He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 97: Changes in the heavens, the main god’s space and the back-up plan for the gold medal lis

Chapter 97: Changes in the heavens, the main god’s space and the back-up plan for the gold medal list!
The world under one person…

Longhushan Mountains.

The company is accessible everywhere... Strangers from various sects in China stood at the highest point of the Longhu Tianshi Mansion, looking at the hilltop next to the Longhu Mountain Range.

All the aliens present are top-notch beings in the alien world.


The atmosphere was a little dead silent, everyone was dumbfounded and their eyes were wide open.

In their eyes, the mountains in the distance were flattened by some terrifying force.

Most of the mountain dissolved like soap, turning into red magma that continuously flowed, melting a large amount of material into glass-like crystals.

It's not like there was some kind of war.

No terrible battle broke out.

Very unremarkable…

Counting 10 minutes ago…

The leader of Quanxing, the fake Zhang Huaiyi, led all the senior officials of Quanxing to Longhu Mountain to completely eliminate Tianshi Mansion and kill Zhang Zhiwei.

Strong men from all sects came out in full force to completely exterminate Quan Xing.

An unprecedented alien war is about to begin.


Things started to develop in a weird direction.

Before the war broke out, Chen Duo, a temporary worker in South China, disappeared for a long time.

He flew down from the sky with two strangers.

One of them was in the sky and just waved his hand.

Everyone saw that the mountain peak where the Quanxing army was located disappeared silently from their eyes after the scenery was distorted for a while.

As the mountain top disappeared, most of the omnisexual monsters also disappeared without a trace, as if they were never there from the beginning.


Another man with a pineapple head transformed into a giant flaming bird.

The flame beam fell.

The blazing flames that enveloped most of the mountain and were inaccessible to humans illuminated the entire Longhu Mountain brightly.

Most of the mountain was directly dissolved into magma by the terrifying high-temperature flames.

But the strange thing is that such a terrifying high temperature does not affect other places at all.

Only the fierce and arrogant monster on this mountain was defeated by two moves and the entire army was annihilated.

As for Zhang Huaiyi, the culprit who caused all this?
Zhang Huaiyi is not even a match for Zhang Zhiwei.

Now he is lying at the feet of the two people, his life and death unknown.

"This...what kind of ability is this? A space-type energy technique?!"

"These two people have never had any impression of where Chen Duo came from..."


Stark curled his lips and kicked the fake Zhang Huaiyi at his feet.

"Is this the end? Isn't this too weak? Alas... I am indeed too strong!"

After turning Zhang Huaiyi's body over, there was no intact part of his body. He was burned out of shape and his limbs were all twisted.

Marco patted his chest with some fear: "Fortunately I kept my hand, otherwise I would have almost burned him to death."

If he disobeys the group leader's order, he will be finished!

He also kicked this 'Zhang Huaiyi' and secretly used what the group leader gave him in an exclusive red envelope.

A ray of light that even Marco and Stark couldn't detect merged into Zhang Huaiyi's mind.

Chen Duo on the side looked at Zhang Huaiyi on the ground...

The expression on her face was still calm and she looked very calm.

But at this time, she felt unbelievable about the scene in front of her, and all kinds of questions came to her mind.

Is it just... solved so easily?
It only took them less than ten seconds to eliminate all the organizations and leaders who had made all the aliens in China helpless!
Are these the members of the Wanjie chat group...

After a while, Zhang Huaiyi, who was seriously injured and unconscious, finally regained consciousness.

Feeling his broken body, his eyes were split and he was a little frightened.

why why! !

This is obviously a Middle Thousand World, why is there a power at the level of the Great Thousand World! ?
In an instant, a piece of news circulating in the main god's space came to mind.


The things circulated in the main god space are not without purpose.

There are really other forces targeting the Lord God Space and the Question Answering List.

A pair of extremely huge hands directly snatched away a world's answer gold list, and it had already spread in the main god space.

Gotta escape! !

Must escape!

Otherwise, there is no doubt that he will die.

He opened his task panel.

Main mission: Collect eight magical skills (completed).

Side mission: Kill Zhang Zhiwei (unfinished)

The main tasks have been completed.

Fortunately, the side mission is not a must-complete mission.


'Zhang Huaiyi' shouted.


His body turned into a golden light in an instant and flew into the question answering list.Only then did Stark react and yelled: "Fuck! This guy escaped!!!"

"Don't worry."

However, Marco said calmly: "The group leader originally asked us not to kill this person. Such a situation must be in his calculations, so just run away."

Hearing this, Stark also felt that it made sense.

Moreover, the group leader also gave Marco a mysterious red envelope, so he must have other plans.

【mission completed! 】

A prompt pops up on the chat group screen.

[The Gu Body Holy Boy of the group members is now safe, and the world invaders have been successfully expelled]

But at this time, in the chat group.

[Ghost Slayer Expert]: Hey! ?Everyone!There was a change in the gold medal list in my world. It turned into a piece of golden paper and flew away!

[Apprentice Death]: What?Did the gold medal for answering questions disappear? !

Before Marco and Stark could say anything.

Suddenly, the two of them noticed some unusual changes.


In the sky, the answer sheet containing 'Zhang Huaiyi' made a trembling sound.

The overwhelming scroll shrank rapidly, turned into a golden page, cut through the sky, and disappeared.

Stark quickly held the space gem and sensed it carefully.

"I can't sense that the gold medal list is in the space of this world. It seems to have left this world."

Marco was stunned for a while: "Is it true!? The ghost-slaying expert also said that the gold medallist in his world has flown away..."

Suddenly, the two of them were thoughtful.

Obviously, this can't be a coincidence.

I am afraid that not only the world of ghost-killing experts and Chen Duo, but also the gold medal lists of other worlds have disappeared.

This may be because the group leader personally took action and captured the top answerers in Natsuki Subaru's world, which frightened the other top answerers, so they ran away.

Stark guessed: "It is also possible that the previous invaders were killed, but this guy was allowed to run away this time, making the world where the world invaders are alert?"


The world of shadow assassins.

In front of the cold barber shop, Wu Liuqi and Ji Dabao were squatting at the door, looking at the unshown answer sheet in the sky, chatting casually.

"Dabao, tell me... what is the origin of those big hands?"

Ji Dabao said casually: "Such a powerful guy must be the god of that world."

Wu Liuqi: "Then does God exist in our world? It would be great if there were."

"The devil knows." Ji Dabao didn't care at all: "Even if there were, God wouldn't care about us passers-by."


Suddenly, the answer sheet in the sky burst into light.

"Quick... look!" Wu Liuqi shook Chicken Dabao: "Is the question-answering list about to start answering questions again?"

Then, the two people who were staring at the sky were suddenly confused.

The gold medal list for answering questions glowed and began to shrink in size.

Finally, it turned into a bright golden paper and disappeared from the sky in an instant.

All this happened in less than three seconds.

Wu Liuqi and Ji Dabao stared with big eyes.

The question-answering gold list... ran away? ?
Wu Liuqi blinked: "This feeling of running away feels so familiar. I remember we ran away like this when we were selling offal and being chased by law enforcement officers."


Pokémon world.

In the reverse world, Giratina, who was staring at the real world, was suddenly stunned.

In his perception, the gold medal list disappeared in an instant!
The same is true for the Marvel world where Stark lives. The gold medal list suddenly disappeared from the sky.


In fact,
It was exactly what Marco and the others had guessed.

All the top scorers in the Middle Thousand World and Small Thousand World were all evacuated from the world in an emergency.

A gold medal list for answering questions in some special worlds.

For example, the Marvel world and the Pokémon world.

These two special world's answer gold lists are hidden.


Ultra World, Blue Star.

Several hours have passed since he went to the Kingdom of Light to resolve the dispute.

Annan had already returned to the luxury hotel where he lived. Looking at the chat group, the corners of his mouth curved slightly.


Sure enough, the last time he took action, he aroused the vigilance of the main god space and recalled the gold medallists from each world.


This little experiment was successful.

The world invader Zhang Huaiyi was captured and returned to the main god space without being destroyed.



(End of this chapter)

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