The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 431: The heroic autopsy style

Xu Jing's words made the hearts of Chunyang and Shen Qingyun, who had been following them, tremble slightly.

There is more than one murderer, so how many people are there?

Moreover, looking at the current situation, it is clear that there is at least one murderer hiding in the Man Yue Building, and that murderer is next to King Ling and the others.

And outside the Man Yue Building, there were still companions accompanying him.

This case is getting weirder and weirder, and it seems more and more dangerous.

Governor Zhang also nodded with a heavy face and said: "Yes, this is one of the reasons why we didn't let Prince Ling and the others change inns. Who knows if the criminal's accomplices outside were doing anything in the nearby inn.

Now, we have found out the large knives they hid in the VIP room. If the murderer wants to kill someone, it will not be that simple. "

Xu Jing did not speak.

If only that were the case.

After carefully looking at the room where Princess Ling was killed, she said, "Where are the bodies of Princess Ling and the other three?"

Governor Zhang said: "We have temporarily placed the bodies of Princess Ling and others in the government office. Does Madam Xu want to see their bodies first, or first meet the people who entered this room on the day Princess Ling was murdered? ?”

"Let's go see the body first."

Xu Jing made a decision immediately: "I need to understand the situation of the case first, not to mention it's still early, and others shouldn't get up that early."

On the way to the government office, Song Qingyun hesitated for a moment and said, "Ajing, I just thought about it. To cut off a person's head completely, the murderer must have extraordinary strength.

However, the five people who entered Princess Ling's room that day, except for the innkeeper at the beginning and Shuang Rui sent by Prince Ling, were all women, and one of them, Concubine Fang, was even pregnant.

However, judging from the situation in the room just now, the innkeeper at the beginning was probably innocent. "

If you look at it solely from the perspective of strength, Shuangrui seems to be the most suspect.

Xu Jing glanced at her and said: "Furthermore, judging from the guards at the inn, it is unlikely that the murderer came in from outside. There is a high possibility that the murderer is among those five people.

There's no rush, let's go see the condition of the body first. "

About a quarter of an hour later, they arrived at the government office. There was a morgue specially reserved for the bodies of Princess Ling and others. The morgue was filled with ice cubes for cooling. .

However, this is so, because the case has occurred for almost three days, and the corpses of Princess Ling and others are barely showing signs of corruption, but their abdomens are slightly swollen, and a clear network of corrupt blood vessels can be seen under the skin.

Their heads had been simply cleaned and placed neatly on a tray next to their respective bodies.

No matter how bold Song Qingyun was before, her face turned slightly pale when she saw the corpse for the first time. If Xu Jing hadn't asked her to put a piece of ginger in her mouth and apply some sesame oil under her nose. , blocking out the corpse energy coming towards her face, she was afraid that she would be choked as soon as she came in and turned around to go out.

No wonder Chunyang was very self-aware and didn't follow up...

Xu Jing no longer had the mind to care about her. After entering the morgue, she immediately switched to autopsy mode. She glanced at the three corpses in front of her, then walked to the corpse of one of the maids and leaned down. He looked at the wound on her neck intently and said: "The wound on the deceased's neck was very flat, which shows that the murderer cut off the deceased's head at once. This was possible only because the weapon he used was very sharp. Also because of his amazing strength, the murderer was probably used to doing heavy work, or was a practitioner. Judging from the condition of the wounds, the deceased was still alive when the murderer beheaded her, but she was beheaded to death. "

Immediately, Xu Jing walked to the maid's head and inspected it carefully. Seeing that there were no unnecessary wounds on her head, she took the head over, compared the fractures, and said: "The head and body are broken." The fractures fit right in, and this head indeed belongs to this maid.

Chen Hu, help me take off all her clothes. "

Chen Hu beside her immediately responded, and skillfully took off the maid's clothes under the stunned gazes of the people on the sidelines.

Xu Jing looked at her body carefully from head to toe and said softly: "There were no other serious wounds on the deceased, only one or two fresh bruises caused before death, which should have been caused by the murderer while moving her.

Since there were three people in the room at that time, the murderer could only have subdued all three of them before killing them one by one. The murderer did not use violence when he subdued them. He should have used drugs or something like that. "

Immediately, Xu Jing quickly examined the other two corpses, and the situation was similar to the first corpse.

When Xu Jing asked Chen Hu to take off Princess Ling's clothes without blinking an eye, Zhang Cishi's eyelids couldn't help but twitch.

Fortunately, he only brought Xu Jing and the others in this time and no other extra people.

Otherwise, if others knew that they took off Princess Ling's clothes like this, they would be charged with disrespect.

Although he had heard before that this lady was also a good expert at autopsies, he did not expect her style to be so... bold and decisive, which completely overturned his impression of the woman.

Song Qingyun was a little afraid to look at it at first, but her adaptability was pretty good, and she quickly overcame her psychological barrier. She listened carefully to Xu Jing's words and suddenly said: "What if we want to confuse Princess Ling and the others again?" Dizzy, we have to set up the scene and chop off their heads one by one, no matter how fast the murderer moves, it will definitely take a certain amount of time."

Hearing this, Xu Jing couldn't help but look at Song Qingyun with admiration and said, "Yes, among those five people, except for the innkeeper, the other four met the requirement of staying in Princess Ling's room for a period of time.

The innkeeper only went in to deliver water. Although he went in many times, he came out quickly every time.

Among them, the one who stayed the longest was Dongyang, who was the third one to go in. According to her own words, Princess Ling stayed with her for a while after letting her drink a cup of tea. Although the others didn't stay as long as she did, if they hurry up With time, we can still accomplish what you just said.

What's more, Concubine Fang didn't go in alone at that time. She also brought her personal maid. If Concubine Fang was the murderer, her personal maid must be an accomplice. With someone to help, she could move faster. . "

She discovered that this woman did have some acumen in solving crimes.

It can be cultivated.

Shen Qingyun continued with a slight frown and said: "One more thing, I have been feeling very strange just now. If...the murderer is really among those people, the people who entered behind the murderer will definitely notice that something happened to the people in the room. That’s it?

For example, if... the person was killed by Shuang Rui, Dongyang, Concubine Fang, and Grandma Lu who went in behind would definitely have noticed something was wrong. Even... even if the person was killed in the inner room, they did not enter the inner room. , and it’s impossible not to smell the smell of blood.

And if the person was killed by Dongyang, Concubine Fang and Aunt Lu who came in behind would definitely be aware of it.

Judging from the order of entry, the most suspicious person seemed to be Grandma Lu who entered last.

But if Mother Lu was not the murderer, then why did the people who went in behind the murderer say that Princess Ling and the others were fine when they went in? "

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