The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 401 The murderer’s motive

If it was Shi Wenfeng who took the initiative to contact the murderer, forget it.

If it is the second possibility, under the premise that Lin Chengzhao has denied that he did it, who else in the world would know about the existence of that tunnel?

Could it be that Shi Wenfeng really told the murderer?

Everyone couldn't help but frown, feeling that this case seemed to have suddenly become more complicated.

Xu Jing glanced at them, then withdrew her gaze and continued to examine the corpses of her men, saying: "The lips and nails of the deceased were cyanotic, the conjunctiva of the eyes were bleeding slightly, and the tongue showed signs of bleeding from bites..."

As Xu Jing spoke, her mind was working rapidly.

These circumstances appear to be consistent with the characteristics of death by suffocation.

After a pause, she put two fingers into the deceased's mouth and dug. When she took it out again, there was some mud on her gloves.

Seeing this, Yao Shaoyin immediately said: "It seems that the deceased did drown. There were silt and dirt on the mouth and nose, black spots on the eyes, and cyanosis of the lips and nails, which are all consistent with the characteristics of death by drowning. "

Although Yao Shaoyin is not a professional prosecutor, he has some knowledge of autopsy after investigating cases for so many years.

Xu Jing shook her head and said, "Not necessarily. People who die from drowning usually have mushroom-like foam around their mouths and noses, but there is none on Shi Wenfeng's body."

She moved her hands to the chest and abdomen of the deceased and pressed hard, then turned the body over, but still found no mushroom-like foam.

When cold water weak liquid irritates the human tracheal mucosa, the human mucosa will subconsciously secrete a large amount of mucus. When these mucus, weak liquid and air are mixed with each other, a large number of small, uniform white foams will be formed. This is mushroom-like foam. .

If a person is thrown into the water and drowns while alive, such mushroom-like foam will definitely occur. Therefore, whether there is mushroom-like foam is an important basis for judging whether a person was drowned before death.

But there was no such bubble on Shi Wenfeng's body in front of him.

After listening to Xu Jing's description of the mushroom-like foam, Yao Shaoyin immediately recalled the drowning cases he had handled before, frowning slightly and said: "It is true that most people who die from drowning will have such white foam around their mouths and noses, but Shi Wenfeng does not." , could it be that he didn’t drown to death?”

"I don't think so. Although sediment was found in his mouth, it is normal for people to enter the water after death. Under the push of the water flow, it is normal for sediment to enter the mouth of the deceased."

If you really want to determine whether the deceased was drowned before death, you need to do an autopsy to see if there is any weak fluid that was sucked into the stomach and duodenum of the deceased.

Xu Jing continued: "Besides, Shi Wenfeng's nails are very clean. When people drown, they will subconsciously struggle to grab something, so their nails are usually full of sand.

Although the condition of Shi Wenfeng's body looked very much like drowning, the cyanotic lips and fingernails, black spots on the eyes, and bitten tongue were not unique to people who died from drowning. "

Yao Shaoyin was slightly stunned and asked subconsciously: "What else could happen?"

Xu Jing raised her eyes to look at him and said softly: "Poisoned."

Everyone was slightly startled. Xu Jing was a little troubled. If she could conduct an autopsy on Shi Wenfeng, she would be able to make a more accurate judgment. However, she had never used this method to do an autopsy in front of Yao Shaoyin and the others. They might not be able to accept it. Back then in Anping County, it was also because Xiao Yi forcibly opened the way for her in front that the people in Anping County accepted her method of autopsy so quickly.

The most important thing is that Shi Wenfeng is not an unknown corpse. If she wants to perform an autopsy on him, she must obtain the consent of his family.

Neither of these two matters could be solved in a short time. Xu Jing could only sigh secretly and silently thought in her mind that the method of autopsy still had a long way to go in Da Chu. She looked at Shi Wenfeng's body carefully again. , finally, she opened his mouth again, leaned down to take a closer look, but was suddenly startled.

There was a faint taste of alcohol in Shi Wenfeng's mouth!

Because the smell of the wine had almost evaporated, the first time Xu Jing checked his mouth, she didn't get as close as this time, so she didn't notice it just now.

After she said this, Yao Shaoyin said thoughtfully: "Smell of alcohol? Shi Wenfeng drank before he died. Who did he drink with?"

The answer was obvious. He, who had just done something wrong, would not be able to relax and drink with friends. He could only drink with the murderer.

If he really died of poisoning, the murderer probably put the poison in the wine!

A government official couldn't help but said: "It seems that Shi Wenfeng has a good relationship with the murderer. If the murderer is really the one who bribed Shi Wenfeng to poison him, I would have thought that Shi Wenfeng would be wary of him."

Yes, if it was just a simple relationship between bribery and being bribed, Shi Wenfeng's attitude towards that person should be more of vigilance and fear. How could he be so interested in drinking with him, and he obviously drank a lot. , otherwise there wouldn't be a faint smell of alcohol left in his mouth after he died for so long.

This can only show that Shi Wenfeng and him may have known each other for a long time, or even were very familiar with each other!

Even if the murderer is not the person who bribed him, he must be his acquaintance!

Xu Jing lowered her eyes and thought for a moment, then stood up and took off her gloves and said, "I want to go back to the government office and ask Lin Chengzhao something."

When Lin Chengzhao was escorted in front of Xu Jing again, he already had a slumped expression of resignation. Xu Jing sat on a chair, raised her eyelids and glanced at him, saying: "Lin Chengzhao, instruct Shi Wenfeng to give medicine to our Xinglin Hall Were you really not the one who poisoned the soup?"

Lin Chengzhao stiffened slightly, raised his head suddenly, and said with red eyes: "I said, no! Do I still want to lie to you now?! Xu Jing, do you insist that I go to hell? ?!”

Xu Jing looked at him carefully for a moment and said: "I don't think it's you, but from what we have found so far, the murderer probably knows about the tunnel in Shi Wenfeng's yard. The only people who know about the existence of that tunnel, except you, Who else?"

Just now, she asked Yao Shaoyin to check the landlord of that yard, but found that it was just a fake landlord who was entrusted by the Lin family to use the landlord's name as a cover-up. He didn't even know what the real existence was.

In other words, that courtyard actually belongs to the Lin family, and the only people who know about the existence of that tunnel should be members of the Lin family.

Lin Chengzhao was stunned for a moment, his brows furrowed quickly, he shook his head slightly and murmured: "Impossible, the only people who know about the existence of that tunnel are me, my two legitimate sons and... and a few people from Guangmingtang who have been with me all year round. Boss, but how could they let Shi Wenfeng poison your medicine soup without telling me! Why would they do this?!"

Xu Jing also felt a little weird.

No matter what case is being investigated, the murderer's motive is very important. Many veteran detectives even have an unwritten secret for solving crimes - whoever is most beneficial to a case will have the greatest motive.

It can be said that 90% of criminals have some purpose when committing crimes.

However, this case is very strange. The person with the most motive for committing the crime was the first to be eliminated. Now there are people who may be suspected of committing the crime, but it is not clear that they have any motive for doing it.

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