The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 381: Circumference Assumption Law

Everyone was a little stunned when they heard this.

This makes sense! Whoever kills someone naturally doesn’t want to be discovered by others!

If there wasn't a secret place for him to build at will, who would dare to do such a big project as dismembering the body!

"The next characteristics are related to the criminal's habit of disposing of corpses. Generally, when disposing of corpses, criminals in dismemberment cases will follow the characteristics of throwing the corpse far away and burying it close, throwing the head far away and the body close, small near and far, and throwing the corpse at multiple points. .”

Zhu Shunxi and the others were confused when they heard this statement. Although it was the first time for people in the county government to hear this statement, they understood it at once based on their experience in handling cases.

One of the yamen couldn't help but said: "I don't know about the rest, but when we were looking for corpses today, didn't the situation match up with several of the characteristics! The heads of the two deceased were indeed found at the farthest place. Yes, I’m not sure about the difference between small and far away, but now that I think about it, the body parts found in the same area are indeed about the same size!”

As he spoke, his eyes lit up and he said: "Then based on the characteristics of small distance and large distance, if we return to the area where we found those small body parts, won't we be very close to the place where the murderer dismembered the body?"

"But, among the characteristics that Madam Xu mentioned, isn't there another one that is thrown away from afar and buried close to home?"

Another officer immediately said: "It means that if the criminal wants to dispose of the body close to the place where he dismembered the body, he usually buries it, but this time the two deceased bodies were dismembered and then dumped. Doesn’t it mean that the place where the murderer’s body was dismembered is actually far away from here?”

Xu Jingxiao glanced at them and said: "These characteristics can only be said to be consistent with most situations, but we do not rule out that there will be exceptions when investigating cases. We cannot copy them completely and can only use them as a reference. In my judgment, The place where the murderer's body was dismembered is in this forest."

Everyone was stunned and looked at Xu Jing in surprise.

How did Madam Xu judge this?

Chen Hu looked at Xu Jing with bright eyes, "Ms. Xu has one more characteristic that she didn't mention. Isn't it that Mrs. Xu judged this based on the last characteristic?"

Xu Jing raised her eyebrows slightly, glanced at Chen Hu appreciatively and said, "Yes, this last feature is called the circumference hypothesis rule. Well, don't worry if you don't understand this name. I'll explain it briefly.

Generally, criminals will feel a certain amount of panic and nervousness after committing a crime. Everything they do is to make our investigation more difficult so as to avoid their own guilt. So when they dump the body, they always think of throwing it as far away as possible. However, in the process, due to emotional factors or physical factors, the distance between the place where he dumps the body and the place where he committed the crime is actually different. It's almost the same. "

This magical psychology is often encountered in daily life.

For example, every time you go shopping for clothes, if you take a closer look after buying them, you will find that the style of the clothes you buy is almost the same every time. Even if you have the idea of ​​​​changing your own style when you buy it, it is still affected by your own aesthetics and living habits. You will always see the shadow of your previous clothes in the clothes you buy.

Another example is when you go to the movies, the type of movie you choose is the same every time.

When working, the amount of time you can concentrate every time will not vary much.

This characteristic is often not something you can change if you want to.

Xu Jing paused, and finally concluded: "To put it simply, we connect the murderer's multiple corpse dumping points into a circle, and his crime location is often at or near the center of the circle!"

The above six characteristics were actually put forward by different modern scholars, and were summarized by later generations as the five principles and one law of dismemberment.

This last feature is probably a bit abstract, and even some people in the county government are a little confused. Those who understand it can't help but ask: "Is it really that simple? And didn't Madam Xu say that these principles may not be consistent with all Situation?" "That's right."

At this time, Xu Jing winked at Cheng Xiao who was beside her. Cheng Xiao immediately handed a rolled up piece of paper to Xu Jing. Xu Jing smiled slightly and said: "I first heard about looking for body parts. The yamen officer said that the last few body parts were found on the other side of the forest. It occurred to me that this circle hypothesis rule should be consistent with the circumstances of this case.

So, I tried to draw all the places where corpses were dumped..."

As she spoke, she opened the paper in her hand, and by the light of the torch, a simple map of the forest was displayed in front of everyone.

This forest is not small, covering almost most of the area from Qingzhou to Xinzhou. There are two rivers running through it. This map is based on those two rivers and several distinctive cliffs. Landmarks are drawn.

The map was drawn with charcoal, and there were more than a dozen red dots on it. You knew without even thinking that that must be where the body parts were found!

Finally, use charcoal to connect these dots to each other, forming an intersecting center in the middle!

Although not every line passes through the center of the circle exactly, the distance between each other is not far!

Xu Jing then drew a smaller circle and enclosed the intersection points. Chen Hu immediately pointed at the smaller circle excitedly and said: "Ms. Xu, does this mean the place where the murderer committed the crime?" , just in this small area?"

If it was just such a small area and there were so many of them, it wouldn't take two-quarters of an hour to search every corner!

It’s simply no difficulty!

Xu Jing smiled and nodded.

Chen Hu became energetic all of a sudden, straightened his back and shouted, "Very good, brothers, work is done! If we can't catch this murderer tonight, we won't have the shame to go back to sleep."

Other government officials also echoed with enthusiasm.

Just when everyone was gearing up to catch someone, Zhu Shunxi on the side suddenly said cautiously: "Well...since the officials have confirmed that we have nothing to do with this case, we...can we go back first? You see Our head’s wife is still unconscious, so we have to go back immediately and send someone to tell Head Lin’s family about this, and find someone to come and carry the bodies of Yang Shao and his wife back..."

Before Deng Youwei could speak, Xu Jing looked at him with a half-smile, "Who said you have nothing to do with this case?"

Zhu Shunxi was startled, and his face suddenly turned pale again.

No way this Lady Xu still thinks that he was the one who killed her!

Deng Youwei glanced at Xu Jing and said, "Zhu, Zhu Langjun will stay here for now, wait until we find the murderer."

After saying that, without looking at him again, he waved his hand and led a group of government officials into the forest.

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