The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 456 A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye

Mentioning a certain man, Xu Jing softened her lips slightly and said, "You can call him whatever you want, I don't know what position he will be transferred to when he comes back this time.

However, he probably won't stay in the army. Even if you call him General Xiao, it won't last long. "

After learning about Xiao Yi's maternal family's tragic past, she finally understood why this man was unwilling to stay in the army.

But precisely because of the affairs of his maternal grandfather's family, whenever the country is in trouble, he will not hesitate to stand up to defend his family and the country.

"Is that so?"

Cheng Qingqing blinked. She didn't know much about Xiao Yi's family, but it didn't hinder her admiration for Xiao Yi. "But based on General Xiao's military exploits on the battlefield, even if he doesn't stay in the army, he will receive The rewards will definitely be great!
In the past two days, I have heard rumors from people outside that after he comes back this time, he will probably be transferred back to the Privy Council. Maybe our country will have the youngest prime minister! "

Just as Cheng Qingqing said, Xiao Yi achieved supreme military exploits this time.

After King Ling was safely brought back to Xijing, the Jiang family lost their last chance to take King Ling away.

This was undoubtedly a huge blow to the Jiang family. The Jiang family wanted to hide the news at first. Later, their soldiers could not see King Ling for a long time, and it was rumored among the people that King Ling had arrived in Xijing. News, this matter could no longer be concealed.

After that, the morale of the Jiang family's soldiers was greatly reduced. During that time, Liang Guogong and others almost broke through their city gate. In the end, Jiang Shaoyan came to the front line in person and was able to hold on.

In this way, the two sides were in a stalemate for more than two months. However, no one expected that during this period, Xiao Yi unknowingly sent a team of elite soldiers out of the Great Wall to negotiate with the Dadan tribe.

At that time, Jiang Shaoyan had returned to Yizhou, and their attention was focused on the imperial army outside. Who knew that Xiao Yi was directly reciprocating a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye, they could cooperate with foreigners, why couldn't they? What's more, the chips they can give are much more than them.

Finally, Xiao Yi proposed that Da Chu should resume free trade with the outside world in the future, and gave the Dadan tribe great preferential treatment in trade. After analyzing with them who had a better chance of winning between themselves and the Jiang family, the leader of the Dadan tribe finally decided He favored them, agreed to cooperate with them, and provided them with cover, allowing them to pass through their territory and directly attack Yizhou, the current headquarters of the Jiang family.

When Jiang Shaoyan discovered that their backyard was on fire, the elite soldiers sent by Xiao Yi had already broken into his mansion, and the elite soldiers around Jiang Shaoyan hurriedly covered his escape.

When the frontline soldiers learned of this situation, they were greatly shocked. In addition, the defense of the city for several consecutive months had exhausted them physically and mentally. They were instantly defeated. The imperial army quickly attacked and captured Beiting Jiedushi Jiang Chaoda Heping. Lu Jiedu envoy Zhou Guangsheng and most of the Jiang family.

Xu Jing had received news of the imperial army's victory half a month ago. In just a few days after that, the news, along with Xiao Yi's name, spread throughout Dachu.

These days, the appearance of the people has taken on a new look, and there are a lot more laughter and voices on the streets.

Even the refugees outside the city celebrated with songs and dances all night long. Nothing is more inspiring than the news of peace.

Cheng Qingqing said, and suddenly said: "The war is obviously over, why haven't you heard the news about the return of the imperial army? Sister Jing, did General Xiao say when he would be back in the letter home that General Xiao gave you recently?"

Xu Jing couldn't help but laugh and said: "Do you think the victory of the war means that everything is over? The time and energy required for various post-war aftermath tasks - dealing with enemy troops, settling prisoners, appeasing the people, recovering and rebuilding lost lands, etc. None of it is less than fighting.


Moreover, the most troublesome thing is that although they have captured most of the Jiang family, the most important one, Jiang Shaoyan and several of his sons, have yet to be found.

Among the missing people is Jiang Yu.

Although in the current situation, they can no longer make any waves, but cutting the grass without eradicating the root will eventually lead to endless troubles.

This may be the reason why Princess Ling wanted to send Prince Ling away no matter what.

As long as a remnant of the Jiang family is still living outside, Prince Ling will be closely monitored and will never be free again until his death.

However, this matter is now regarded as a secret in the military. Xu Jing did not tell Cheng Qingqing in detail, but smiled softly and said: "That's all, they will come back sooner or later, so we can just wait with peace of mind. Now the court will not let it happen for the time being. We have made medicine. Let’s finish the calculations quickly. I will return to Xijing in a few days with a long smile. "

Hearing that Xu Jing was going back to Xijing, Cheng Qingqing couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. She pouted and said: "Sister Jing is gone, Chen Hu and the others are just going to cry. In the past six months, thanks to Sister Jing, Anping County has solved the case The speed is unprecedentedly fast, and even people from nearby counties come here to learn from us, which makes them very proud.”

Xu Jing looked at her sideways.

The one who wants to cry the most is probably this girl.

She flicked her forehead lightly, turned her attention back to the account book in her hand, and said: "Okay, it's not like I won't come back if I go back. If you miss me and Changxiao, hurry up and help me." Train those few young apprentices, and then if you want to go to Xijing, you can go to Xijing, and if you want to stay in Anping County, you can stay in Anping County, and you will have as much freedom as you want."

When Cheng Qingqing heard this, she couldn't help but look forward to it.

A future where there are no constraints at all, where there is freedom and there is no need to worry about money.

She couldn't wait any longer.

Seven days later, Xu Jing packed her things, took Xiao Huaian with her, and left Anping County with the reluctant farewells of the Cheng brothers and sisters and the county government officials, and began to return to Xijing.

The last time he returned to Beijing was more than a month ago. Xiao Huaian was quite excited and kept pestering Xu Jing to ask if he could see his father when he returned this time.

Finally, when he was tired, he leaned into Mother Shen's arms and fell asleep.

Shen Niang lovingly wiped the beads of sweat on Xiao Huaian's forehead from playing, and said: "Mr. Lang left when the April grass was growing and the orioles were flying. Now the leaves have turned yellow. A few days ago, the old slave saw When the young man was secretly drawing a portrait of his father, the old slave saw it and said with an embarrassed look that he was afraid that he would forget his father's appearance and wanted to draw it, but he was not good at drawing it now. My father's painting was ugly, so I asked the old slave to keep it a secret for him and not to tell his wife or husband.

The old slave's heart suddenly throbbed and ached. "

How could such a well-behaved doll not feel pain?

Xu Jing couldn't help but look at Xiao Huaian with gentle eyes, and said with a slight smile: "Come on, the father he misses so much will be back soon."

"But, madam..."

Chunyang suddenly felt worried and said, "Langjun used to send a letter home to Madam every half a month, but now it's been half a month since Madam last received a letter home from him."

Xu Jing's brows suddenly frowned slightly.

When the war was tense before, Xiao Yi would write her a letter home once a month.

Later, when the war became a little easier, I sent it back every half month.

Logically speaking, now that the war is over, he should have more time to do other things.

Xu Jing was silent for a moment and said: "Xu Shihuangjun has other things to be busy with, so don't think too much."

After a day and night of journey, their carriage finally arrived outside Xijing City.

However, just as they were heading towards the gate of Xijing City, the carriage suddenly stopped suddenly, and waves of panicked screams sounded outside at the same time.

It was the voices of other pedestrians on the road! (End of chapter)

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