He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 98 Entering the world of the Lord God!The upgrade and mutation of the chat group of all worl

Chapter 98 Entering the world of the Lord God!The upgrade and mutation of the chat group of all worlds!new member!
The world of the Lord God.

An unnamed small space, surrounded by gray mist.

In this space…

An eye as huge as a moon disk floated in mid-air.

The upper and lower eyelids are half closed, leaving only a slit between the eyes exposed.


A pale golden space vortex appeared, and a figure appeared out of thin air in the space without any warning.

The figure was lying on the ground, its limbs twisted like twists, and its body seemed to have been drenched by lava.

Many wounds were burned and glued together.

If Marco and Stark were here, they would be surprised.

Isn't this man the world invader who was beaten up by them and took over the body of 'Zhang Huaiyi'?

He moved his Adam's apple with difficulty, and the sound came out from his voiceless throat: "Treat...treat..."



The closed eyes opened and closed instantly, revealing golden eyeballs.

Sacred and inviolable.

There is no emotion in the eyes.

Like the gods and demons in the Nine Heavens, overlooking the ants in the world.

Golden light burst out from His eyes, covering Zhang Huaiyi, and glanced back and forth over 'Zhang Huaiyi'.

Under the golden ray,

Zhang Huaiyi's body slowly melted, and what was replaced was a young man about 25 years old.

This is exactly the original appearance of the world invader occupying the body of 'Zhang Huaiyi'.

His real name is Yu Haiyang.

In just a few moments, all the injuries suffered had been recovered.

This is the power of the Lord God Space.

As long as you still have breath, even if your body is broken, as long as you return to the main god space, you can be restored.

The eyes of the Lord God are still scanning his body, feeling that everything he owns cannot escape from his body.

But Yu Haiyang is used to it.

This is to check whether the world invaders have any dirt on them from other worlds.

If there were any, they would be killed on the spot by the Lord God Space.

Even the top experts in the world are no exception.

There was an example once.

When a world invader returned to the main god's space, he was killed by the most powerful person in the world.

After entering the "return space"...

Discovered by the Eyes of the Lord God, the powerful man in the world who can reverse time is directly destroyed physically and mentally under the golden light of the Eyes of the Lord God.


The eyes of the Lord God closed and returned to the previous half-asleep and half-awake state.

Yu Haiyang knew that... the 'test' for him was over, and there was nothing that did not belong to the world of the Lord God, so he entered the World of the Lord God with him.

He was a little regretful, and expected those two powerful men from the 'Great Thousand Worlds' to do something to him. It would be best if his soul was hidden in his body, and then he would be killed by the Eyes of the Lord God! !
"I want to leave the return space." Yu Haiyang said.

"The world of the Lord God is being targeted by some other supreme being. The pineapple head seems to be Marco from the pirate world. Let's go take a look outside first and understand the current situation."

This is his return space. Every world invader has his own return space, and he also has an 'Eye of the Lord God'.

Whenever you complete a mission and return, you will return to your own "return space".

Similar to a private space, props and other things can be stored.

You can even return to space and spend some 'reincarnation points' to transform into various scenes at will.

As for the Eyes of the Lord God…

Legend has it that every eye of the Lord God that returns to space is transformed by a trace of the Lord God's thoughts.

Invaders from the Nine Star World can even communicate directly with the Lord God.

And the best among the nine-star world invaders.

He is also a god who can become the Lord God.

After becoming a god, you don’t need to participate in missions and can just reap the benefits and absorb the origins of other worlds.

Yu Haiyang’s greatest wish is to become a god in the world of the Lord God.

Yu Haiyang left his "return space" with a thought.

Came to the world of the Lord God.

And he doesn't know...

The moment he left, a ray of white light flashed between his eyebrows.

...Ultra World...

blue star.

There was a smile on Annan's lips. He had laid down his free chess, and it was just a matter of time to see what kind of rewards he would get later.

I didn't expect that if I mixed my breath with the breath of the gold medallist, it would really not be intercepted by the world of the Lord God.

This breath will slowly grow in the world of the Lord God.

Every time 'Yu Haiyang' climbs higher in the Lord God's World, his breath can capture more of the Lord God's World's power.

When the time comes, that breath will undergo some strange changes.

He had a hunch.

This world invader will bring huge surprises to himself in the future.

[Respected and great group owner, the radar has detected that there are members who are qualified to join the group. Do you want to invite them to join the group? 】

Looking at the group notification that suddenly popped up.

Looking at the basic information of the members who could be invited to the group, he raised his eyebrows.

"It turned out to be this guy."

The top creatures in the world.

In the opponent's world, they are at the top of the food chain.

He was born with the power to destroy stars.



Wanjie chat group…

[Apprentice Death God]: It seems that the top answerers were frightened by the invincible group leader, so they all ran away.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Nonsense. The group leader is going around the world trying to catch the gold medal list. Almost everyone in the group has been caught. They are probably scared.

[I think you are a dragon]: It's a pity that there is no gold medal list for answering questions in our world, but the group leader is too fierce. The gold medal list for answering questions that can connect various worlds is shrunk by the group leader.

[Do you want to dance too?]: It’s a pity that there will be less fun in the group from now on.

[I Can’t Fly]: The My World Question List has also disappeared. Damn it, I’m still waiting for it to ask questions about My World next time! !

[The richest man in the world]: @"I can't fly"? ? ? ? , you bought the history video of your world? ?

[I Can’t Fly]: Not yet. I’m vomiting. The video on the history of my world costs 4000 points, which is a bit expensive. I’ll wait until the questions about my world appear on the quiz list before I buy it.

[I can’t fly]: And there’s no need to buy it. I’ve been around since the beginning of the world. What big things in this world don’t I know? ?
[The richest man in the world]: Damn it! !I forgot that you have lived for so long! @「I CAN’T FLY」No, I bought them all, you have to buy them!
[The richest man in the world]: Hurry, hurry, hurry! !We just missed the gold medal for answering questions, but we were having fun to pass the time. Your world history video is just right!I just saw how big the gap between our two worlds is.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Seconded! !
[Apprentice Death]: Second suggestion +1!

[Ghost Slaying Expert]: Second suggestion +2!

[Do you want to dance too?]: Now there are only three people from all over the world in the group. We already know the world of "the richest man", and "big bones made into soup" has gone to who knows where, @ "I can't fly" It's time for a video of the history of your world, and let's look at the differences in the wider world.

Looking at the series of messages in the group.

Groudon couldn't defeat them, it really wanted to know its own world history video.

[I can’t fly]: OK, OK, I’ll buy it. Next time, remember to ask for the “Big Bone Soup” and buy it too.

------Ding!Group member "I Can't Fly" uploaded "Pokémon" and "Pokémon the Movie"————

[Gu Shen Saint Boy]: Well, I’m done here, thank you all.

[The richest man in the world]: Hi, are you welcome?

[Ghost-killing Expert]: Miss Chen Duo, just be okay.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: We are about to watch the "I Can't Fly" video about the history of the world. Chen Duo is watching it together, so we can hang out in the group more in the future.

Just then...

——————Welcome the new member "I'm still an egg" to join the Wanjie chat group————

Everyone was stunned. Is there a newcomer? ?
Just about to speak.

Another group prompt popped up.

————The Wanjie chat group is about to be upgraded. After 1 minute, all group members will be forced to log off————

——————The upgrade time is “one day” ——————

[Members of the crowd]:! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ?

The Wanjie chat group is going to be upgraded again! !

hiss! !

Everyone is looking forward to it.

The last upgrade added group tasks, and the points lottery pool was also optimized.



ps: The second volume is over, and the third volume will start tomorrow. In the past two days, I need to organize and optimize the details of the third volume. The update may be a little late, but don't worry, it will not be interrupted.

After the sorting is completed, a big update will be carried out.

(End of this chapter)

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