He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 100 The battle between the two realms begins!

Chapter 100 The battle between two worlds begins!
The Wanjie chat group has been upgraded.

All group members are forced to go offline.

Pokémon World…

In the sea far away from the human world, a volcanic desert island suddenly trembled.

Volcano eruption.

"Marco and other group friends... probably haven't seen the world history video I uploaded, right?"

In the lava of the crater, Groudon's eyes were dull, and his feet were digging out a four-room and one-living room on the ground.

In the Wanjie chat group, all group members are forced to go offline, and the countdown is 1 minute...

Groudon finished watching the "Pokémon" world history video he uploaded...

After all, when watching a world history video in a viewing space, time inside stops. No matter how long you watch it, only one second passes in the outside world.


It's dead.

Dry! !

He was beaten by a human fire-breathing dragon and controlled by a human...

What the hell is going on! !
The Crimson Orb is clearly in his body now. Why is it being controlled by a human organization called the "Lava Team" in the picture? ?

shame! !
shame! ! !

And later on, Hupa and Punishment Hupa fought, summoning a bunch of mythical beasts to fight.

The war is over…

The other mythical beasts all opened space channels to leave, and some flew away.

What the heck, just swimming back alone in the sea.

That picture looks like a clown alive!
Damn Hoopa! !

Isn't this sincerely embarrassing yourself?
Why not summon the Divine Pillar King "Regichikas" as well?

Why not summon the god of life "Xerneas" together?
They can't fly either!
Why did you summon me a flightless one instead of summoning two more?When I swim back like this, I have a companion, so it’s a good idea!

Why are you calling me?
It's cold and shaking!


Damn Hupa, he could open a space channel to send me back, but he still watched me swim back, on purpose!Absolutely intentional!

The more Groudon thought about it, the more desperate he became, and the angrier he became.

"No! The Wanjie chat group has reopened. I have to delete the uploaded historical videos!"

If these videos are seen by those idiots in the group, his reputation will be ruined.

The persona of the top powerful God of Earth collapsed.

Especially the two little black men, the richest man and Marco, Groudon could already imagine how these two people would laugh at him when they saw his embarrassment.

delete!Must be deleted!
all of a sudden…

Groudon raised his head, as if he felt something, and tilted his hideous head: "Why is that smelly fish here?"

Its body flew into the air.

Soon, I saw Kyogre.

Kyogre's huge body merged with the sea. Seeing Groudon flying towards him, it opened its mouth and wanted to say something.

Groudon: "Hold your words first, I'm a little unhappy now, let me give you a beating first."

Gaioka: ?

After a few minutes...

Groudon felt refreshed and Kyogre had a bruised nose and face.

Of course, this little skin injury is not even a minor injury to it. After all, at the level of a divine beast, as long as it is not an attack at the law level, it is not a big deal to them.

"Tell me, what's the matter with me?"

half a minute later...

"You mean, how did I suddenly become stronger? Why could I suddenly fly?"

Groudon was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses.

He and Kyogre have been stuck at this level for who knows how many thousands of years.

There has been no growth in strength for tens of thousands of years.

If it weren't for the chat group, Groudon would never be able to improve even a little in this life.

He suddenly made a breakthrough and improved his level. It's no wonder that his rival couldn't help but come to ask him.

It grinned: "Want to learn? I'll teach you!"

"First find me five tablets of Arceus!"

Kyogre was suspicious.

"Really, I won't lie to you. Five stone tablets will tell you how to become stronger."

"But now, come with me to find Hupa."

"It offended me, I want to beat it."

Hupa's Pot of Punishment also has the power of Arceus, so it should sell for a lot of points. …

Marvel world, Stark Tower.

Stark stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the brightly lit city.

"It will take a day to upgrade the chat group of all realms."

"Although I already know the location of the Infinity Stones, I still need to strengthen my combat power."

"Iron Man...Tony Stark...that's a good name..."

"Then let him come out in advance."

After watching the world history video, he was confident that he could restore the mecha he would wear in the future.


The day flies by...

The three-body universe.

The star field where the world's rift sits.

A large space around the crack in the world has been folded by the 'Lord of the Rings Civilization' using space technology, hiding this space.

Boom! Boom! !
The original space crack was fixed and turned into a wormhole passage.

An extremely rich and exotic aura surged from the passage.

The Lord of the Rings civilization can feel that the dry four-dimensional ocean of its own civilization is reviving.

"Attack the foreign world!"


The space around the Lord of the Rings civilization continued to shrink, turning into a water droplet and passing through the world passage.

This water droplet is their four-dimensional space.

Although it is under the starry sky, it is alone in another dimension.

A whirlwind.

When they came back to their senses, the people of the Lord of the Rings civilization found that they and others had arrived in a strange starry sky.

Rich energy particles continue to pour into the dry ocean in the four-dimensional space.

The dimensional space that has shrunk and is about to fall from the fourth dimension to the third dimension stops collapsing.


"We are saved!!"

"We escaped the disaster of falling from the fourth dimension!"

"Our Lord of the Rings civilization has been reborn!"

For the creatures of their four-dimensional civilization, once they fall from the fourth dimension to the third dimension, it is equal to death.

It's like the fish have left the sea water and can only wait to die in low-lying areas.


"The analysis of air particles has been completed. As predicted, this world has a low level of civilization. There is only one three-dimensional civilization and it has initially entered the period of interstellar exploration."

"very good!"

Didi, didi, didi, didi~!

Suddenly, the Lord of the Rings civilization sounded a shrill alarm.

"Report! Report!"

"We found a huge energy reaction, we...we seem to be surrounded!!"

Boom! !
Without any reason, the entire starry sky trembled.

The universe turned into two colors.

Half dark, half light.

They captured the surrounding scenes, and at some point, figures appeared in the surrounding star field.

There is no spaceship, no mothership, and no space suit.

These figures stand in the universe with the power of their personal bodies.

Some are completely black and emit black mist, and some look weird, like monsters.

Some were wearing leather sheaths and were human-shaped, with red and blue patterns on their bodies.

None of this matters...

The important thing is…

Their energy instruments detected that the energy in these figures was extremely terrifying.

"No...isn't it a lower-civilized world?"

"Why...why are there so many terrifying creatures?"


(End of this chapter)

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