The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 429: The thoughts of noble people

Xu Jing pondered for a moment and said: "There are guards outside Princess Ling's room. Did they say if there were any strange noises coming from inside when the five people entered?"

However, Governor Zhang shook his head solemnly and said: "Although there are people guarding outside Princess Ling's room, they are not standing guard close to the door. After all, no matter how big the room in the Man Yue Building is, it is just a room in an inn, and the sound insulation effect is It's not particularly good. Princess Ling is a woman. In order to avoid suspicion and to avoid being suspected of prying into the privacy of the noble, the guards are stationed a little further away.

But because the entire Man Yue Building has been taken over by them, and Prince Ling and the others live on the third floor, there are guards watching everywhere outside the inn. Logically speaking, they only need to stand where they can see the door of Princess Ling's room. place, there will be no problem.

But because of this, they could not hear the sounds in Princess Ling's room clearly. Madam Xu also knew that women and maids from wealthy families should speak politely and elegantly, and would not shout loudly like common people. So it’s normal for them to have difficulty hearing.

Unless Princess Ling sometimes speaks in high spirits, they might be able to hear her more clearly, such as when Princess Ling... scolded Concubine Fang..."

This is indeed a bit troublesome.

According to Governor Zhang, the guards had no way of knowing whether the people inside were still alive when the five people entered.

While Xu Jing was deep in thought, Governor Zhang suddenly said: "The Man Yue Tower is almost here, right there."

Xu Jing raised her eyes and saw not far away, under the dim light of the sky, an elegantly decorated inn appeared in front of her. On the plaque hanging above the door, the words "Full Moon Tower" were written in flying colors. .

Looking from the front, you can see several soldiers wearing armor and serious faces standing outside the door of the inn. Looking to the side, you can see that there are also soldiers standing outside the alleys immediately adjacent to the inn. Several soldiers.

It was still early now, and there were only a few ordinary people passing by on the street, but when they passed the Man Yue Tower, they didn't dare to stop, they ran past quickly, and they didn't even dare to turn around and take a look.

Governor Zhang said at this time: "Not only the main entrance, but also the entire inn, as long as there is a door or window for entry and exit, as well as a dog hole, General Han will send people to watch it."

Xu Jing: "..."

This can indeed be called a copper-walled and iron-clad guard.

In this case, it seems unlikely that the murderer came in from outside.

Governor Zhang led her to the door of the inn. The soldiers guarding the door obviously recognized him and immediately saluted him and made way for them to enter the inn.

The guards in the inn were even more exaggerated. There was a soldier guarding almost every two steps.

Governor Zhang said as he walked: "It's still early now, Prince Ling and the others probably haven't gotten up yet. I'll take Madam Xu to the room where Princess Ling was killed first..."

Before he finished speaking, a rough and powerful voice came from not far away, "Prince Zhang, is it so early today?"

Not far away, they saw an eight-foot-long man with a dark complexion, a red face and a long beard striding towards them. He was wearing thick armor, a big knife on his waist, and tiger-head combat boots. He was as powerful as a tiger, but his eyes were shrewd, and he looked like he was not a creature in the pond.

Perhaps because of what happened recently, his face was slightly calm, but he looked even more intimidating.

Governor Zhang looked at him and bowed: "General Han, today Madam Xu, who was specially sent by the Holy Spirit to assist us in investigating the case, has arrived. I will take Madam Xu to the crime scene to have a look." The man in front of him - Han Yi He was slightly stunned, looked Xu Jing up and down with a pair of tiger eyes, and suddenly said: "Are you Madam Xu, Qilang's wife?"

Xu Jing couldn't help but look at him with some surprise. Han Yi finally had a smile on his dark face and said, "You wonder why I know Qilang? Previously, I followed Qilang's grandfather, Mr. Xie, to the battlefield. Fighting, I even taught Shichiro martial arts when he was a child.

If it hadn't been for the chaos among the eight tribes back then... that's all, I wouldn't have mentioned the past. I didn't expect Qilang to choose a detective as his wife after so many choices. Madam Xu, I leave this case to you. The murderer actually played me to such an extent that he didn’t take me seriously at all. I will definitely not let him go! "

Seeing the man in front of him talking, his eyes showed a fierce look, as if if the murderer appeared in front of him, he would kill him directly. Xu Jing looked at him for a while, smiled slightly and said: "I see, General Han Thank you for escorting Prince Ling and others all the way to Beijing."

"What's so hard about this? It's much easier than when I went to the battlefield before. It's a bit tiring to deal with King Ling's demands every day. I really don't understand why those nobles have such twists and turns."

Han Yi waved his hand carelessly and said calmly: "If it weren't for that inexplicable murderer, I would have brought him to the capital for a long time.

Anyway, from now on, other people must not get into trouble. Governor Zhang, Madam Xu, you can do as you please. I'll go check on the guards everywhere. "

With that said, he walked straight past them and walked out.

Xu Jing turned to look at Han Yi and said, "What does General Han mean by the convoluted thoughts of noble people?"

Governor Zhang was stunned and said: "I don't know too well. Maybe General Han is used to living in the military camp and is not used to the noble people's demanding requirements. It is said that at the beginning, General Han did not provide them with accommodation every time. The idea of ​​​​looking for the best inn is just to find a decent inn. Safety is the most important thing, but Princess Ling and Princess Ling have great opinions.

It is said that General Han even wanted to travel overnight, but was directly rejected by King Ling.

If Madam Xu is curious, she can ask General Han later. "

Xu Jing nodded thoughtfully and said, "We'll talk about it later. Let's go to the room where Princess Ling was killed first."

The room where Princess Ling was killed is on the third floor. There are VIP rooms on the third floor. There are not many rooms, only six.

After going up the stairs, the first thing you see is two rooms. There are two more rooms on the left and right a little further inside.

Governor Zhang led Xu Jing to the right and said, "The two rooms just up the stairs are unoccupied. Prince Ling and Princess Ling live in the two rooms on the left, and Concubine Fang and Princess Ling live in the two rooms on the right. Princess Ling lived in the room outside.

Because the weather is getting warmer now, traces cannot be left in the room for too long, otherwise it will stink. I can only have someone tidy up the room a little, but I have tried my best not to damage the original layout. "

With that said, they arrived at the door of the room. Governor Zhang opened the door, turned sideways, and let Xu Jing go in first.

Although the room had been tidied up and the blood stains inside had been cleaned up, when Xu Jing walked in, she still smelled a strong smell of blood that had not dissipated. (End of chapter)

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