Xu Jing was silent for a moment, then asked someone to bring a pen and paper, and asked Lin Chengzhao to name all the people who knew about the existence of the tunnel.

No matter what, the only clue that is pointing right now is this, so I can only check it out first.

After Lin Chengzhao went down, Cheng Xiao, who was following Xu Jing, couldn't help but said: "Madam, what if that guy has something to hide?"

Xu Jing picked up the tea cup on the table next to her and took a sip of tea. She said quietly: "He doesn't dare. I told you that if he can help the government solve the case, he will be considered guilty and meritorious. He has committed such a heinous crime. He will not be alive." He was definitely not going to survive, but if he struggled to his death, he might still be able to leave a successor for himself.

Now that the Jiang family has abandoned him, the only person he can count on is us, who used to be enemies. "

Every time he mentioned the epidemic twenty-four years ago, Yao Shaoyin's expression turned bad. He secretly calmed down his emotions, turned to Xu Jing and said: "How did Madam Xu determine that this matter has nothing to do with... well, the Jiang family? ?”

In the afternoon, Mrs. Xu categorically stated that this matter had nothing to do with the Jiang family. Just as he was about to inquire in detail, Shi Wenfeng's case came up.

Xu Jing was silent and smiled lightly, "Don't worry Yao Shaoyin, this matter has nothing to do with the Jiang family."

The reason is simple - the Jiang family has now crossed the river with Ni Bodhisattva, and has obviously given up competing with her for the right to supply medicine to the army.

They have no intention or need to play these little tricks with her now.

It was when she realized this that she realized that her original idea was completely wrong.

This incident is not at all an attempt by the Jiang family and Lin Chengzhao to suppress their Xinglin Hall!

And why the person who bribed Shi Wenfeng targeted Xinglin Hall was her biggest confusion at the moment.

Because these matters involved the possible rebellion of the Jiang family, she could not tell Yao Shaoyin in detail.

Yao Shaoyin was very naughty. Seeing that Xu Jing had no intention of going into details, he was smart enough not to ask any more questions. He picked up the piece of paper with the name of the person who knew the existence of the tunnel and muttered: "According to Lin Chengzhao, the person who knows the existence of the tunnel is the one who knows the existence of the tunnel." Including himself, there are a total of six people. Lin Chengzhao can be eliminated, and the remaining ones are his two legitimate sons and three stewards. By coincidence, those three stewards happened to be in Xijing...

Moreover, they also knew about Shi Wenfeng's existence, but Lin Chengzhao's two legitimate sons only met Shi Wenfeng once when Lin Chengzhao bribed Shi Wenfeng, and they never met Shi Wenfeng again after that. It was inconsistent with the relationship between the murderer and Shi Wenfeng. The characteristic of a relationship where we can drink together.

The remaining three stewards met Shi Wenfeng several times since Lin Chengzhao wanted to do things with Shi Wenfeng or get information. Among them, the two stewards, Hua Wen and Zheng Chengye, met Shi Wenfeng the most. This is called Lin Chengzhao, Yan An's manager, said that in his memory, he was only sent to see Shi Wenfeng twice. "

"It's just that that's just Lin Chengzhao's own statement. Who knows if those people have any other contact with Shi Wenfeng in private."

Xu Jing said quietly: "But I also think Lin Chengzhao's two legitimate sons are the least suspicious. They are most closely tied to Lin Chengzhao's interests. There is no reason to meet Shi Wenfeng without telling his father."

Yao Shaoyin nodded and said: "Then check the three stewards first. Does Madam Xu want to send them to the government office for questioning, or go and see them in person?"

The three stewards, Yan An and Zheng Chengye, all work in the Xijing branch of Guangmingtang.

Hua Wen has been following Lin Chengzhao.

Guangmingtang in Xijing was still open today. Lin Chengzhao obviously had no intention of telling other people in Guangmingtang about his escape, let alone taking them away together.

Therefore, these three people are still staying well in Xijing.

The only person inside who might know that Lin Chengzhao was about to run away was Hua Wen, who had been with Lin Chengzhao all year round.

After listening to Yao Shaoyin's words, Xu Jing thought for a moment and said, "My suggestion is, don't alert the snake first, and check their respective situations." Yao Shaoyin immediately nodded and said, "I thought so too. It's late now. Neither summoning them here nor meeting them in person is appropriate, so I will send someone to check their situation first."

After the two reached a consensus, Xu Jing went home first.

Cheng Xiao, who was riding beside her carriage, endured half of the journey and still couldn't help but said: "But, madam, I can't even figure out why those three stewards asked people to poison our soup.

Is the murderer really among them? Could it be that... we checked in the wrong direction? "

Even Cheng Xiao was aware of this weird thing.

If a person has no grievances or grudges against another person, why would he bother to do such a thankless thing?

Not to mention knowing those three stewards, Xu Jing only knew of their existence for the first time today.

It would be a bit far-fetched to say that they did this because Xinglintang and Guangmingtang were frustrated by the competition. Their boss was not so impatient yet. Besides, they should know that the Jiang family was behind Guangmingtang. The family is here, do they need to take action?

Lin Chengzhao only confirmed yesterday that the Jiang family had given up on the Lin family, so he wanted to leave in a hurry today. Before that, Shi Wenfeng had already decided to poison.

And Lin Chengzhao also said just now that these three managers were not people who made their own decisions, at least he never found out what they had done without telling him.

She had a hunch that either they were looking in the wrong direction or the murderer's motive was the key to unlocking all the mysteries.

Her right index finger unconsciously tapped on her skirt, and then said, "Don't go home yet, but turn around and go back to my original mansion. I have something to ask Cheng Langjun."

If the murderer didn't come for her, could he come for Cheng Xianbai or Cheng Qingqing?

However, when she showed the names of the three stewards to Cheng Xianbai, Cheng Xianbai shook his head in confusion and said, "I am somewhat familiar with the names of these three stewards. After all, we and the Lin family are from Anping County." As for medical clinics in Guangmingtang and Tianyikan, I used to have some... well, very longing for and envy of them. I would pay more attention to anything about them. I had heard about several doctors around Lin Chengzhao. The steward's name is also normal.

But I’m pretty sure that neither Qingqing nor I know these three people, let alone become enemies with them. "

Xu Jing frowned, and it turned out that she was not directed at the Cheng brothers and sisters.

She couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. She was about to put the paper away when she saw Cheng Xianbai staring at the three names with a thoughtful look on his face. She couldn't help but ask, "What did you remember?"

Cheng Xianbai shook his head again and said helplessly: "I just tried to remember when I had heard the names of these three stewards. I only remembered one Zheng Chengye. That was when Madam Xu asked me to find him in Anping County. The channel for selling medicinal materials was a matter of time, because Zheng Chengye seemed to have been the purchasing manager of the Guangmingtang head office, and many drug dealers often talked about him.

I can't remember when I heard of the other two, but I'm pretty sure I'm familiar with both names..."

Xu Jing could only smile and said: "Okay, if you think of anything, come over and tell me immediately."

Although the person most suspected of poisoning is Shi Wenfeng, they have not found conclusive evidence after all.

In other words, the suspicion of Xinglintang poisoning has not been completely cleared, and Xinglintang is still unable to open a store for the time being.

Only by finding the person who instigated Shi Wenfeng can their Xinglin Hall turn around.

That night, Xiao Yi didn't come back very late again. Xu Jing sat by the bed and waited for him for a while, then turned off the light and lay down.

As she lay down, she was still thinking about what the murderer's motive was. Is he really targeting Xinglintang? Or... someone related to Xinglintang?

Ouch, I'm a little late today, but luckily I caught up! I’ll catch bugs again tomorrow, sleepy =_=

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