The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 455 A Jing who is obsessed with making money

Before Xu Jing got off the carriage, she heard Xiao Huaian's excited call from outside, "Auntie!"

Xu Jing couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth. She got off the carriage, picked up the little one who ran straight towards her, and said, "Have you been good these days, Changxiao?"

It had been six days since she left Anping County, and she was originally worried that her little one would be worried.

Who knew that Xiao Huaian said with a smile: "Of course you are good. Mother Shen said that Aniang will be back today. I thought Mother Shen was lying to me. Aniang, you came back so early this time. It's great."

As he said that, he leaned on Xu Jing's shoulder happily and rubbed it.

Xu Jing couldn't help but be amused.

This kid has developed a big heart because of her frequent outings with Xiao Yi.

Xu Jing touched Xiao Huaian's little head and said, "If you keep smiling here, my mother-in-law will definitely try her best to come back as soon as possible."

Shen Niang on the side smiled and said: "During the time when Madam was away, Mrs. Cheng often took the young man to Xinglin Hall. The young man was very interested in various medicinal materials recently, so Mrs. Cheng taught him how to recognize some. Mrs. Cheng always praises the young man for his intelligence."

Xu Jing looked at Xiao Huaian with some wonder. Xiao Huaian nodded immediately and said proudly: "Sister Qingqing said that I learned much faster than she did before. Auntie, now I can recognize a lot of medicinal materials. Auntie can Just test me!"

Xu Jing couldn't help laughing, pinched his little cheek and said, "Then I won't worry that no one will inherit my mantle in the future."

She had previously thought about taking the time to teach this little guy some medical skills. No matter what path he took in the future, medical skills would be a good way to protect himself.

I just thought that he was still young and wanted him to play carefree for a few years.

She didn't expect that this little kid would actually make progress, so she had nothing else to do during this period of time in Anping County, so she could teach this little guy a lesson.

After Xu Jing and Xiao Huaian finished making out, they turned around and found that Xiao Hezheng and Song Qingyun were whispering something not far away.

This time she did not go over and be the annoying third party, standing there waiting for them to finish talking and come over.

After they came over, Xu Jing asked with a smile: "Qingyun, do you want to continue to stay in Anping County?"

Song Qingyun was slightly stunned, paused, and nodded, "I want to stay a little longer, but will it disturb you?"

Being around Ah Jing, she can see many things that she has never seen before.

She also wanted to stay with Ah Jing for a while.

Xu Jing smiled, "You are free to stay wherever you want. Anping County does not belong to me alone, so why bother?"

To be honest, it's too late for me to be happy that you can have one more person to talk to with me if you stay. "

Song Qingyun couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled slightly.

Xiao He glanced at Song Qingyun secretly, then looked at Xu Jing and said: "I will go back to Xijing first. The Holy Lord is still waiting for me to return to Xijing. If you have anything, please send someone to send a message to Xijing at any time. I He and Changyu are both in Xijing, so it’s convenient to come here.”

Xu Jing nodded and said, "Thank you for making this trip."

Xiao He smiled, touched Xiao Huaian's little head, turned around, got on his horse neatly, and left with a group of soldiers.

Song Qingyun unconsciously looked at his retreating back, and suddenly whispered: "Ajing, I feel that Xiao Erlang has changed a bit. I didn't know what to say to him before." She was on the carriage. The two questions asked to A Jing were also mentioned when she explained the details of the case to Xiao He.

She originally thought that Xiao He would not take these two irrelevant questions to heart. Who knew that just after getting off the carriage, he came over and asked her. She had figured out those two questions. He had been thinking about them all the way. I have some guesses and want to discuss them with her.

Although Ah Jing had already given her the answer, Song Qingyun was also very interested in what Xiao He thought, so she discussed it with him.

In the past, when she was talking to Xiao He, she would always feel a kind of indescribable pressure. These pressures may have originated from Xiao He teasing her about reading the script when she was a child. Shadow, later on, was the pressure brought to her by knowing that Xiao He was fond of her.

It seemed that she had never tried to talk to him so focused, and even discussed problems together.

Xu Jing glanced at her, smiled slightly and said, "Really? But in my opinion, Xiao He has always been like this and has never changed. Maybe it's just that you never really understood him."

Song Qingyun was slightly startled, and there was a trace of confusion and thought in her eyes.

Xu Jing didn't say anything else, just said: "Our family is going to have barbecue tonight, do you want to stay and eat together?"

Some things cannot be rushed.

But fortunately, they still have time, and there is still a lot of time.

Half a year passed by in a flash.

After that, the imperial court asked Xu Jing and others to rush to prepare three batches of medicine. Every time they got busy, Xu Jing had to do it herself. Therefore, in the past six months, she stayed in Anping County most of the time, only visiting during the New Year. I went back to Xijing several times during the holidays.

What pleased Xu Jing was that although the imperial court asked her to rush to produce a very large amount of medicine every time, when she rushed to produce the medicine for the third time, the quantity obviously began to drop, and the last batch of medicine only amounted to Half of what it was before.

This shows that the war on the front line has gradually stabilized.

The war is coming to an end.

One night, Cheng Qingqing stayed at Xu Jing's house and helped her settle accounts. Looking at the smile that couldn't be hidden on Xu Jing's face, she couldn't help but exaggeratedly said: "Sister Jing, you have changed. What we have received is The money from the court is getting smaller and smaller, but you are getting happier and happier. You are no longer the sister Jing who was only focused on making money before!"

Xu Jing raised her eyes and glared at her, and said with a smile: "Naughty, war money is easy to make, but the burden behind it is too heavy. It is better to make less money than to make more money. What's more, I made a lot of money by rushing to make medicines in the past few times. Isn’t the money enough? When you and your brother saw so much money for the first time, didn’t your eyes shine and you thought for several days that you would never be able to spend it all in your life?”

Thinking of how hopeless she and her brother were before, Cheng Qingqing blushed slightly, coughed slightly and said, "That was indeed the first time that my brother and I saw so much real money! I'm pretty good, My brother still thinks that it was a dream to be among the rich in Anping County!

Haha, but Sister Jing opened Xinglintang branches everywhere during this period, and spent more than half of the money she earned at once. Brother started to feel depressed again. Fortunately, Sister Jing said she would not touch our own small treasury. In the past few days, he had to hold all his wealth in his arms before he could sleep. "

They sold medicine to the court, and the profit was actually very small, but the important thing was the huge quantity. In the end, it was still a very considerable income.

Xu Jing struck while the iron was hot and began to implement the Xinglintang branch plan she had made before. In just a few months, they had opened three branches around Anping County.

The fact that Xinglintang supplied medicine to the army spread quickly to all parts of Dachu due to the war. Xinglintang suddenly became famous, but it didn't worry that the branch it opened would have no business.

Xu Jing couldn't help but shook her head in amusement, "Why didn't I notice that your brother was so picky before? You should talk about him when you have time. Is there any woman from a good family like him who would be willing to be his wife?"

Speaking of this, Cheng Qingqing felt worried. Her brother still shouldered the important task of passing on the family lineage! My brother had the nerve to urge her to get married every day.

She puffed up her cheeks and temporarily put this upsetting topic behind her, saying: "However, I am very happy that the war can end so quickly, all thanks to Xiao Shilang!
Ah, now it’s time to call him...General Xiao? "(End of chapter)

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