Although they had roughly determined the place where the murderer committed the crime, a large group of them suddenly passed by, fearing that they might alert the snake. Therefore, Deng Youwei led them to the area, stopped, and clicked on a few actions to compare. The agile government servant went over to explore the situation first.

Those who stayed couldn't help but talk about it.

"Is there any place to hide someone in the woods? It's just a cave or a house built by hunters in the mountains."

"Speaking of the houses built by hunters in the mountains, today when we were looking for corpses, we saw several of them. But if the murderer is a hunter, it does sound like that. Hunters have to kill their prey from time to time. The experience of dismemberment and tools are readily available.”

Hunters often hunt for several days at a time, and it is almost impossible to go home every day, so they usually build a simple shelter in the forest.

One of the government officials said: "It's just that even if we find the place where the murderer committed the crime, the murderer should not be there. A few days before the crime was committed, the government's investigation was the most stringent, so he wanted to avoid the limelight."


Xu Jing glanced at him and said: "Didn't I just say that the first characteristic of dismemberment cases is that the location where the murderer dismembers his body is often very closely related to him, or even his home, so you will leave easily. Your own home?

What's more, the place where he carried out the dismemberment must be relatively secret, and we won't find it so easily.

After throwing the body parts far away, some inexperienced criminals will have a feeling that everything is safe. "

Everyone couldn't help but look at Xu Jing with admiration. Every time Madam Xu spoke, they would feel refreshed.

Chen Hu couldn't help but sigh: "Where did Madam Xu know so many things? If someone has never met Madam Xu and only heard about Madam Xu's deeds, they might think that Madam Xu has decades of investigation experience. He’s an experienced veteran with case experience.”

Who would have thought that such a young woman would say these words.

Xu Jing just smiled faintly.

She is just standing on the shoulders of countless giants.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps in front. Two of the government servants Deng Youwei had just sent came back. They saluted Deng Youwei and Xu Jing and said, "County Magistrate Deng, Madam Xu, let's take Xu Jing." The lady circled the area and carefully searched it. The only suspicious place was a small wooden house built by an Orion.

However, the wooden house was locked. We took a look through the gap in the window. There was a half-eaten pancake on the table inside. The person inside must have only gone out temporarily.

But the wooden house was very small, and we could see the inside from the window. We took a cursory look and found nothing wrong, so we came back to ask Magistrate Deng and Madam Xu what to do next. "

The yamen servant who had just listened to Xu Jing's words couldn't help but said: "As Mrs. Xu said, the murderer could not be dismembered at his own home, so he couldn't be dismembered at the door of his own home. I think we should go in and take a closer look." That’s good.”

Deng Youwei pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "Come on, come on, go and search the wooden house carefully!"

Generally speaking, if government officials want to search people's homes, they need a formal search warrant, but a small wooden house in the woods is not technically a home.

Besides, it was Deng Youwei who issued the search warrant in Anping County. It would not be considered a big mistake for him to go back and make another one.

A group of people quickly arrived in front of the cabin. The lock was made of iron and was difficult to break open. Chen Hu and the others simply dismantled the entire door and walked in.

This wooden house is indeed as the two yamen servants said just now. It is very small. There is a simple earthen bed, a table and two tattered chairs. There is a water tank in the corner, and a piece of water hanging on the wall. A complete tiger skin and a rusty axe.

There was indeed a half-eaten piece of cake thrown haphazardly on the table. Xu Jing walked over and looked at the pancake, frowning slightly.

Strange, if there was someone in the house just now, why did he only eat half of the pancake and then suddenly run out?

If the murderer does live here, and he is still in the mood to eat, it means that he is at least in a stable mood when eating.

Later, what happened that made him drop the half-eaten pancake?

Of course, it is also possible that this pancake was not eaten just now, but was here a long time ago.

Xu Jing stepped forward and picked up the pancake to examine it carefully. She saw that the bite on the pancake was still a little moist, indicating that its owner had indeed just started eating it.

She was deep in thought when a surprised voice suddenly came from beside her, "Everyone, come and look! I found a floor here, and the sound when it was knocked was very strange. It must be empty underneath!"

Xu Jing was startled, temporarily put aside the cake thing, and walked over.

But he saw that the yamen servant who noticed something strange on the floor was lying on the ground, carefully studying how to pry open the floor. While studying, he said: "This place is not easy to find, it is pressed under the water tank, and there is a pad on top." This piece of dirty leather is the skin of an unknown animal. If I hadn’t moved the water tank away to take a look, I might not have found it..."

As he spoke, he felt happy as he finally found the opening and lifted up the floor.

Below, it is indeed empty!

And as soon as the wooden board was opened, a strong smell of blood invaded from below, and all the government officials couldn't help but look at each other excitedly.

You've found the right place!

The yamen servant immediately asked his companion next to him for a lamp and carefully reached in. In an instant, his expression changed slightly.

But what I saw down there was a living hell scene!

This basement is also not big. Judging from the size, at most four or five people can go in. There is almost nothing in it, except for some animal bones and some storage jars piled in the corner.

At this time, the ground and walls were all red with blood. There were a lot of disgusting pieces of meat and human hair on the ground. A long knife stained with blood was casually thrown on the ground, next to it. There is also a barrel filled with blood.

Just one look at it can give you nightmares for a month.

No need to think about it, this is definitely the place where the murderer used to kill and dismember his body!

One of the government officials frowned and said, "But I don't know where the person in this room has gone. Is he absconding out of fear of crime? I don't know how far he has run. It's probably too late to chase him now."

Another government official looked around the cabin and said, "This is his old home. There must be something that can identify him. Even if there is not, you can ask the hunters or villagers living nearby. What should they do to each other?" There is communication.”

Xu Jing kept frowning.

No, if the murderer was eating not long ago, he must be very confident that they would not find him, or they would not find him here so quickly.

How could such a person be afraid of absconding? Even if he did escape, he should have just escaped not long ago...

Xu Jing suddenly had a flash of inspiration, looked at the government servant beside her and said sternly: "When you were searching for corpses, have you ever been near here?"

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