The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 430 He is more than just one person

This room is divided into an outer room and an inner room. The two rooms are connected by a door with a gauze curtain. The outer room and the inner room are not small, and the decoration is indeed very luxurious and high-end.

On the way, Xu Jing heard from Governor Zhang that the three masters and servants of Princess Ling were all killed in the inner room. There was no trace of the murder outside. Just looking at the outer room, no one would have thought that such a thing happened inside. Such a bloody and horrific case.

Xu Jing was not in a hurry to enter the inner room. She stood by the door for a while, turned to Governor Zhang and asked: "Although the guards are not standing guard next to the door, they will also patrol. When they pass by this room, are they? Don’t you smell blood?”

The walls of the inn are not thick, so not only is the soundproofing effect poor, but if there is any strange smell inside, it should be easy to spread.

Not to mention, Princess Ling's master and servant were all beheaded. Just imagining can tell how strong the smell of blood was in the room at that time.

Zhang Jishi said helplessly: "Princess Ling is very particular about her life. Even if she just lives in an inn, she still lights up incense. Not only Princess Ling, but also Prince Ling and others.

That morning, when the guards opened the door and came in, they said they smelled a stronger smell of incense than before, almost covering up the smell of blood. "

I understand, these must be the hands and feet of the murderer.

The reason was to prevent them from discovering that Princess Ling and the others had been killed so early.

Xu Jing said nothing and walked to the table in the middle of the room. In addition to a complete set of tea sets, there was also a tea cup that was obviously not the same tea set. I guess this was the calming tea sent by Grandma Lu.

Xu Jing gently opened the lid of the tea cup, took a look inside, and suddenly said: "I remember that there were tables at the crime scenes of the first case and the second case. On their tables at that time, It was all stained with blood, and it wasn't the kind of traces of splattered blood, it was like there were traces of something bloody having been placed on it.

And those two tables were far away from where the murderer committed the crime. "

The people who died in the first two cases were all servants. The rooms they lived in were not that big, and there was no distinction between outer and inner rooms.

But what makes people feel strange is that the table that was originally placed in the center of the room was moved to the door. The deceased were all killed on the side of the bed, and the blood splattered mainly on the bed. side.

The place where the table was placed was where the least amount of blood splattered.

Zhang Jishi was slightly startled. He had learned the details of the first two cases in detail. He nodded and frowned slightly: "Yes, this is really strange. The officials in charge of the first two cases said that On the table, perhaps...the head of the deceased had been placed."

In the first case, two maids were beheaded. One maid's head was right next to her body, but the other maid's head was missing.

The head that was once placed on the table could only belong to the maid whose head was missing.

In the second case, the head of the maid who was killed near the water collection point was also near her body, but the head of the boy who was killed in the room was missing.

Governor Zhang said: "I don't quite understand why the murderers put their heads on the table. Could it be that... after he killed, he wanted to eliminate his own traces, so he first put the heads he wanted to take away on a slightly cleaner place. place?"

After all, according to the case file, the murderer was obviously very careful. No trace of him was found at the crime scene, not even a single footprint.

Near each crime scene, there was a sheet or quilt stained with blood. When he committed the murder, he obviously used those sheets and quilts to wrap himself up so that his clothes would not be stained by the spray. Splattered blood.

Even near the maid who was killed near the water fetching ground, there was a thin quilt like this.

Xu Jing was silent for a moment, nodded and said, "It's possible."

But it doesn’t rule out that there are other possibilities.

She put the lid back on the tea cup and walked behind a screen outside.

There was a tub filled with water, and three wooden barrels stacked up next to it.

The water in the bathtub was a little turbid, but even after a few days, there was still a faint scent of soap coming out of it, which meant that Princess Ling had indeed taken a bath that day.

They were still alive when the inn boy brought the water in. The boy was innocent. After looking at the things in the outer room, Xu Jing walked into the inner room.

The smell of blood inside became even stronger, and there were blood stains on the floor, walls, bed, and cabinets almost everywhere that had not been completely cleaned up. At this time, the blood stains were completely dry.

On the other side of the bed, it was even more messy. Almost all the bedding on the bed had been pulled to the ground and covered with a thick layer. On those beddings, there was actually a chair with the back of the chair facing out. One side of the chair was next to the bed, and the other two chair legs were tied with a hemp rope. The other side of the hemp rope was tightly tied to the bed posts on both sides.

On the ground next to them, a hemp rope and a large knife were casually thrown, which looked extremely sharp.

Everything was stained with disturbing blood.

No matter how many times I watch this scene, it still makes me shudder.

It's almost like a private... execution ground.

Governor Zhang walked up to Xu Jing and said with a cold face: "We speculate that the murderer first knocked the three deceased people unconscious, then moved them here and put them on the chair upside down, with their chest pressed against the back of the chair. Their necks were pressed against the back of the chair, their heads dropped, they were fixed with ropes, and then their heads were cut off with a machete.

Therefore, we can see that there are some knife marks on the back of the chair, which should have been accidentally left by the murderer when he beheaded him. "

As Governor Zhang spoke, he walked to the chair and pointed out some scratches on it to Xu Jing. He said, "Because the chair and the bed are fixed together, even if the murderer uses more force when beheading, the chair will not be damaged." Move easily and make sounds.

In this way, the noise can be minimized. Even if the head is cut off and falls on the quilt on the ground, no sound will be made. "

Xu Jing couldn't help but frowned slightly as she watched all this.

The two maids who died in the first case were also killed in this way.

The boy in the second case was directly pushed to the ground and beheaded. However, at that time, the soldiers guarding the servants' room were called by General Han to search the inn. The inn was quite noisy and chaotic. , even if he makes any noise, no one will notice it.

Xu Jing then looked at the big knife on the ground and said, "That big knife couldn't have been brought in by the murderer."

Governor Zhang also agreed with this point, nodded and said: "Yes, when they came in, the guards were watching, just forget about the rope, it is easy to hide on the body, but the sword cannot be hidden if you want to.

Therefore, we speculate that the large knife... should have been in the room from the beginning.

The criminal knew that King Ling and his party would live in the Man Yue Building, so he hid a big knife in each VIP room in advance. "

Governor Zhang was quiet and said with a dark face: "Later, we did find a big knife in several other VIP rooms.

This is also because we didn’t consider it carefully, and we shouldn’t have gone to such great lengths to take over the Man Yue Tower in the early stage..."

If it weren't for the fact that everyone in this building is suspected of killing Princess Ling, it would be difficult to move them casually until the case is investigated.

He must have asked Ling Wang and the others to move to another inn.

However, since the criminal has targeted them, even if they change to another inn, it will not be of much use.

"Even if you didn't book the Man Yue Building, the criminals would have guessed that Prince Ling and his party would stay here."

Xu Jing looked at him and said, "Have you forgotten? Prince Ling and the others have stayed in the best inns along the way, and the best inn here is the Full Moon Tower.

And this incident also illustrates something..."

Xu Jing paused and said word by word: "The murderer has accomplices, he is more than just one person." (End of Chapter)

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