He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 99 A civilization that slipped from the 4th dimension to the 3rd dimension!

Chapter 99 Civilization slipping from four dimensions to three dimensions!
Devour the starry sky world...

After the Era of Catastrophe, the earth became a world dominated by mutant beasts.

With the rise of warriors, human beings had a place in this disaster and established their own survival base.

Recently, a peerless genius has appeared among human warriors.

Only 19 years old.

A strong man whose strength as a warrior and spiritual master has reached the "Peak God of War"!
——Luo Feng!
This inspires people all over the planet.

To know…

God-of-war-level warriors are already Earth's high-end combat power.

As for the strength of the peak God of War, there are very few among the God of War level experts.

Not to mention that at the age of 19, both the warrior and the spiritual master had reached the peak of war at the same time.

Luo Feng became a human star.

And took over as the inspector of "Jiangnan Base City".

It is estimated that in a few years, he will be able to break through and become a powerhouse at the level of "Beyond the God of War".

Enter the parliament and become a member of parliament,

Even becoming the successor of the most powerful person on earth, 'Thor'.

There are 52 members in total, all of whom are the decision-makers of the earth. Each one of them has the power "beyond the God of War".

These parliamentarians are ruled by five parliamentary presidents.

The five parliament presidents are the five most powerful people on the entire earth.

Each one is able to ignore gravity and change its own magnetic field.

The level of life increases and begins to contact the original law. It controls the energy within a certain range around it. The genetic energy is 1000~9999 tons, the physical strength is 1000~9999 tons, the flight speed is 1200 meters per second~more than 10 kilometers per second, and the telekinesis range is 1 kilometer~ 9 kilometers.


Humans on Earth don’t know.

The stars are vast, the universe is boundless, and the world they live in is a vast world.

There are countless advanced civilizations.

A strong person can physically cross the void, and can even control the life and death of a world of life.

The strongest can create their own universe.

The civilization of the earth, among the civilizations of the entire universe, is a low-level civilization and will be broken into pieces at a touch.

The high-end combat power on earth - the God of War level, even the peak God of War.

In the classification of cosmic power levels, it is only "[-]th level apprentice".

In the universal level system of the universe, "apprentice level" is not even considered an entry-level person.

"Beyond the God of War" has just started, stepping into the threshold of "planetary level".

The strongest and second strongest men on earth, Lei Shen and Hong, are only at "Planet Seventh Level" in strength.

As for the planetary level, in the entire universe, they are slaves, cannon fodder, servants, and lowly pariahs.

If it weren't for the remote location of the earth, and a powerful man from a higher civilization once came to the earth to avoid being hunted, he used his ability to hide the earth's position in the universe.

Lower civilizations like the Earth have long been enslaved by other civilizations and turned into slave planets.

The world after the disaster...

What were once ordinary animals have mutated into terrifying mutant beasts.

Beast tides break out every year, impacting major base cities.


Where are the most mutant beasts and the most terrifying ones?

That is undoubtedly the ocean!

Before the Cataclysm Era, humans did not explore the ocean much.

After the Catastrophic Era, the ocean is an absolutely forbidden land for humans!

at this time…

The vast Pacific Ocean.

The abyss under the sea is so vast that there is no light source here.

The depth seems to reach straight to the center of the earth.


Suddenly, a red light flashed in the dark abyss of the ocean floor.

This light emanates from an egg.

It is extremely huge, with mysterious patterns on its surface, and horny objects crisscrossing the egg.

The red light was like a breathing lamp, and like the heartbeat of a fetus.

With each breath, a vortex was formed, and countless spiritual energy particles were sucked into it.

Full of rich vitality.

This egg is the egg of the starry sky beast.

Starry sky behemoths are also the top race in the entire vast star-devouring world.

What was conceived here was one of the behemoths in the starry sky...the golden-horned behemoth.

Soon, it will break out of its shell.He was born with peak planetary strength.

Has memory inheritance and natal magical powers.

At the peak of adulthood, he has the strength of "World Lord level".

The world lord level of human beings, with a lifespan limit of 1000 epochs (10081000 years).

There is a world of 1 kilometers within the body. A random blow can destroy the living planet. He has understood the origin of the lower laws to the deepest level.

As a starry sky behemoth, the "Boundary Lord level" is even more terrifying. The diameter of the world in the body of an ordinary golden-horned behemoth is over 3000 million kilometers, and the diameter of an awesome one can reach 9000 million kilometers, killing human "Boundary Lords" Like slaughtering a dog.

Inside the egg…

The golden-horned giant beast has been fully developed. You can see that it looks like a lion, with dark golden eyes. Its body and wings are covered with black scales. Complex golden patterns spread from the black horn to the neck, then to the back, and to the tail. .

After dormant for a while, it can break out of the shell.

at this time…

The golden-horned giant beast that should have opened its eyes only after breaking out of its shell opened its bright golden eyes.

The Golden Horned Behemoth clan all have blood heritage and are born with a lot of common sense in this world.

Its eyes were a little confused.

[Wanjie Chat Group invites you to join the group chat. Do you want to join the group chat? (Accept/YES)]

Wanjie chat group? ? ?
There is no memory of this thing in the bloodline inheritance?
And why is there no reject option?
With a thought, I clicked Accept.


It feels like there is a weird interface in its mind.

I was just about to take a look at what this was.

next second...

His vision went dark, and his consciousness returned to the space inside the egg.

【Ding!The Wanjie chat group is being upgraded... You have been forced offline... The upgrade will be completed at this time tomorrow...]

Golden-horned behemoth:?

On the other side…

Wandering earth world.

The cracks in the world continue to widen.

On the other side of the world rift, the "Three-Body World"...

In the vast universe, a mothership the size of a planet stretches across the starry sky, glowing with a cold steel color.

Countless spaceships and fleets flew around.


It is extremely conspicuous, with a crack, which is fixed.

Countless nanoscale robots are analyzing something in this crack. Something like a laser is piercing this 'crack' from the planet-like mothership.

"Okay, I think it will take another day to completely get through it."

"This is an opportunity for our "Lord of the Rings Civilization"! ! "

"I didn't expect that there is a world outside this world. Maybe our civilization can be saved and stabilized in the fourth-dimensional civilization, or even attack the five-dimensional civilization."

Information waves are transmitted in spaceships one after another.

Everyone looked at this "world crack" with great anticipation.


The Lord of the Rings Civilization.

A high-dimensional civilization belonging to the four-dimensional space.

Many years ago, a war broke out with other advanced civilizations.

Unfortunately defeated.

The four-dimensional ocean in one's own four-dimensional space was drained by the other party, causing the civilization that was about to fall from the four-dimensional space to the three-dimensional space.

In order to save their civilization, they wandered around the universe.

not long ago...

Their civilization passed by this place and noticed an anomaly. Some of the energy particles actually caused sporadic seawater to appear in the dry "fourth-dimensional ocean"! ! ! !

Then, they collected this strange energy particle and found that it came from a crack hidden under the space.

After testing…

They discovered that this energy particle did not belong to their own world.

There is probably another world on the other side of this crack.

If you can get through it and go to another world, the "dimensional ocean" of your own civilization will be filled again! !
According to some energy memories remaining in energy particles.

The level of the world on the other side of the rift should not be high.

At most, it is a three-dimensional civilization that has just entered the interstellar era!
They are excited!
The civilization of the Lord of the Rings will rise again!

Maybe it can become the only "five-dimensional civilization"!
The five-dimensional civilization is an existence that can even create the universe!


(End of this chapter)

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