The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 407 I just pity them

Zhou Qi pursed his lips tightly and sat in the shadow under the pavilion. Except for his eyes, which were colder than usual, no one could see his expression clearly.

After a while, he said coldly: "Uncle Hua, I haven't seen you for a long time, so don't hide it. You should know that I will recognize you even if you turn into ashes."

The masked man trembled suddenly, and after a while, he suddenly pulled off the mask on his face, and said in a cold voice: "You bastard, you actually set up a trap to frame me!"

By now, he had somewhat come to terms with it, although he still didn't expect how they knew that he was the one who did all this, and he also knew that he would never be able to escape from their encirclement.

Looking at the familiar face in front of him, Zhou Jingyi's eyes widened suddenly. After reacting, he gritted his teeth and said word by word: "Hua Wen! Sure enough, it's you! I told you, where did I hear your voice?" Pass!"

"Ha! Where did you come from, this rude boy? You can call me by my name?"

Hua Wen glared at Zhou Jingyi coldly and said, "Just think you're lucky. If you heard my voice, it would be impossible for you to survive.

I don’t know how you knew that I wanted to kill Mr. Zhou of Tianyi Hall, but this guy and Xinglintang harmed my boss, causing thousands of workers in Guangmingtang to lose their jobs to support their families, become homeless, and have no hope of life. I just It was out of pity for them that I wanted to kill the man named Zhou to avenge them! "

His incomprehensible words made Zhou Jingyi, who was originally full of resentment, startled.

Damn it! He was obviously afraid that the head of the house would take advantage of the Lin family's downfall to settle the debt with him, so he wanted to kill the head of the house first, pretending to be righteous!
However, what happened next shocked Zhou Jingyi.

The other masked men who followed Hua Wen to attack Zhou Qi suddenly pulled off the masks on their faces. Zhou Jingyi had an impression of many of the people inside. They were all old people who had previously worked in Guangmingtang!

After the fall of the Lin family, Guangmingtang in various parts of Dachu was quickly closed down by the government, and thousands of employees were dismissed.

If they don't hurry up and find the next job to support their families, they actually... all get together and want to kill their boss!
Those people had extremely angry and angry expressions on their faces. When they heard Hua Wen's words, they all said loudly: "That's right! It's all the fault of Zhou and Xinglintang, otherwise how could the Lin family fall! How could Guangmingtang fall!"

"Obviously... obviously I will be promoted in the second half of the year. My wife and children at home are expecting me to bring more money back home. Why should they ruin my job to support my family and ruin my life!"

"I have been working in Guangmingtang for almost 40 years. Now, I am old. Besides Guangmingtang, where else is willing to take me in? Where else can give me such good treatment and salary!"

Because the Lin family's alleged crimes were too great. Not only did they single-handedly cause the so-called epidemic 24 years ago, which killed countless innocent people, but they also deceived the original Holy Emperor and committed the crime of deceiving the emperor. After all the crimes were investigated, Previously, this case was classified as a secret in the government and could not be disclosed to the public.

Except for some core figures in Guangmingtang, most of the employees were confused and had no idea why their old club suddenly collapsed.

At this time, if someone fanned the flames to them and blamed the Zhou family and Xinglin Hall for the Lin family's downfall, it would be natural for them to be fooled.

Xu Jing sneered secretly, looked at Hua Wen who quietly raised the corner of his mouth and could not hide the cold and proud look on his face, and said: "Manager Hua is wrong. If you just pity the displaced people like Guangmingtang, why did you instigate Shi Wen?" Feng poisoned the medicinal soup distributed by Xinglintang to the refugees. Why did he poison Shi Wenfeng afterward?!
Not to mention, when you asked Shi Wenfeng to poison Xinglintang's medicinal soup, the Lin family had not yet collapsed, and these poor guys you talked about were not displaced yet! "

Xu Jing uncovered his shorts mercilessly, and all the guys from Guangmingtang looked at Hua Wen in surprise!

These things were actually done by Manager Hua? !
Hua Wen looked at Xu Jing coldly, and suddenly twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Are you the famous Madam Xu? Madam Xu, even if you are a goddess detective recognized by the saints, you cannot just accuse people casually. The poisoning of Xinglintang has nothing to do with me at all. I know Shi Wenfeng. I met him before when I was working in Tianyi Pavilion. Later, after Master Lin bribed him, I also met him several times. It turned out that he was the one who poisoned the medicinal soup in Xinglintang? I only found out now." When the people around him heard this, they couldn't help but frown.

Xu Jing still looked at him quietly.

Xu Jing expected that he would deny that the poisoning and killing had nothing to do with him.

After all, the charge of attempted murder is much lighter than the charge of instigating poisoning and killing.

He knew that Lin Chengzhao had fallen into the hands of the government. If he denied knowing Shi Wenfeng, he would easily be found to be lying, so he simply admitted that he knew Shi Wenfeng.

The only thing she didn't expect was that he would join forces with other Guangmingtang associates to assassinate Zhou Qi, giving him a very convincing reason for his actions.

Xu Jing looked at him for a while, then suddenly raised the corner of her mouth slightly and said with a half-smile: "Hua Wen, you are very smart, but if it weren't for you being smart enough, you wouldn't be able to get along with the two heads of Tianyi Hall and Guangming Hall." Things are booming. It's a pity that you underestimated me and the people in the government office, and you also underestimated Head Zhou."

Hua Wen was slightly stunned and looked at Xu Jing warily.

"Actually, we felt as early as a few days ago that you were the one who ordered Shi Wenfeng to poison and kill him, but we have not come to trouble you in the past few days. Firstly, we are setting up a trap to wait for you to commit suicide. The second reason for falling into a trap is..."

Xu Jing chuckled lightly and said: "After I communicated with Master Zhou, I know that you are a very cunning and thoughtful person. It is impossible for you to plead guilty without solid evidence. Therefore, these days, we are looking for that person Enough evidence to convince you!

When I first heard that Shi Wenfeng was doing clerical work at Tianyi Hall, I felt strange why Mr. Zhou would lend him to Xinglin Hall. Xinglintang opened. Although it was short of manpower, the paperwork had to be done by the people who got it no matter what. People borrowed from other places could only do miscellaneous work. I specifically asked Master Cheng, and Master Cheng also said , when he first asked Master Zhou to borrow people, he had made it clear that he would just give him some people who could do odd jobs.

However, Master Zhou sent over Shi Wenfeng, who was good at writing and settling accounts, which was a bit overkill.

I later asked Mr. Zhou, but Mr. Zhou said that it was Shi Wenfeng who came to him and asked for transfer, saying that he wanted to train himself.

However, Manager Hua, guess what? I asked the guys who worked with Shi Wenfeng in Tianyi Hall before. They said that Shi Wenfeng had never expressed his willingness to be transferred to Xinglin Hall before. Even when they teased that he would be transferred to Xinglin Hall, it was all from the store. He would also say a word or two to some less important people. No matter how you look at such a person, he doesn't look like someone who would take the initiative to go to Xinglin Hall to help.

The date when Shi Wenfeng suddenly changed his mind and recommended himself to Master Zhou was February 10th, which showed that before that, he must have contacted the person who ordered him to poison, and it was that person who made him suddenly change his mind. "

The more Xu Jing said, the uglier Hua Wen's face became. However, he still tried to keep his face calm, hoping that Xu Jing said these words just to deceive him and not really find any evidence.

Moreover, how could she really find any evidence? He had always acted very carefully.

How could she find any evidence!

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