guy Yang Shao die suddenly! But it was a mistake! "

One of the women, who was wearing a moon-white skirt and a chest-length skirt, looked frail and said with some fear: "Yes, they, they should have gone to Xinzhou now. During this period, our Guangmingtang is in Xinzhou." Something went wrong and they started heading to New South Wales yesterday afternoon."

Another woman wearing a light green waist-length skirt with a plumper figure said soothingly: "Cousin-in-law, don't panic. Didn't the two officials just say that they asked us to recognize the person? , and they are not sure that it was the cousin and cousin-in-law who had the accident."

Judging from the situation, the woman in the moon-white underskirt is Lin Chengzhao's wife, and the woman in the light green underskirt is Zhu Shunxi's daughter-in-law Lin Yuerong.

The people present immediately walked to both sides to make way for them to lead to the body.

Before Lu Wei took them there, he said: "On the way, I told you that the murderer's method was very cruel. The two victims were dismembered. The condition of the bodies was very tragic. You must be mentally prepared." .”

Zhu Shunxi said with a white face: "We know it."

The two women hesitated for a while and nodded.

Lu Wei then took them over. However, even though Lu Wei had already reminded them, Xu Jing and Wu Zuo also thoughtfully put the body parts together before they came to identify the person. The three of them were there The moment they saw the two corpses, they were still frightened.

Lin Chengzhao's wife even screamed and fainted. Lu Wei quickly supported her.

Although the other two people did not faint, they were not much better. Lin Yuerong staggered several steps and supported Zhu Shunxi beside him.

Deng Youwei took a deep look at them and said, "Look, are these two Yang Shao and his wife?"

Outsiders may not be able to recognize such a corpse whose face cannot be clearly seen.

But the relatives who stay with them every day can somewhat tell something based on their body shape and general outline.

Zhu Shunxi's face turned pale, and after a while his lips trembled slightly and he said: "They, they look like they are indeed Yang Shao and his wife..."

Lin Yuerong couldn't bear it any longer. She turned her head and covered her mouth while gagging. After finally recovering, she murmured: "Impossible, impossible...How could my cousin and cousin-in-law..."

Deng Youwei immediately exchanged a look with Xu Jing.

Once the identity of the deceased is confirmed, the next step will be easy.

Xu Jing looked at Zhu Shunxi and said, "Just now, the wife of the head of the Cai Lin family said that Yang Shao and his wife are going to Xinzhou to deal with the Xinzhou branch of Guangmingtang. Does Shopkeeper Zhu know what the specific matter is?"

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