He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 101 "Doraemon" is actually a unique world! ?

Chapter 101 "Doraemon" is actually a unique world! ?
ps: Let me tell you something before reading this chapter. The author is a liberal arts major, and there may be some science majors among the Shuaibi readers. Some of the settings in this chapter should be taken as they are based on this book.

Especially about three-dimensional creatures and four-dimensional creatures, I quickly read through the Three-Body Problem again today.

I will come to a conclusion later...

Let’s stick to the system of this book and get rid of the pitfalls of three-dimensional and four-dimensional circles.

Normal updates will resume tomorrow! !

Wandering earth world.

Infinite universe.

The stars that had been shining brightly before were dim and invisible.

The dark clan of the Ultra World and the light clan headed by the Kingdom of Light stretch across the sky.

The terrifying aura distorted the light from the stars.

The faces of everyone in the Lord of the Rings civilization changed drastically.

And, how did these people find themselves! ?This universe should be filled with three-dimensional civilized creatures.

Three-dimensional civilization cannot observe four-dimensional creatures.


They were a little shocked to find that these people seemed... not three-dimensional creatures.

They can actually pass through the barrier of the four-dimensional space and see themselves directly.

In the Kingdom of Light team…

"Is this another world? It seems to be a world of technology just like ours."

"However, this technology is simply tens of thousands of miles ahead of our world."

"Besides, they seem to be their own little world."

"Unfortunately, it's useless."

Little Broken Ball shook his head. He was the prototype of the will of the world, and this small world could directly see through it.

Not to mention that all of the terrifying creatures around him came from the world of the group leader.

These creatures can even cross the barriers of the universe, and the space barriers of the small world are nothing to them.


What makes him envious is the planetary mothership of the Lord of the Rings civilization, fleets that only exist in fantasy.

Some exclamation.

I am afraid that the technology in my own world may not be able to catch up with the opponent's technology even if it develops for another 1 years.

It glanced at Dagu next to it.

What impressed him the most was that "big bones were boiled into soup". He was actually a person from the world where the group leader lived! ! !
When he learned the news, he was completely stunned.

Damn, what a blessing this is!
Actually living in the world created by the group leader.


Blue Star, luxury hotel.

Annan's vision passed through time and space.

He is also observing the civilization of The Lord of the Rings.

When the opponent enters the world of small breaking balls, all their information is known to them.

"I see, because of the defeat, the four-dimensional ocean dried up, are there creatures about to fall from the fourth dimension to the third dimension?"

He has an impression of this civilization, and it seems to have been mentioned a few times in the original work.

In the original work, this civilization had already perished when it was discovered by humans.

He shook his head.

The three-body universe.

The four-dimensional space sounds pretty cool. Every civilization has its own four-dimensional space.

In fact, if placed in a world where individual strength is respected, such as the world of immortals, the so-called four-dimensional space is actually a small world, or a blessed land and a cave.

The 'fourth-dimensional ocean' is the 'spiritual vein' in the cave of Blessed Land.

When the spiritual veins dry up, the cave heaven and the blessed land will naturally be useless and will fall into the mortal world.

It is easy to understand that creatures in three-dimensional space cannot observe creatures in four-dimensional space.

It is also placed in the world of Xianxia.

The fourth-dimensional space is a paradise, a space of its own, and the people living in it are all "immortals".

As for three-dimensional creatures, they are mortals in the mortal world. Naturally, they cannot observe the "immortals" existing in the "cave heaven and blessed land".

'Immortals' can observe 'mortals' at will, and know everything about 'mortals' with a single glance of their spiritual consciousness.

It's just because the original laws of each world are different.

Therefore, the manifestations of the power system are also different.The Ultra World he created.

The power system is light and darkness, light energy particles and dark energy particles.

In the vast world of immortals, personal power is respected. The immortals in the "Dongtian Paradise" are "four-dimensional creatures", and the power they control is the immortal arts that can control the power of rules.Use your personal abilities to control the power of the law.

In the three-body world, technology is the most important. The 'cave heaven paradise' is the 'four-dimensional world', and the people living in it are 'four-dimensional creatures'. The power they control is various powerful technologies, and they can even analyze the 'laws' to create regular weapons. foil' and the like.Use technological capabilities to control and use the power of law.


In the technological world, the three-body world is only a relatively low-level existence.

I have to say which power system is the best in the sci-fi side of the world and its analysis and utilization of world rules.

That is undoubtedly... "Doraemon"!
That's right, it's a subtitle anime.

There is no doubt that this world is a vast world, and it is also the top existence among the science fiction world.

Use technology to analyze rules and apply them.

They can already produce all kinds of terrible law props. '

Devil's Passport, Lie 800, What If Phone Booth, Dictator Button, Doomsday Destroyer...

Moreover, the long river of time has been thoroughly studied by them, and they have invented a time machine.

Just magnifying and shrinking the light, in some fairy worlds, is already a great magical power that only the strong can master.

Annan also looks forward to one day being able to bring characters from the Doraemon world into the chat group of all worlds.

He shook his head and threw away his racing thoughts.

He opened his lips lightly: "Karafar, subdue this civilization. If you don't obey, destroy it."

"Obey, Father God."


"Not...an opponent! Definitely not an opponent!"

"According to 'Gaia' analysis, our winning rate against these creatures is 0."


"Opposite...there are two creatures that are close to the fifth dimension!!"

Two figures appeared in the virtual minds of all the Lord of the Rings civilizations.

One was dark with white patterns on his body. He looked like a four or five-year-old human cub, wearing a weird leather jacket.

One was covered in silver with black patterns, and looked like a four or five-year-old human cub, wearing a weird leather jacket.

! ! ! ! ! !

The entire Lord of the Rings civilization is in silence. Five-dimensional creatures? !To explain it with idealism, this is already God!
These two seemingly harmless cubs are actually close to five-dimensional creatures! ?

boom! !

There is no reason, the heaven and the earth seem to be stagnant, and all the stars are crawling.

The people of the Lord of the Rings civilization felt like their own planetary mothership was shaking.

In the vast universe, a supreme figure descended.

Half of the body is black, half of the body is white...

"Five...five-dimensional creatures!!!"


There are two flowers on each table.

When there is friction between the Trisolaran World and the Ultra World.

[The Wanjie chat group has been updated. Members can enter the chat group to view the new features]

Devour the starry sky world...

Deep in the Pacific Ocean Abyss…

In the huge list, the golden-horned giant beast opened its eyes again when he heard the voice in his head.

It was that weird chat group from all realms yesterday.

I want to see what this is.

With a thought, I entered the chat group.

Not only it, but all the group members also received the message, except Xiao Poqiu and Dagu.

Everyone immediately entered the chat group.

[The richest man in the world]: Come to life!Come to life, finally upgraded!
[Apprentice Death]: Long time no see, everyone!

[I Can’t Fly]: The update is finally completed, let’s take a look at what’s updated this time!

(End of this chapter)

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