The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 397 Who is the most suspicious?

Xu Jing thought for a moment and said slowly: "Is it possible that the rent subsidy given to them by Master Zhou is a lot?"

But it’s impossible to think about it. Everyone who opens a store and does business is there for profit. There are so many clerks in Tianyi Pavilion, and most of them were brought over by Zhou Qi from Anping County. If everyone gave them a big It's not that the Zhou family can't afford a rental subsidy, but it will cut a large chunk of their profits.

Generally, in this case, the landlord will give some at their discretion. After all, there are many forms of renting. Those rental subsidies may not be enough for one person to rent a house, but it may be enough for several people to rent a yard together.

But Cheng Xiao said that after Li Shiheng and Shi Wenfeng returned home, no one knew what they had done, indicating that they did not rent a house with people they knew.

Xu Jing guessed, "Are they renting someone else's shared house?"


Cheng Xiao shook his head and said: "I also find this very strange. They all rented a small courtyard alone. I went to ask Mr. Zhou's family and found that the rental subsidy given by Mr. Zhou's family was within a reasonable range. Although The yards they both rent are close to the edge of Xijing. The rent is not high, but they still need to subsidize at least half of the money themselves.

Mr. Zhou also said that among the many people from Anping County in Tianyi Hall, they were the only two who were so extravagant in renting a house. But Mr. Zhou didn’t think there was anything wrong. He said that Li Shiheng was the only son in the family, and his father His mother has always doted on him, and his father is the purchasing manager of the Tianyi Pavilion Headquarters. His mother is an old man who works for Zhou's mother. They are both frugal and frugal. Li Shiheng's family is actually not short of money. His parents He was also willing to let him spend it, so Li Shiheng never treated himself badly in life. Fortunately, he did not develop the habit of being arrogant and extravagant. Even if he didn't treat himself badly, he would still have a certain temper and be diligent in doing things.

Shi Wenfeng has a very withdrawn temperament and spends most of his time alone. His father opened a private school in Anping County and is very strict with his son. He hopes that his son will inherit his private school. However, Shi Wenfeng has no regard for teaching and education. He has no interest in people. He often fought against his father when he was a child. And because he studied with other students in his father's private school, the other students were dissatisfied that his father often gave him troubles and often bullied him. In the end, Shi Wenfeng developed this A temperament that doesn't like to interact with others.

Later, when his father saw that his younger brother was more talented than him in studies, he turned to train his younger brother. Then Shi Wenfeng was freed and went to work in Tianyi Pavilion. When he was still in Anping County, he did not live at home. He went out to rent a house by himself. Therefore, he rented a house by himself after coming to Xijing. The Zhou family did not think there was anything wrong. "

Xu Jing tapped her hand lightly on the table beside her and said in a deep voice: "What kind of work do these two people do in Tianyi Pavilion on weekdays?"

"Li Shiheng is mainly responsible for receiving patients. He is a good talker and can say nice things to coax people. Many patients trust him. Shi Wenfeng is responsible for some clerical work because he can write and settle accounts."

"Although they rent a house alone, there must be neighbors around them. Did their neighbors say anything?"

"Our people naturally asked their neighbors. Their neighbors said that Li Shiheng was a very outgoing and warm-hearted person. Every time he saw his neighbors, he would greet them enthusiastically. The neighbors liked him very much and would often give him Li Shiheng also reciprocated the gift of some home-cooked dim sum dishes. When he went out to buy things, he would often bring a copy to his neighbors. Moreover, the dim sum dishes he bought were all good, and his neighbors commented on him. They are all very nice, and they say he is very generous.

Shi Wenfeng is the complete opposite of Li Shiheng. He hardly interacts with his neighbors. Even when neighbors take the initiative to say hello to him, he is very indifferent, so his neighbors don't like him very much, and even call him a weirdo.

But after all, they had only been in Xijing for a few months. Neighbors said it was impossible to know much about them. At least, they didn’t know where they went when they went out on weekdays. But they all said that they rarely had guests at home. Come. "

Xu Jing's brows furrowed even more tightly.

After Cheng Xiao said so much, he noticed something and couldn't help but ask: "Madam, do you think Li Shiheng and Shi Wenfeng are more suspicious?"

Xu Jing raised her eyes and glanced at him, "Yes, the murderer's poisoning can only have two motives, one is personal hatred, and the other is being instigated by others. These six people were not hired temporarily, as Cheng Langjun said, If they had a personal enmity, how could they have done nothing before? It is unlikely that they had a personal enmity, and it was most likely that they were instigated by others.

And An He and the four of them lived together. If they met someone or did something in private, it would be difficult to hide it. The most important thing is, if the murderer was bribed to do this kind of thing, what do you think the person who bribed him is most likely to do after the murder is completed? "

Cheng Xiao was stunned and said subconsciously: "Kill and silence!"

Xu Jing's eyes darkened slightly, "Yes, people who will be bribed by huge interests will most likely betray their own people because of the interests. Such people cannot be kept. Besides, it is impossible for the mastermind behind the scenes not to know that I and It is impossible not to guess the relationship between Xinglintang. After the incident, I will work with the government to fully investigate the case.

Now those six people are being monitored by government officials. An He and the four of them live together, which is equivalent to forming a relationship of mutual surveillance. It is even more difficult for the mastermind behind the scenes to take action against them.

Therefore, if I were the mastermind, I would give priority to the other two people who live alone. "

Cheng Xiao was stunned for a moment. Saying this, those two people seemed to be more suspicious.

He thought for a while and said: "I will send someone to keep an eye on Li Shiheng and Shi Wenfeng immediately."

If the mastermind behind the scenes wants to kill them, he will definitely take action in the next two days.

"Need not."

Xu Jing stood up and said in a cold voice: "Time is running out, and I don't have the time to wait for the mastermind behind the scenes to reveal his flaws. I want to... go and meet the two of them in person."

Now that she has the situation of these people, through some appropriate interrogation techniques, she may have unexpected gains.

Cheng Xiao was slightly stunned and asked subconsciously: "Who should Madam go to first?"

Xu Jing's eyes darkened slightly and she said, "Go to Shi Wenfeng first."

People who can be bribed easily are either for money or for power, and as for money, Li Shiheng seems to have no shortage of it.

As for power, both of them seem to be lacking, but Li Shiheng's father and mother both work in the Zhou family, and their positions are not low. He framed Xinglintang, which is equivalent to betraying the Zhou family. The power gained by betraying the Zhou family, his father My mother's situation will also be very embarrassing, which is not necessary.

Shi Wenfeng had no such concerns at all.

Judging from the current situation, the person most likely to do the poisoning is Shi Wenfeng.

Xu Jing was about to go out to find Shi Wenfeng, but she suddenly strode over to the right, saluted Xu Jing, and said: "Madam, the gentleman asked me to come over and talk to the madam about a few things."

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