He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 105: Flesh and flesh are weak, deus ex machina!Transform all employees from the virtual worl

Chapter 105: Flesh and flesh are weak, deus ex machina!Transform all employees from the virtual world to the real world!
Hearing Kalafar's words in his mind, Annan nodded expressionlessly.

A mere Lord of the Rings civilization itself is dispensable. To conquer it, you only need a "leading party" and a "world traitor" to go to the three-body world.

After all, the difficulty of conquering the big world is not at the same level as conquering the thousands of small worlds in the past!
If you want to transform the vast world into a subordinate world, you cannot directly and crudely forcefully transform their world origins and put your own brand on them to become a subordinate world.

The reason is simple, because there is a world will.

Every Great Thousand World has basically given birth to its own world will, or Dao consciousness, which is also the ultimate evolutionary form of the small breaking ball.

Explain it in layman’s terms…

World consciousness is the center of the world, and it is also the firewall and anti-virus software of the world itself.

Once it recognizes a creature that does not belong to its own world's rule system, it will use the power of the entire world to target it and directly obliterate it.

If beings from other worlds invade the universe, the enemy they will face at that time will be the entire world!

Even if Kalafar brought Zaki, Ultra Cubs and other powerful creatures to the Trisolaran World.

The probability of being wiped out by the world is as high as [-]%!

At that time, the only one who is likely to survive is Kalafar.

After all, this is using one's own power to fight against the will of the world and the laws of the great world.

What's more, it's still on someone else's home court.

The existence of other worlds itself will be affected and weakened to a certain extent due to different world rules.

Not to mention rashly starting a war, that would undoubtedly lead to death!

Although Annan himself can come directly to the three-body world without any harm, without fear of the existence of the will of the world.

If so, there is only one outcome.

The world will of the Three-Body World will never be willing to surrender to Annan's hands.

Even if there is a difference in strength, everyone is from the same world and has the same rank.

Whether for self-esteem or for the sake of the world itself, Trisolaris has a 90.00% chance of choosing to die together.

Then, Annan destroyed the whole world.

Such a result would have no meaning either to him or to the Trisolaran World.

After all, what he wants is to turn the Trisolaran world into his own 'subordinate world', not a broken world.

This is also why...

The 'Lord God World' at the same level as Annan, when invading the world, can only choose to let the world invaders invade the world through the ten-month pregnancy of the 'birth mother' and steal the origin of the world, rather than invade head-on.

First: Creatures that are not native to this world will be obliterated and excluded by the world.

Second: Although the main god world and Annan are on the same level, the will of the world is no match.

But similarly, the world of the Lord God is dealing with the will of the world.

Once the other party chooses to die together, they will also fall into a thankless situation and gain nothing.

The Lord God's World will naturally choose a roundabout way, secretly crossing the cabin, seizing the opportunity of the original world's "Child of Destiny", gaining more of the origin of the world, and then feeding back to the Lord God's World.


Therefore, Annan must have a 'leading party' that can move freely in the Trisolaran world.

It just so happened that this problem was solved by the invading Lord of the Rings civilization.

Just let the Lord of the Rings civilization return to the Trisolaran world and support its power in secret.

Finally, let it dominate the entire Trisolaran world and plunder the fortunes of other civilizations.

When the Lord of the Rings civilization becomes the strongest civilization in the Trisolaran world, it can seize the power of the entire world and become the master of the world.

By then, the Lord of the Rings civilization, which holds the vast majority of fortunes, will naturally become the center of the world.

As long as they choose to rebel and throw themselves into the embrace of the Ultra World.

At that time, Annan can easily turn the Trisolaran world into his own subordinate world.

But soon, he fell into deep thought.

The only problem with this plan is that the Lord of the Rings civilization is only a middle-to-lower level civilization among the many four-dimensional civilizations in the Trisolaran world.

If they start a war with other advanced civilizations, they will not be their opponents at all.

If you want to carry out the plan smoothly, you must strengthen the overall strength of the Lord of the Rings civilization.

But then, another problem came one after another.

Although the individual strength of the Ultra World is extraordinary, powerful life forms can destroy stars with just one hand.

But the level of science and technology is not worthy of carrying shoes for the three-body world...

He is not a being who made his fortune from science and technology. He can only have a vague understanding of the system of scientific and technological civilization, but is far from the level of science and technology in the Trisolaran world.

In the power system of the Ultra World, where personal strength is paramount, a 'four-dimensional' technological system similar to that of the Trisolaran World cannot be born.

Even though the Ultra World has existed longer than the Three-Body World.

But even if countless years pass, the Ultra World will not be able to give birth to a technological system like the Trisolaran World.

This is determined by the underlying laws of the world itself.

Just like birds will not evolve in sea water, marine civilization will not be born on land, and carbon-based organisms will not appear on an oxygen-free planet.

In the Trisolaran world, there will never be a cultivation system in which one can become a god through personal power, nor will there be a being who can cross the void with a physical body.

This is all because the underlying laws of the world have different focuses.

However, if the three-body world becomes one's subordinate world.

Its own world laws will also be integrated into the Ultra world.

By that time, the Ultra World will be able to appear, a science fiction system like the technological civilization in the Trisolaran World.

So, what kind of cultivation system combined with scientific and technological civilization can create a fierce spark and rapidly increase the strength level of the Lord of the Rings civilization?
Annan couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

The system of Ultra World?No, it doesn't work with them, and it can't bring out the technological system of the 'Lord of the Rings Civilization'.

Moreover, their constitution is not suitable for embracing darkness or light.

The system chosen must complement their existing 'technology' system.

Is it possible that we have to take the path of "blood and flesh suffer, and machines ascend"?

No, it's too deformed.

Forget it... don't think about this right now.

Now, the coordinates of all the Small Thousand Worlds and Middle Thousand Worlds in the group have been anchored.

First transform them into your own subordinate world and let your power improve again.

The ones that have not yet been transformed into subordinate worlds are: Digimon World, the World Under One Man, and the Demon Slayer World.


The World of Ghost Slayer.

Next to the butterfly house responsible for cultivation, in an inconspicuous grove.

Kamado Tanjiro was carrying his sister on his back, excitedly looking at a fruit as white as snowflakes in his hand - the natural devil fruit, the Snow Fruit!
This fruit was the red envelope Marco sent him.

Tanjiro only spent a thousand points to turn it into a 'native item' that complied with the rules of the world and could be used by himself.

Just eat this fruit and master the ability.

Soon, he will be able to kill all the ghosts!

Wuhan, please wash my neck and wait!

But right now.

boom! ! !
A huge roar sounded from all directions in the world at the same time.

In an instant, the world changed dramatically.

The clouds changed color, and there was a faint golden light visible to the naked eye.Tanjiro raised his head sluggishly, looking at the energy particles shining with various lights in the air like gems.

In the Demon Slayer World where Tanjiro originally lived, energy particles were extremely rare, or even non-existent.

If it weren't for the appearance of ghosts, it stimulated the development of the world and gave birth to many breathing methods.

This world will most likely develop into an ordinary modern society.

But now, Annan has turned it into a subordinate world.

The concentration of energy particles in the world itself has undergone earth-shaking changes in an instant.

Energy particles that were originally invisible to the naked eye appeared in front of all humans and ghosts who had mastered the breathing method at this moment.

The whole world is cheering and excited!
Tanjiro clearly saw countless energy particles emerging in the air, scrambling to enter his body.

In just a moment, his strength has undergone earth-shaking changes!

Soon, the light of energy particles disappeared.

Tanjiro and Yadouzi looked at their bodies in amazement.

This... what's going on! ?
at the same time…

Digimon world...

Group member ID "I think you are a dragon", the most special fighting greymon in the digital world, also known as God of WarGreymon.

At this time, it was looking up at the sky.

It was keenly aware that the world seemed to be beginning to undergo some changes.

Buzz! ! !
In an instant, above the sky, brilliant and colorful light enveloped the heights of the entire world.

Like stars, energy particles falling towards the world are constantly pouring into this world.

An unprecedented change began to appear on Digimon, every plant, every tree, and all matter.

all the time.

The digital world is just a data world that relies on human networks and is not a real existence.

It's not even a small thousand world. Digimon... plants... the earth... the sky... the ocean... are all data and do not exist in reality.

But starting from this moment, BattleGreymon made a shocking discovery.

As those inexplicable energies appeared, my data body began to disappear bit by bit.

Along with the disappearance, an unprecedented strange substance replaced the original body.

Not only that……

The sky, the earth, the ocean, the trees, other Digimon, and everything else in this world.

From now on, everything has changed dramatically.

The world that was once composed of illusory data has become more vivid and real.

BattleGreymon trembled and clenched its claws, feeling its new body.

This, this is human flesh and blood! ?

Not only fighting Greymon, but also other strong men in the Digimon world.

The gods who manage the digital world, such as World Tree, Constancy, and Dili Demon, feel more changes at this moment that are even more difficult to understand and unbelievable!
"This world of data actually has entities!?"

The World Tree constantly collects the changes that have occurred in various parts of the world, but the more it collects, the more unbelievable it becomes, and the main brain used for thinking is almost shut down.

With the emergence of these energies, the data of the entire Digimon world has been replaced with corresponding physical substances.

Now, even it itself has become a physical existence.

But...how is it done? ? ?
On the other side, Constancy looked in a certain direction of the world with deep shock.

It can vaguely see that outside the world, there seems to be a supreme figure that cannot be seen directly.

As the supreme being that maintains the balance of the digital world, at this moment, there is fear and confusion in its heart just like humans.

"That existence, who is he..."


It is no coincidence.

The world under one person where Chen Duo lives has also undergone similar changes to these two worlds.

In the Wanjie chat group.

[Ghost Slayer Expert]: Everyone!Something bad is happening!There have been some big changes in my world. Isn’t it the question-answering list that is causing trouble? ?Suddenly, inexplicable energy poured into my body. Not only the members of the Demon Slayer Squad, but also the strength of those 'ghosts' increased significantly.

[Gu Body Holy Child]: My world is also... It feels so strange... The Gu worms in my body have all transformed and evolved.

[BattleGreymon]: Plus one!The digital world I live in, for some reason, has changed from the world of data to the real world! !We are no longer digitized living beings, but flesh and blood, and each one is a unique existence.

[The richest man in the world]: Huh?Our world has not changed. Our world once had a gold medal list.

[I can’t fly]: Me too. So, shouldn’t it be a question on the gold medal list?
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Tell us more about the changes, maybe we can answer them?
[Ghost Slayer Expert]: Let me go first. I found that many powerful particles appeared in the air, which seemed to be some kind of energy. After it entered my body, I suddenly became stronger!

[Gu Shen Saint Boy]: Me too... almost.It's just that I didn't see the particles, I just felt something pouring into my body, and then it became stronger.The world has become a little different.

Seeing what these two people said, Marco, Kurosaki Ichigo and others were suddenly stunned.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: This situation seems familiar to me...

[Apprentice Death]: Me too.

[Do you want to dance too?]: Hmm... How do I feel that this description, except for "I think you are a dragon", is almost the same as when our world became a world subordinate to the group leader.

[Light of All Things]: Yes, the world where the three of them live has now become my subordinate world.

【BattleGreymon】:! ! ?

[Ghost Slayer Expert]: Subordinate world! ! !

[Gu Body Saint Boy]: ...So, that’s it.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: That’s normal... Welcome, there are three more worlds in the big family! !
[Do you want to dance too?]: Welcome, welcome.

[Apprentice Shinigami]: Come and transfer to the world when you have time.

In addition to the members of the subordinate world, Tony Stark and Groudon instantly became jealous.

[The richest man in the world]: Group leader, look at me, look at me! !What about my world?
[I can’t fly]: Ahem!Lord group leader, there is still my world.

[Light of All Things]: No need to rush, just when the time is right.


After Annan's consciousness exited the group chat...

He realized that his strength had increased significantly.

He has finally finished what he is doing and can continue to consider what kind of training system he should give to the Lord of the Rings civilization.

But the sudden appearance of the chat group prompt interrupted his thoughts.

[Dear group leader, the presence of a new person has been detected. Do you want to invite him to join the Wanjie chat group? 】

Annan's face was slightly startled, a new person appeared so soon?
Is it because of the impact of the upgrade of the Wanjie chat group?

With a sudden thought, he began to check the basic information of the newcomer.

Immediately, Annan's expression became strange.

He knew what kind of training system he would give to the Lord of the Rings civilization.

————Congratulations to the new group member "Wrowning and running super fast" for joining the Wanjie chat group————



(two in one)

(End of this chapter)

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