The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 406 I’m here to kill you

When Yangjiao who was following him saw this, he couldn't help but tilted his head and asked: "Lang Jun, what's wrong with you? Your face is so ugly? But you are still worried about the master?"

Zhou Xian's eyes were still fixed on the direction where his elder brother's carriage disappeared, and he murmured: "Brother, why did you bring that boy Ma Shiming with you this time? Don't you always leave him here in Xijing?"

Ma Shiming was a boy who had been with Zhou Qi since he was a child. When he grew up, he and several other boys who had also been with Zhou Qi since childhood became people who served Zhou Qi.

But Zhou Qi didn't like to show off when he went out, so he usually only took his eldest attendant Zhou Jingyi with him. He placed those few servants in several mansions he often visited, including several in Xijing and Anping County. The boy who had been waiting there for a long time, Ma Shiming, was the one he placed in Xijing.

Therefore, Zhou Xian felt strange when he realized that his brother was leaving with Ma Shiming this time.

Yang Jiao was stunned for a moment, as if he had just realized this at this moment, and thought for a moment and said, "Maybe the master has other plans for him? I don't mean to say bad things about people behind their backs. This Ma Shiming is not clever in his daily work, and is often rough and rough. Damn it, when he was serving the master, he either broke things or did something wrong. Last time, he almost threw away the letters sent by other stewards to the master as waste paper. Fortunately, Xun Tao, who was also serving the master, picked up the letters in time. Come back."

Xun Tao, like Ma Shiming, was Zhou Qi's servant in Xijing.

Yang Jiao curled his lips and continued: "Ma Shiming relies on being with the master since he was a child, so he can always serve the master. But the villain looks at it, and the master is obviously more and more focused on Xun Tao recently, so let Ma Shiming do it." They are all trivial matters. In the villain's opinion, it is enough for Xun Tao to serve as the head of the house in Xijing.

Perhaps it was because of this that the leader took him back to Anping County and wanted to make other arrangements. "

Zhou Xian glanced at Yangjiao, but he didn't expect that there were such things happening behind the two boys beside Brother.

But, is this really the reason why brother took Ma Shiming with him?

Because it was already very late when Zhou Qi left Xijing. Not long after they left the city gate, the sky turned completely dark.

Zhou Qi returned to Anping County this time. He only brought Ma Shiming, Zhou Jingyi and two guards with him. The group walked until the middle of the moon. Zhou Qi in the carriage suddenly said: "We have been walking for a long time. There is a pavilion in front of us. Everyone, please stop and rest for a while."

No one thought there was anything wrong. When Zhou Qi went on a long trip, he always let everyone take a rest for an hour or two to meet their physiological needs.

It’s just that it’s late at night. Although they are walking on the official road, the front, back, left and right of the official road are dark, and there is not a soul. Zhou Jingyi looks around, walks forward and approaches the carriage window and whispers: “Master, go further. There is a post station about two-quarters of an hour's walk ahead, and the villain suggested that we go to the inn and rest again."

Even if there is no one in the inn, there will still be one or two guys on duty.

It's safer than here.

Zhou Qi opened the curtain, turned his eyes outside lightly, and said with a slight smile, "Just rest here. I see something wrong with Shi Ming's face. He may not be feeling well."

Ma Shiming, who was about to step forward and say that he was not feeling well in his stomach and wanted to solve it, said: "..."

Seeing the looks that Zhou Qi and Zhou Jingyi were looking at at the same time, Ma Shiming felt something was wrong inexplicably, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong. He could only bite the bullet and said: "Master, I... I may have eaten the wrong thing tonight. My stomach felt a little uncomfortable along the way. I don’t want to disrupt the master’s plan because of the villain, but I really can’t hold it in any longer..."

Zhou Jingyi frowned slightly and glanced at Ma Shiming lightly.

I don't know why, but he never likes this kid. He always holds the master back. That means the master values ​​friendship and is willing to keep him by his side no matter how many things he does wrong.

But that’s as far as it goes.

Today, when he heard that his boss said that he would take Ma Shiming back to Anping County and transfer him to serve the third master, he was indescribably happy. The third master is capable of doing things, but he has a lot of romantic debts. He has a lot of concubines at home and often complains to the master that he doesn't have enough manpower.

The head of the family letting Ma Shiming go to the third master's side is equivalent to banishing Ma Shiming. The head of the house finally sees that this boy is more likely to fail than succeed.

In the end, he just said quietly: "Okay, Shi Ming, you should move faster, the master has to hurry up."

Ma Shiming seemed a little afraid of him, so he responded submissively, then turned around and ran quickly into the woods on the roadside.

What Zhou Jingyi didn't know was that as soon as he turned around, the submissive expression on his face suddenly turned ferocious and resentful. He bit his lower lip fiercely and ran quickly into the forest.

Zhou Qi got off the carriage and walked into the dilapidated pavilion on the roadside and sat down. Zhou Jingyi and two guards followed him step by step.

Suddenly, Ma Shiming's scream came from the forest. Zhou Jingyi turned his head suddenly and looked at the dark forest with a surprised look on his face.

The two guards also tensed up instantly. One of them turned to Zhou Qi and said, "Master, let's go see what happened."

In the dark night, the two guards could not see Zhou Qi's expression clearly. After waiting for a moment, they heard their master say: "Go."

They immediately didn't doubt his presence, turned around and walked quickly into the woods.

Zhou Jingyi's heart was tense, and he carefully watched the surrounding environment. Just as he was about to say, "Something is not right, please be careful," when suddenly there was the sound of weapons being exchanged in the forest.

Zhou Jingyi's eyes widened suddenly. Before he could react, he saw several figures running out of the depths of the forest quickly. His heart skipped a beat and he pulled out a dagger he carried with him and shouted loudly. Said: "Master, run quickly!"

However, those people were obviously not idle people, and they quickly ran up to them. They all had masks on their faces, and in their hands were weapons that shone with a cold light!
As soon as they came over, they bypassed Zhou Jingyi and attempted to attack Zhou Qi directly!
Their target is Zhou Qi!

Zhou Jingyi was extremely anxious, and quickly dealt with the two masked men pestering him, and quickly ran towards Zhou Qi. Seeing this, one of the masked men said coldly: "You go and block him, I will deal with the one named Zhou." !”

Even in such a critical situation, Zhou Jingyi couldn't help but be stunned.

Why does this voice sound so familiar?

However, when the other masked men heard this, they all turned to Zhou Jingyi. Zhou Jingyi had no time to think deeply and fell into a hard fight again.

The remaining masked man held a sharp sword and ran up to Zhou Qi in a few steps, only to see that he was just sitting in the pavilion with a calm expression on his face, with no trace of panic on his face.

The masked man was slightly stunned, but he had no time to think deeply. He shouted with fierce eyes, "Go to hell!"

The long sword in his hand stabbed forward in response, but when he was about to hit Zhou Qi's chest, a small stone suddenly flew from the distance and knocked his sword to the ground!

The masked man was startled and suddenly turned his head to look in the direction where the pebbles were flying. He saw several figures slowly walking out of the woods on the other side of the official road. When he saw the clothes on those people clearly, he His heart jumped suddenly, his eyes widened in disbelief, and he subconsciously turned to look at his other companions. However, he was horrified to find that Zhou Jingyi had gained two helpers who were agile and powerful in martial arts. His companion was subdued in two strokes!
Now that things have happened, he doesn't know that he has been plotted!

He turned his head stiffly and bit by bit, glared at Zhou Qi who was still sitting in the pavilion with a cold expression, gritted his teeth, and said in a hoarse voice: "How did you know that I was coming to kill you?! "

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