He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 104 The true face of the group leader!Anchor the coordinates of all group members in the big

Chapter 104 The true face of the group leader!Anchoring the coordinates of all group members in the world! ([-]-in-[-])

Ultra World, Blue Star.

After leaving the matter of the Lord of the Rings civilization to Kalafar, Annan ignored it.

After all, the Three-body Great Thousand World is only at the middle and lower reaches of the entire Great Thousand World.

And the current Ultra Thousand World, strictly speaking, has surpassed the level of the Great Thousand World and has begun to impact on the supreme world above the Great Thousand World.

Judging from Kalafar's current level of strength, the Lord of the Rings civilization, a mere technological civilization in the vast world, is nothing more than a slightly more powerful ant.

If he can't even handle a civilization in the middle and lower reaches of the world, then he is not worthy of becoming his own god.

Putting the Lord of the Rings civilization thing behind him, Annan began to check the changes in the Ten Thousand Realms chat group after the upgrade.

First of all...

The red envelope function that was originally only available to you can now also be used by ordinary group members.

The second one is that there is an extra world arena for mutual competition and comparison.

If there is any conflict between group members, it can be resolved through this function.

At the same time, you can also use this arena to test your own strength.

However, these functions are very useful for group members, but they are not important to me...

In addition to these two, after the upgrade, its most important function...

It’s the current Ten Thousand Realms chat group that can actually directly anchor the coordinates of group members!
Although they all chatted in the chat group before, they were in an anonymous chat state, and their IP addresses were unknown.

If Annan wants to get the coordinates of their world, he must collect the world atmosphere of that world.

But now, after the Wanjie chat group has been upgraded.

The IP addresses of the group members are no longer unknown, and the coordinates of the world can be captured by the Wanjie chat group.


There are also limitations. You want to know the address coordinates of the other party.

The group member must be a child of luck in 'that world'.

After understanding, Annan nodded slightly, this was enough.

One of the few members of the group - the world's richest man, Tony Stark.

He is one of the children of destiny in the Marvel world. In this way, it is equivalent to knowing the coordinates of a vast world.

Now I already know the coordinates of the two worlds of Trisolaris and Marvel World.

The remaining two worlds are the Devouring Star World and the Pokémon World.

Although neither the Golden Horned Behemoth nor Groudon is the son of luck among them.

But it doesn't matter!

The child of destiny is not constant and can be changed through certain means.

After reading the upgraded contents of the chat group, Annan nodded with satisfaction.

This upgrade can be said to be of great help to him.

However, he did not leave the group chat directly, but took a look at the ring battle between Marco and the golden-horned beast.

As expected, Marco was instantly killed by the golden-horned beast without any suspense, and he couldn't even resist.

The gap between the creatures in the small world and the big world is really too big.

What's more, the golden-horned giant beast is not a good opponent, which widens the gap between the two.

However, just when Annan was about to exit the chat group, his expression was slightly stunned.

The golden-horned giant beast actually wants to challenge himself?
interesting!It’s really interesting! !
The corners of Annan's mouth curved. This was the first time such a prick appeared in the group.


In the Wanjie chat group.

After the golden-horned giant beast declared that it would challenge the leader of the group, the Light of All Things, the messages on the screen never stopped.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: What a arrogant newcomer, you are dead!

[Apprentice Death God]: You are such a foolish guy who dares to challenge the group leader.

[The richest man in the world]: The market is open!I bet this guy can last for about ten thousandths of a second. Is there anyone who wants to bet?

Looking at the various messages in the group, the golden-horned giant beast felt very disdainful and snorted, but did not send a message to refute.

In his opinion, these guys are just ants of a lower civilization.

Do you care about an ant’s nagging and belittling?

The [Light of All Things] leading these ants is probably not much stronger.

At most, he can only hold on to a few moves under his own hands.

After a battle with Marco, the golden-horned beast believed that he had completely seen through the strength level of these people.

No need to worry at all!
[I can’t fly]: However, the group leader may not accept it, right?
[Do you want to dance too?]: Indeed, the group leader has a lot of things to do every day. He is probably trying to grab the gold medal for answering questions. How can he pay attention to such a small person.

[Apprentice Death]: Oh, can’t you see the group leader beating up this arrogant guy?

Seeing this, the golden-horned giant beast couldn't help but frown.

Indeed, if the other party really doesn't accept the challenge, there seems to be nothing he can do against him.

In this arena, both parties must agree to fight.

I'm afraid that I can only wait until it hatches before going to kill the opponent's galaxy.

at this time……

[Light of All Things]: Okay, then let me transform myself into a ray of energy and play with you for a while.

----Ding!The respected and great group leader "Light of All Things" enters the Arena of All Realms————

[Apprentice Death]:! ! !

【Do you want to dance too】:! ! ! !
[The richest man in the world]: I am super!The group leader accepted it! !
[Ghost-killing Expert]: Could it be that this time, we can see the heroism of the group leader? !

[I can’t fly]: I’m going!Big news, don’t miss this!
In an instant, all the group members who saw the chat group message quickly came to the viewing seats of the Ten Thousand Realms Arena.

The golden-horned giant beast also came to the ring happily, and at the same time broke out of its shell, looking around at the figure of the light of all things.

Very good, he can get the approval of the Immortal Treasure in advance!

Um?As for people, they won’t run away, right?

Suddenly, for no reason.

The golden-horned beast shuddered all over and subconsciously raised its lion-like head.

In an instant, its dark golden pupils shrank violently, and its body continued to tremble.

On the other side of the ring, under the boundless starry sky.

A figure more majestic than a god and more dazzling than a supernova appeared in this space.

In an instant, an endless source of power gushes out, clearly a virtual space created by the chat group.

But at this moment, this space began to tremble due to the appearance of this terrifying figure.

Strong vibrations continued to come from all directions in the space.

The brilliance of the entire starry sky was like a meteor shower at this moment, falling from behind this figure that could not be seen directly, as if it was ashamed that it was at the same height as it.However, rather than saying that they were unable to look directly, it was better to say that they were unable to clearly see the appearance of this figure.

It's like distorting time and space. Even if your eyes are locked on its position, the scene you see is completely distorted, and you can't see the specific appearance at all.

There is only a rough outline that allows everyone to identify its location.

Do not……

In fact, they didn't know that they had seen Annan's specific appearance.

However, because their strength level is too low.

The brain cannot remember his specific appearance at all, it can only actively forget it.

If they want to forcefully remember it, they may be directly shocked into idiots and lunatics by the huge amount of information contained in Annan's incarnation.

Looking in front of him, countless laws condensed into a sky-reaching avenue and were stepped on by this figure.

The golden-horned giant beast, which was completely stunned and extremely frightened, kept retreating, its limbs were trembling, and it was about to kneel on the ground.

My scalp is numb!fear!
Even those who are powerful at the realm lord level have only practiced the lower laws to a certain extent.

Immortal-level existences only perfectly master one lower-level law.

But the figure in front of it... was simply beyond its imagination!
Billions of laws are actively crawling at his feet and are perfectly mastered.

It seems as if all laws and powers originate from him and are created by him!
This... what level of existence is this! ! !

The golden-horned giant beast trembled all over, its limbs became weak and fell to its knees.

The memory of the last second left in the ring is a pair of unprecedented terrifying palms falling from the sky.

The entire starry sky and virtual space erupted with a huge roar, and then... the Ten Thousand Realms Arena shattered into pieces.

When its consciousness returned again, it found that it had returned to the chat group.

After the wonderful silence lasted for several minutes...

[The richest man in the world]: Damn it! ! !The group leader is so awesome!

[I think you are a dragon]: And...and this is just a ray of energy clone of the group leader...I...I split...

[Apprentice Death]: Although the last time the group leader made a move and was banned from the quizzes, it was live broadcast, but watching it live, it felt even more terrifying!

[I can’t fly]: This, this... my law of the earth is actually under the feet of the group leader!And...compared with the group leader's law of the earth, my law is simply a small stream, and the group leader's law of the earth is the vast Milky Way! !
[Ghost Slaying Expert]: Thanks to "I'm still an egg" for letting us see the group leader take action!

[Do you want to dance too?]: Why @I am still an egg, aren’t you very arrogant as a newcomer?Are you stupid? Are you confused?
[I Can’t Fly]: Now that the group leaders have taken action, come on, arrogant newcomer, let me fight with you!
————Group member "I Can't Fly" launched the Ten Thousand Realms Arena! ————


Devour the starry sky world.

Because of the group leader’s terrifying blow.

Until now, the golden-horned giant beast's brain was still shutting down, and its entire egg was shaking uncontrollably.

There is such a strong person in the world! ! ?
Before it could think about it, a confirmation message for the Ten Thousand Realms Arena suddenly popped up.

Drowsily, the golden-horned beast subconsciously clicked OK and accepted the challenge.


When its consciousness returned to the Ten Thousand Realms Arena, it suddenly came back to its senses.

Subconsciously, it retreated in horror and looked at its opponent in fear.

When it saw its opponent clearly, it breathed a sigh of relief.

Standing on the ring is a red, mountain-like existence.

The orange pupils were staring at it with a look of extreme disdain.

The golden-horned giant beast remembered that this guy was the same beast tribe as him before.

Remember the name is...I can't fly?
However, the next second, its pupils shrank sharply again.

and many more!

Why does the power of law exist in this guy's body? ?
And what it possesses is not an inferior law, but a superior law - the law of the earth!
I saw the huge red beast stamping its feet on the ground.

Boom! ! !

In an instant, the golden-horned behemoth felt as if its body was bearing the weight of an entire planet and was pressed to the ground, almost unable to move.

Before it could resist, the other party stamped its feet again.

Boom boom boom! ! !
Red hot magma spewed out like a volcano, breaking through the power of the terrifying laws of the sky, and a flaming mountain blade emerged from the ground.


Boom! !
In an instant, the body of the golden-horned giant beast was torn apart by an unbelievably powerful force, and the terrifying temperature evaporated its body into nothingness.

The next second... its consciousness returned to the chat group again, and it was sluggish for a while.

I... was killed instantly again?
And was he killed instantly by an orc with the power of law? !
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Cool! ! !I can't fly Well done!
[I can’t fly]: How about it?Are you going to accept me as your subordinate and give me the blood of the starry sky beast?Don’t even look at how much you weigh!

[I am still an egg]:...

[I am still an egg]: What the hell is going on with you guys! ?
At this moment, the golden-horned giant beast completely woke up.

These guys are definitely not creatures of a lower civilization!

Whose low-level civilization can produce a strong person who has the power of law? ? ?

[The richest man in the world]: Humph, haven’t we already said that everyone here comes from different worlds!
[I am still an egg]:...

After a few minutes, the golden-horned giant beast finally figured everything out.

It turns out that these people did not misunderstand their own environment.

On the contrary, the person who doesn't figure it out is itself.

The chat group of all realms is not an immortal treasure.

All the members in this chat group are indeed creatures from different worlds.

Some are strong, some are weak, some are male and some are female, and there are other strange and weird life forms.

The golden-horned giant beast was in a trance, and the knowledge and worldview that had been passed down in its blood were shattered to pieces at this moment.

Outside of this world, it turns out that there really are other different worlds.

The Small Thousand World, the Middle Thousand World, and the Great Thousand World.

Different worlds have completely different power levels.

The world you live in is a vast world.

The "I can't fly" who killed him instantly was not an orc, but a god from the vast world. He was born with the power to control laws and created the existence of the earth!
[I'm still an egg]: So... what about those... group leaders?

[The richest man in the world]: Are you the group leader?Nothing...just a creator god of the universe. He created a universe.

【I am still an egg】: (⊙o⊙), (O_O)?, (O_o)??, o_O||, Σ(oдo)

Ultra World, Blue Star.

Shortly after the problem of the golden-horned giant beast was solved, Kalafar's voice was transmitted from the void to Annan's mind.

"Father God, the civilization of the Lord of the Rings has surrendered."


(End of this chapter)

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